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#1 A Unified Symbolic Analysis of WireGuard [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi4] [REL]

Authors: Pascal Lafourcade (Universite Clermont Auvergne), Dhekra Mahmoud (Universite Clermont Auvergne), Sylvain Ruhault (Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information)

WireGuard is a Virtual Private Network (VPN), presented at NDSS 2017, recently integrated into the Linux Kernel and paid commercial VPNs such as NordVPN, Mullvad and ProtonVPN. It proposes a different approach from other classical VPN such as IPsec or OpenVPN because it does not let configure cryptographic algorithms. The protocol inside WireGuard is a dedicated extension of IKpsk2 protocol from Noise Framework. Different analyses of WireGuard and IKpsk2 protocols have been proposed, in both the symbolic and the computational model, with or without computer-aided proof assistants. These analyses however consider different adversarial models or refer to incomplete versions of the protocols. In this work, we propose a unified formal model of WireGuard protocol in the symbolic model. Our model uses the automatic cryptographic protocol verifiers SAPIC+, ProVerif and Tamarin. We consider a complete protocol execution, including cookie messages used for resistance against denial of service attacks. We model a precise adversary that can read or set static, ephemeral or pre-shared keys, read or set ECDH pre-computations, control key distribution. Eventually, we present our results in a unified and interpretable way, allowing comparisons with previous analyses. Finally thanks to our models, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for security properties to be compromised, we confirm a flaw on the anonymity of the communications and point an implementation choice which considerably weakens its security. We propose a remediation that we prove secure using our models.