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#1 DRAW: A Recurrent Neural Network For Image Generation [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Karol Gregor, Ivo Danihelka, Alex Graves, Danilo Jimenez Rezende, Daan Wierstra

This paper introduces the Deep Recurrent Attentive Writer (DRAW) neural network architecture for image generation. DRAW networks combine a novel spatial attention mechanism that mimics the foveation of the human eye, with a sequential variational auto-encoding framework that allows for the iterative construction of complex images. The system substantially improves on the state of the art for generative models on MNIST, and, when trained on the Street View House Numbers dataset, it generates images that cannot be distinguished from real data with the naked eye.

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , Machine Learning , Neural and Evolutionary Computing

Publish: 2015-02-16 16:48:56 UTC