
| Total: 70

#1 Theseus: an Experiment in Operating System Structure and State Management [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kevin Boos ; Namitha Liyanage ; Ramla Ijaz ; Lin Zhong

This paper describes an operating system (OS) called Theseus. Theseus is the result of multi-year experimentation to redesign and improve OS modularity by reducing the states one component holds for another, and to leverage a safe programming language, namely Rust, to shift as many OS responsibilities as possible to the compiler. Theseus embodies two primary contributions. First, an OS structure in which many tiny components with clearly-defined, runtime-persistent bounds interact without holding states for each other. Second, an intralingual approach that realizes the OS itself using language-level mechanisms such that the compiler can enforce invariants about OS semantics. Theseus’s structure, intralingual design, and state management realize live evolution and fault recovery for core OS components in ways beyond that of existing works.

#2 RedLeaf: Isolation and Communication in a Safe Operating System [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Vikram Narayanan ; Tianjiao Huang ; David Detweiler ; Dan Appel ; Zhaofeng Li ; Gerd Zellweger ; Anton Burtsev

RedLeaf is a new operating system developed from scratch in Rust to explore the impact of language safety on operating system organization. In contrast to commodity systems, RedLeaf does not rely on hardware address spaces for isolation and instead uses only type and memory safety of the Rust language. Departure from costly hardware isolation mechanisms allows us to explore the design space of systems that embrace lightweight fine-grained isolation. We develop a new abstraction of a lightweight language-based isolation domain that provides a unit of information hiding and fault isolation. Domains can be dynamically loaded and cleanly terminated, i.e., errors in one domain do not affect the execution of other domains. Building on RedLeaf isolation mechanisms, we demonstrate the possibility to implement end-to-end zero-copy, fault isolation, and transparent recovery of device drivers. To evaluate the practicality of RedLeaf abstractions, we implement Rv6, a POSIX-subset operating system as a collection of RedLeaf domains. Finally, to demonstrate that Rust and fine-grained isolation are practical—we develop efficient versions of a 10Gbps Intel ixgbe network and NVMe solid-state disk device drivers that match the performance of the fastest DPDK and SPDK equivalents.

#3 Specification and verification in the field: Applying formal methods to BPF just-in-time compilers in the Linux kernel [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Luke Nelson ; Jacob Van Geffen ; Emina Torlak ; Xi Wang

This paper describes our experience applying formal methods to a critical component in the Linux kernel, the just-in-time compilers ("JITs") for the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) virtual machine. We verify these JITs using Jitterbug, the first framework to provide a precise specification of JIT correctness that is capable of ruling out real-world bugs, and an automated proof strategy that scales to practical implementations. Using Jitterbug, we have designed, implemented, and verified a new BPF JIT for 32-bit RISC-V, found and fixed 16 previously unknown bugs in five other deployed JITs, and developed new JIT optimizations; all of these changes have been upstreamed to the Linux kernel. The results show that it is possible to build a verified component within a large, unverified system with careful design of specification and proof strategy.

#4 Cobra: Making Transactional Key-Value Stores Verifiably Serializable [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Cheng Tan ; Changgeng Zhao ; Shuai Mu ; Michael Walfish

Today’s cloud databases offer strong properties, including serializability, sometimes called the gold standard database correctness property. But cloud databases are complicated black boxes, running in a different administrative domain from their clients. Thus, clients might like to know whether the databases are meeting their contract. To that end, we introduce cobra; cobra applies to transactional key-value stores. It is the first system that combines (a) black-box checking, of (b) serializability, while (c) scaling to real-world online transactional processing workloads. The core technical challenge is that the underlying search problem is computationally expensive. Cobra tames that problem by starting with a suitable SMT solver. Cobra then introduces several new techniques, including a new encoding of the validity condition; hardware acceleration to prune inputs to the solver; and a transaction segmentation mechanism that enables scaling and garbage collection. Cobra imposes modest overhead on clients, improves over baselines by 10x in verification cost, and (unlike the baselines) supports continuous verification. Our artifact can handle 2000 transactions/sec, equivalent to 170M/day.

#5 Determinizing Crash Behavior with a Verified Snapshot-Consistent Flash Translation Layer [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yun-Sheng Chang ; Yao Hsiao ; Tzu-Chi Lin ; Che-Wei Tsao ; Chun-Feng Wu ; Yuan-Hao Chang ; Hsiang-Shang Ko ; Yu-Fang Chen

This paper introduces the design of a snapshot-consistent flash translation layer (SCFTL) for flash disks, which has a stronger guarantee about the possible behavior after a crash than conventional designs. More specifically, the flush operation of SCFTL also has the functionality of making a “disk snapshot.” When a crash occurs, the flash disk is guaranteed to recover to the state right before the last flush. The major benefit of SCFTL is that it allows a more efficient design of upper layers in the storage stack. For example, the file system built on SCFTL does not require the use of a journal for crash recovery. Instead, it only needs to perform a flush operation of SCFTL at the end of each atomic transaction. We use a combination of a proof assistant, a symbolic executor, and an SMT solver, to formally verify the correctness of our SCFTL implementation. We modify the xv6 file system to support group commit and utilize SCFTL’s stronger crash guarantee. Our evaluation using file system benchmarks shows that the modified xv6 on SCFTL is 3 to 30 times faster than xv6 with logging on conventional FTLs, and is in the worst case only two times slower than the state-of-the-art setting: the ext4 file system on the Physical Block Device (pblk) FTL.

#6 Storage Systems are Distributed Systems (So Verify Them That Way!) [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Travis Hance ; Andrea Lattuada ; Chris Hawblitzel ; Jon Howell ; Rob Johnson ; Bryan Parno

To verify distributed systems, prior work introduced a methodology for verifying both the code running on individual machines and the correctness of the overall system when those machines interact via an asynchronous distributed environment. The methodology requires neither domain-specific logic nor tooling. However, distributed systems are only one instance of the more general phenomenon of systems code that interacts with an asynchronous environment. We argue that the software of a storage system can (and should!) be viewed similarly. We evaluate this approach in VeriSafeKV, a key-value store based on a state-of-the-art B^ε-tree. In building VeriSafeKV, we introduce new techniques to scale automated verification to larger code bases, still without introducing domain-specific logic or tooling. In particular, we show a discipline that keeps the automated verification development cycle responsive. We also combine linear types with dynamic frames to relieve the programmer from most heap-reasoning obligations while enabling them to break out of the linear type system when needed. VeriSafeKV exhibits similar query performance to unverified databases. Its insertion performance is 15× faster than unverified BerkeleyDB and 6× slower than RocksDB.

#7 Fast RDMA-based Ordered Key-Value Store using Remote Learned Cache [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xingda Wei ; Rong Chen ; Haibo Chen

RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) has gained considerable interests in network-attached in-memory key-value stores. However, traversing the remote tree-based index in ordered stores with RDMA becomes a critical obstacle, causing an order-of-magnitude slowdown and limited scalability due to multiple roundtrips. Using index cache with conventional wisdom—caching partial data and traversing them locally—usually leads to limited effect because of unavoidable capacity misses, massive random accesses, and costly cache invalidations. We argue that the machine learning (ML) model is a perfect cache structure for the tree-based index, termed learned cache. Based on it, we design and implement XSTORE, an RDMA-based ordered key-value store with a new hybrid architecture that retains a tree-based index at the server to perform dynamic workloads (e.g., inserts) and leverages a learned cache at the client to perform static workloads (e.g., gets and scans). The key idea is to decouple ML model retraining from index updating by maintaining a layer of indirection from logical to actual positions of key-value pairs. It allows a stale learned cache to continue predicting a correct position for a lookup key. XSTORE ensures correctness using a validation mechanism with a fallback path and further uses speculative execution to minimize the cost of cache misses. Evaluations with YCSB benchmarks and production workloads show that a single XSTORE server can achieve over 80 million read-only requests per second. This number outperforms state-of-the-art RDMA-based ordered key-value stores (namely, DrTM-Tree, Cell, and eRPC+Masstree) by up to 5.9× (from 3.7×). For workloads with inserts, XSTORE still provides up to 3.5× (from 2.7×) throughput speedup, achieving 53M reqs/s. The learned cache can also reduces client-side memory usage and further provides an efficient memory-performance tradeoff, e.g., saving 99% memory at the cost of 20% peak throughput.

#8 CrossFS: A Cross-layered Direct-Access File System [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yujie Ren ; Changwoo Min ; Sudarsun Kannan

We design CrossFS, a cross-layered direct-access file system disaggregated across user-level, firmware, and kernel layers for scaling I/O performance and improving concurrency. CrossFS is designed to exploit host- and device-level compute capabilities. For concurrency with or without data sharing across threads and processes, CrossFS introduces a file descriptor-based concurrency control that maps each file descriptor to one hardware-level I/O queue. This design allows CrossFS’s firmware component to process disjoint access across file descriptors concurrently. CrossFS delegates concurrency control to powerful host-CPUs, which convert the file descriptor synchronization problem into an I/O queue request ordering problem. To guarantee crash consistency in the cross-layered design, CrossFS exploits byte-addressable nonvolatile memory for I/O queue persistence and designs a lightweight firmware-level journaling mechanism. Finally, CrossFS designs a firmware-level I/O scheduler for efficient dispatch of file descriptor requests. Evaluation of emulated CrossFS on storage-class memory shows up to 4.87X concurrent access gains for benchmarks and 2.32X gains for real-world applications over the state-of-the-art kernel, user-level, and firmware file systems.

#9 From WiscKey to Bourbon: A Learned Index for Log-Structured Merge Trees [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yifan Dai ; Yien Xu ; Aishwarya Ganesan ; Ramnatthan Alagappan ; Brian Kroth ; Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau ; Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau

We introduce BOURBON, a log-structured merge (LSM) tree that utilizes machine learning to provide fast lookups. We base the design and implementation of BOURBON on empirically-grounded principles that we derive through careful analysis of LSM design. BOURBON employs greedy piecewise linear regression to learn key distributions, enabling fast lookup with minimal computation, and applies a cost-benefit strategy to decide when learning will be worthwhile. Through a series of experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, we show that BOURBON improves lookup performance by 1.23x-1.78x as compared to state-of-the-art production LSMs.

#10 LinnOS: Predictability on Unpredictable Flash Storage with a Light Neural Network [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Mingzhe Hao ; Levent Toksoz ; Nanqinqin Li ; Edward Edberg Halim ; Henry Hoffmann ; Haryadi S. Gunawi

This paper presents LinnOS, an operating system that leverages a light neural network for inferring SSD performance at a very fine — per-IO — granularity and helps parallel storage applications achieve performance predictability. LinnOS supports black-box devices and real production traces without requiring any extra input from users, while outperforming industrial mechanisms and other approaches. Our evaluation shows that, compared to hedging and heuristic-based methods, LinnOS improves the average I/O latencies by 9.6-79.6% with 87-97% inference accuracy and 4-6μs inference overhead for each I/O, demonstrating that it is possible to incorporate machine learning inside operating systems for real-time decision-making.

#11 A large scale analysis of hundreds of in-memory cache clusters at Twitter [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Juncheng Yang ; Yao Yue ; K. V. Rashmi

Modern web services use in-memory caching extensively to increase throughput and reduce latency. There have been several workload analyses of production systems that have fueled research in improving the effectiveness of in-memory caching systems. However, the coverage is still sparse considering the wide spectrum of industrial cache use cases. In this work, we significantly further the understanding of real-world cache workloads by collecting production traces from 153 in-memory cache clusters at Twitter, sifting through over 80 TB of data, and sometimes interpreting the workloads in the context of the business logic behind them. We perform a comprehensive analysis to characterize cache workloads based on traffic pattern, time-to-live (TTL), popularity distribution, and size distribution. A fine-grained view of different workloads uncover the diversity of use cases: many are far more write-heavy or more skewed than previously shown and some display unique temporal patterns. We also observe that TTL is an important and sometimes defining parameter of cache working sets. Our simulations show that ideal replacement strategy in production caches can be surprising, for example, FIFO works the best for a large number of workloads.

#12 Generalized Sub-Query Fusion for Eliminating Redundant I/O from Big-Data Queries [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Partho Sarthi ; Kaushik Rajan ; Akash Lal ; Abhishek Modi ; Prakhar Jain ; Mo Liu ; Ashit Gosalia ; Saurabh Kalikar

SQL is the de-facto language for big-data analytics. Despite the cost of distributed SQL execution being dominated by disk and network I/O, we find that state-of-the-art optimizers produce plans that are not I/O optimal. For a significant fraction of queries (25% of popular benchmarks like TPCDS), a large amount of data is shuffled redundantly between different pairs of stages. The fundamental reason for this limitation is that optimizers do not have the right set of primitives to perform reasoning at the map-reduce level that can potentially identify and eliminate the redundant I/O. This paper proposes RESIN an optimizer extension that adds first-class support for map-reduce reasoning. RESIN uses a novel technique called Generalized Sub-Query Fusion that identifies sub-queries computing on overlapping data, and fuses them into the same map-reduce stages. The analysis is general; it does not require that the sub-queries be syntactically the same, nor are they required to produce the same output. Sub-query fusion allows RESIN to sometimes also eliminate expensive binary operations like Joins and Unions altogether for further gains. We have integrated RESIN into sparkSQL and evaluated it on TPCDS, a standard analytics benchmark suite. Our results demonstrate that the proposed optimizations apply to 40% of the queries and speed up a large fraction of them by 1.1−6x, reducing the overall execution time of the benchmark suite by 12%.

#13 A Simpler and Faster NIC Driver Model for Network Functions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Solal Pirelli ; George Candea

The advent of software network functions calls for stronger correctness guarantees and higher performance at every level of the stack. Current network stacks trade simplicity for performance and flexibility, especially in their driver model. We show that performance and simplicity can co-exist, at the cost of some flexibility, with a new NIC driver model tailored to network functions. The key idea behind our model is that the driver can efficiently reuse packet buffers because buffers follow a single logical path. We implement a driver for the Intel 82599 network card in 550 lines of code. By merely replacing the state-of-the-art driver with our driver, formal verification of the entire software stack completes in 7x less time, while the verified functions’ throughput improves by 160%. Our driver also beats, on realistic workloads, the throughput of drivers that cannot yet be formally verified, thanks to its low variability and resource use. Our code is available at github.com/dslab-epfl/tinynf.

#14 PANIC: A High-Performance Programmable NIC for Multi-tenant Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jiaxin Lin ; Kiran Patel ; Brent E. Stephens ; Anirudh Sivaraman ; Aditya Akella

Programmable NICs have diverse uses, and there is need for a NIC platform that can offload computation from multiple co-resident applications to many different types of substrates, including hardware accelerators, embedded FPGAs, and embedded processor cores. Unfortunately, there is no existing NIC design that can simultaneously support a large number of diverse offloads while ensuring high throughput/low latency, multi-tenant isolation, flexible offload chaining, and support for offloads with variable performance. This paper presents Frenzy, a new programmable NIC. There are two new key components of the Frenzy design that enable it to overcome the limitations of existing NICs: 1) A high-performance switching interconnect that scalably connects independent engines into offload chains, and 2) A new hybrid push/pull packet scheduler that provides cross-tenant performance isolation and low-latency load-balancing across parallel offload engines. From both experiments performed on an 100Gbps FPGA-based prototype and experiments that use a combination of techniques including simulation and cost/area analysis, we find that this design overcomes the limitations of state-of-the-art programmable NICs.

#15 Semeru: A Memory-Disaggregated Managed Runtime [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Chenxi Wang ; Haoran Ma ; Shi Liu ; Yuanqi Li ; Zhenyuan Ruan ; Khanh Nguyen ; Michael D. Bond ; Ravi Netravali ; Miryung Kim ; Guoqing Harry Xu

Resource-disaggregated architectures have risen in popularity for large datacenters. However, prior disaggregation systems are designed for native applications; in addition, all of them require applications to possess excellent locality to be efficiently executed. In contrast, programs written in managed languages are subject to periodic garbage collection (GC), which is a typical graph workload with poor locality. Although most datacenter applications are written in managed languages, current systems are far from delivering acceptable performance for these applications. This paper presents Semeru, a distributed JVM that can dramatically improve the performance of managed cloud applications in a memory-disaggregated environment. Its design possesses three major innovations: (1) a universal Java heap, which provides a unified abstraction of virtual memory across CPU and memory servers and allows any legacy program to run without modifications; (2) a distributed GC, which offloads object tracing to memory servers so that tracing is performed closer to data; and (3) a swap system in the OS kernel that works with the runtime to swap page data efficiently. An evaluation of Semeru on a set of widely-deployed systems shows very promising results.

#16 Caladan: Mitigating Interference at Microsecond Timescales [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Joshua Fried ; Zhenyuan Ruan ; Amy Ousterhout ; Adam Belay

The conventional wisdom is that CPU resources such as cores, caches, and memory bandwidth must be partitioned to achieve performance isolation between tasks. Both the widespread availability of cache partitioning in modern CPUs and the recommended practice of pinning latency-sensitive applications to dedicated cores attest to this belief. In this paper, we show that resource partitioning is neither necessary nor sufficient. Many applications experience bursty request patterns or phased behavior, drastically changing the amount and type of resources they need. Unfortunately, partitioning-based systems fail to react quickly enough to keep up with these changes, resulting in extreme spikes in latency and lost opportunities to increase CPU utilization. Caladan is a new CPU scheduler that can achieve significantly better quality of service (tail latency, throughput, etc.) through a collection of control signals and policies that rely on fast core allocation instead of resource partitioning. Caladan consists of a centralized scheduler core that actively manages resource contention in the memory hierarchy and between hyperthreads, and a kernel module that bypasses the standard Linux Kernel scheduler to support microsecond-scale monitoring and placement of tasks. When colocating memcached with a best-effort, garbage-collected workload, Caladan outperforms Parties, a state-of-the-art resource partitioning system, by 11,000x, reducing tail latency from 580 ms to 52 μs during shifts in resource usage while maintaining high CPU utilization.

#17 Overload Control for µs-scale RPCs with Breakwater [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Inho Cho ; Ahmed Saeed ; Joshua Fried ; Seo Jin Park ; Mohammad Alizadeh ; Adam Belay

Modern datacenter applications are composed of hundreds of microservices with high degrees of fanout. As a result, they are sensitive to tail latency and require high request throughputs. Maintaining these characteristics under overload is difficult, especially for RPCs with short service times. In this paper, we consider the challenging case of microsecond-scale RPCs, where the cost of communicating information and dropping a request is similar to the cost of processing a request. We present Breakwater, an overload control scheme that can prevent overload in microsecond-scale services through a new, server-driven admission control scheme that issues credits based on server-side queueing delay. Breakwater contributes several techniques to amortize communication costs. It engages in demand speculation, where it assumes clients have unmet demand and issues additional credits when the server is not overloaded. Moreover, it piggybacks client-side demand information in RPC requests and credits in RPC responses. To cope with the occasional bursts in load caused by demand speculation, Breakwater drops requests when overloaded using active queue management. When clients’ demand spikes unexpectedly to 1.4x capacity, Breakwater converges to stable performance in less than 20 ms with no congestion collapse while DAGOR and SEDA take 500 ms and 1.58 s to recover from congestion collapse, respectively.

#18 AIFM: High-Performance, Application-Integrated Far Memory [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhenyuan Ruan ; Malte Schwarzkopf ; Marcos K. Aguilera ; Adam Belay

Memory is the most contended and least elastic resource in datacenter servers today. Applications can use only local memory—which may be scarce—even though memory might be readily available on another server. This leads to unnecessary killings of workloads under memory pressure and reduces effective server utilization. We present application-integrated far memory (AIFM), which makes remote, “far” memory available to applications through a simple API and with high performance. AIFM achieves the same common-case access latency for far memory as for local RAM; it avoids read and write amplification that paging-based approaches suffer; it allows data structure engineers to build remoteable, hybrid near/far memory data structures; and it makes far memory transparent and easy to use for application developers. Our key insight is that exposing application-level semantics to a high-performance runtime makes efficient remoteable memory possible. Developers use AIFM’s APIs to make allocations remoteable, and AIFM’s runtime handles swapping objects in and out, prefetching, and memory evacuation. We evaluate AIFM with a prototypical web application frontend, a NYC taxi data analytics workload, a memcached-like key-value cache, and Snappy compression. Adding AIFM remoteable memory to these applications increases their available memory without performance penalty. AIFM outperforms Fastswap, a state-of-the-art kernel-integrated, paging-based far memory system by up to 61×.

#19 Performance-Optimal Read-Only Transactions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haonan Lu ; Siddhartha Sen ; Wyatt Lloyd

Read-only transactions are critical for consistently reading data spread across a distributed storage system but have worse performance than simple, non-transactional reads. We identify three properties of simple reads that are necessary for read-only transactions to be performance-optimal, i.e., come as close as possible to simple reads. We demonstrate a fundamental tradeoff in the design of read-only transactions by proving that performance optimality is impossible to achieve with strict serializability, the strongest consistency. Guided by this result, we present PORT, a performance-optimal design with the strongest consistency to date. Central to PORT are version clocks, a specialized logical clock that concisely captures the necessary ordering constraints. We show the generality of PORT with two applications. Scylla-PORT provides process-ordered serializability with simple writes and shows performance comparable to its non-transactional base system. Eiger-PORT provides causal consistency with write transactions and significantly improves the performance of its transactional base system.

#20 Toward a Generic Fault Tolerance Technique for Partial Network Partitioning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Mohammed Alfatafta ; Basil Alkhatib ; Ahmed Alquraan ; Samer Al-Kiswany

We present an extensive study focused on partial network partitioning. Partial network partitions disrupt the communication between some but not all nodes in a cluster. First, we conduct a comprehensive study of system failures caused by this fault in 12 popular systems. Our study reveals that the studied failures are catastrophic (e.g., lead to data loss), easily manifest, and can manifest by partially partitioning a single node. Second, we dissect the design of eight popular systems and identify four principled approaches for tolerating partial partitions. Unfortunately, our analysis shows that implemented fault tolerance techniques are inadequate for modern systems; they either patch a particular mechanism or lead to a complete cluster shutdown, even when alternative network paths exist. Finally, our findings motivate us to build Nifty, a trans-parent communication layer that masks partial network partitions. Nifty builds an overlay between nodes to detour packets around partial partitions. Our prototype evaluation with six popular systems shows that Nifty overcomes the short comings of current fault tolerance approaches and effectively masks partial partitions while imposing negligible overhead.

#21 PACEMAKER: Avoiding HeART attacks in storage clusters with disk-adaptive redundancy [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Saurabh Kadekodi ; Francisco Maturana ; Suhas Jayaram Subramanya ; Juncheng Yang ; K. V. Rashmi ; Gregory R. Ganger

Data redundancy provides resilience in large-scale storage clusters, but imposes significant cost overhead. Substantial space-savings can be realized by tuning redundancy schemes to observed disk failure rates. However, prior design proposals for such tuning are unusable in real-world clusters, because the IO load of transitions between schemes overwhelms the storage infrastructure (termed transition overload). This paper analyzes traces for millions of disks from production systems at Google, NetApp, and Backblaze to expose and understand transition overload as a roadblock to disk-adaptive redundancy: transition IO under existing approaches can consume 100% cluster IO continuously for several weeks. Building on the insights drawn, we present PACEMAKER, a low-overhead disk-adaptive redundancy orchestrator. PACEMAKER mitigates transition overload by (1) proactively organizing data layouts to make future transitions efficient, and (2) initiating transitions proactively in a manner that avoids urgency while not compromising on space-savings. Evaluation of PACEMAKER with traces from four large (110K–450K disks) production clusters show that the transition IO requirement decreases to never needing more than 5% cluster IO bandwidth (0.2–0.4% on average). PACEMAKER achieves this while providing overall space-savings of 14–20% and never leaving data under-protected. We also describe and experiment with an integration of PACEMAKER into HDFS.

#22 Pegasus: Tolerating Skewed Workloads in Distributed Storage with In-Network Coherence Directories [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jialin Li ; Jacob Nelson ; Ellis Michael ; Xin Jin ; Dan R. K. Ports

High performance distributed storage systems face the challenge of load imbalance caused by skewed and dynamic workloads. This paper introduces Pegasus, a new storage system that leverages new-generation programmable switch ASICs to balance load across storage servers. Pegasus uses selective replication of the most popular objects in the data store to distribute load. Using a novel in-network coherence directory, the Pegasus switch tracks and manages the location of replicated objects. This allows it to achieve load-aware forwarding and dynamic rebalancing for replicated keys, while still guaranteeing data coherence and consistency. The Pegasus design is practical to implement as it stores only forwarding metadata in the switch data plane. The resulting system improves the throughput of a distributed in-memory key-value store by more than 10x under a latency SLO -- results which hold across a large set of workloads with varying degrees of skew, read/write ratio, object sizes, and dynamism.

#23 FlightTracker: Consistency across Read-Optimized Online Stores at Facebook [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xiao Shi ; Scott Pruett ; Kevin Doherty ; Jinyu Han ; Dmitri Petrov ; Jim Carrig ; John Hugg ; Nathan Bronson

Social media platforms deliver fresh personalized content by performing a large number of reads from an online data store. This store must be optimized for read efficiency, availability, and scalability. Multi-layer caches and asynchronous replication can satisfy these goals, such as in Facebook’s graph store TAO, but it is challenging for the resulting system to provide a developer-friendly consistency model. TAO originally provided read-your-writes (RYW) consistency via write-through caching, but scaling challenges with this approach have led us to a new implementation. This paper introduces FlightTracker, a family of APIs and systems which now manage consistency for online access to Facebook’s graph. FlightTracker implicitly provides RYW and can be explicitly used to provide alternative consistency guarantees for special use cases; it enables flexible communication patterns between caches, which we have found important as the number of datacenters increases; it extends the same consistency guarantees to cross-shard indexes and materialized views, allowing us to transparently optimize queries; and it provides a uniform primitive for clients to obtain desired consistency guarantees across a variety of data stores. FlightTracker delivers these advantages while preserving the efficiency, latency, and availability benefits of asynchronous replication for the underlying systems, managing consistency for billions of users and more than 1015 queries per day.

#24 Kvell+: Snapshot Isolation without Snapshots [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Baptiste Lepers ; Oana Balmau ; Karan Gupta ; Willy Zwaenepoel

Snapshot Isolation (SI) enables online analytical processing (OLAP) queries to observe a snapshot of the data at the time the query is issued, despite concurrent updates by online transactional processing (OLTP) transactions. The conventional implementation of SI creates a new version of a data item when it is updated, rather than overwriting the old version. Versions are garbage collected when they can no longer be read by any OLAP query. Frequent updates during long-running OLAP queries therefore create significant space amplification, and garbage collection can give rise to latency spikes for OLTP transactions. These problems are exacerbated on modern low-latency drives that can persist millions of updates per second. We observe that analytic queries often consist in large part of commutative processing of data items resulting from range scans in which each item in the range is read exactly once. We introduce Online Commutative Processing (OLCP), a new model for processing analytical queries, that takes advantage of this observation. Under OLCP, analytical queries observe the same snapshot of the data as they would under conventional SI, but space amplification and garbage collection costs are largely and oftentimes nearly entirely avoided. When an item in such a range is updated, the old version of the item is propagated to the OLCP queries that might need it instead of being kept in the store. We demonstrate OLCP’s expressiveness by showing how to formulate, among others, the TPC-H benchmark queries in OLCP. We implement OLCP in KVell+, an extension of KVell, a key-value store for NVMe SSDs. Using YCSB-T, TPC-CH and production workloads from Nutanix, we run a wide range of analytics queries concurrently with write-intensive transactions. We show that OLCP incurs little or no space amplification or garbage collection overhead. As a surprising by-product we also show that OLCP speeds up analytical queries compared to SI.

#25 Serving DNNs like Clockwork: Performance Predictability from the Bottom Up [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Arpan Gujarati ; Reza Karimi ; Safya Alzayat ; Wei Hao ; Antoine Kaufmann ; Ymir Vigfusson ; Jonathan Mace ; Distinguished Artifact Award Winner

Machine learning inference is becoming a core building block for interactive web applications. As a result, the underlying model serving systems on which these applications depend must consistently meet low latency targets. Existing model serving architectures use well-known reactive techniques to alleviate common-case sources of latency, but cannot effectively curtail tail latency caused by unpredictable execution times. Yet the underlying execution times are not fundamentally unpredictable—on the contrary we observe that inference using Deep Neural Network (DNN) models has deterministic performance. Here, starting with the predictable execution times of individual DNN inferences, we adopt a principled design methodology to successively build a fully distributed model serving system that achieves predictable end-to-end performance. We evaluate our implementation, Clockwork, using production trace workloads, and show that Clockwork can support thousands of models while simultaneously meeting 100 ms latency targets for 99.997% of requests. We further demonstrate that Clockwork exploits predictable execution times to achieve tight request-level service-level objectives (SLOs) as well as a high degree of request-level performance isolation.