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#1 EXACT: How to Train Your Accuracy [PDF16] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Ivan Karpukhin ; Stanislav Dereka ; Sergey Kolesnikov

Classification tasks are usually evaluated in terms of accuracy. However, accuracy is discontinuous and cannot be directly optimized using gradient ascent. Popular methods minimize cross-entropy, hinge loss, or other surrogate losses, which can lead to suboptimal results. In this paper, we propose a new optimization framework by introducing stochasticity to a model's output and optimizing expected accuracy, i.e. accuracy of the stochastic model. Extensive experiments on linear models and deep image classification show that the proposed optimization method is a powerful alternative to widely used classification losses.

Subjects: Machine Learning ; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2022-05-19 15:13:00 UTC