2305.13300, 2401.06201, 2306.13063, 2308.07124, 2310.06830, 2309.10691, 2309.03882, 2308.07074, 2309.13788, 2308.10848, 2309.16240, 2306.00107

| Total: 12

#1 Adaptive Chameleon or Stubborn Sloth: Revealing the Behavior of Large Language Models in Knowledge Conflicts [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi16] [REL]

Authors: Jian Xie ; Kai Zhang ; Jiangjie Chen ; Renze Lou ; Yu Su

By providing external information to large language models (LLMs), tool augmentation (including retrieval augmentation) has emerged as a promising solution for addressing the limitations of LLMs' static parametric memory. However, how receptive are LLMs to such external evidence, especially when the evidence conflicts with their parametric memory? We present the first comprehensive and controlled investigation into the behavior of LLMs when encountering knowledge conflicts. We propose a systematic framework to elicit high-quality parametric memory from LLMs and construct the corresponding counter-memory, which enables us to conduct a series of controlled experiments. Our investigation reveals seemingly contradicting behaviors of LLMs. On the one hand, different from prior wisdom, we find that LLMs can be highly receptive to external evidence even when that conflicts with their parametric memory, given that the external evidence is coherent and convincing. On the other hand, LLMs also demonstrate a strong confirmation bias when the external evidence contains some information that is consistent with their parametric memory, despite being presented with conflicting evidence at the same time. These results pose important implications that are worth careful consideration for the further development and deployment of tool- and retrieval-augmented LLMs. Resources are available at https://github.com/OSU-NLP-Group/LLM-Knowledge-Conflict.

Subjects: Computation and Language ; Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2023-05-22 17:57:41 UTC

#2 EASYTOOL: Enhancing LLM-based Agents with Concise Tool Instruction [PDF18] [Copy] [Kimi25] [REL]

Authors: Siyu Yuan ; Kaitao Song ; Jiangjie Chen ; Xu Tan ; Yongliang Shen ; Ren Kan ; Dongsheng Li ; Deqing Yang

To address intricate real-world tasks, there has been a rising interest in tool utilization in applications of large language models (LLMs). To develop LLM-based agents, it usually requires LLMs to understand many tool functions from different tool documentation. But these documentations could be diverse, redundant or incomplete, which immensely affects the capability of LLMs in using tools. To solve this, we introduce EASYTOOL, a framework transforming diverse and lengthy tool documentation into a unified and concise tool instruction for easier tool usage. EasyTool purifies essential information from extensive tool documentation of different sources, and elaborates a unified interface (i.e., tool instruction) to offer standardized tool descriptions and functionalities for LLM-based agents. Extensive experiments on multiple different tasks demonstrate that EasyTool can significantly reduce token consumption and improve the performance of tool utilization in real-world scenarios. Our code will be available at \url{https://github.com/microsoft/JARVIS/} in the future.

Subject: Computation and Language

Publish: 2024-01-11 15:45:11 UTC

#3 Can LLMs Express Their Uncertainty? An Empirical Evaluation of Confidence Elicitation in LLMs [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi9] [REL]

Authors: Miao Xiong ; Zhiyuan Hu ; Xinyang Lu ; Yifei Li ; Jie Fu ; Junxian He ; Bryan Hooi

Empowering large language models to accurately express confidence in their answers is essential for trustworthy decision-making. Previous confidence elicitation methods, which primarily rely on white-box access to internal model information or model fine-tuning, have become less suitable for LLMs, especially closed-source commercial APIs. This leads to a growing need to explore the untapped area of black-box approaches for LLM uncertainty estimation. To better break down the problem, we define a systematic framework with three components: prompting strategies for eliciting verbalized confidence, sampling methods for generating multiple responses, and aggregation techniques for computing consistency. We then benchmark these methods on two key tasks-confidence calibration and failure prediction-across five types of datasets (e.g., commonsense and arithmetic reasoning) and five widely-used LLMs including GPT-4 and LLaMA 2 Chat. Our analysis uncovers several key insights: 1) LLMs, when verbalizing their confidence, tend to be overconfident, potentially imitating human patterns of expressing confidence. 2) As model capability scales up, both calibration and failure prediction performance improve. 3) Employing our proposed strategies, such as human-inspired prompts, consistency among multiple responses, and better aggregation strategies can help mitigate this overconfidence from various perspectives. 4) Comparisons with white-box methods indicate that while white-box methods perform better, the gap is narrow, e.g., 0.522 to 0.605 in AUROC. Despite these advancements, none of these techniques consistently outperform others, and all investigated methods struggle in challenging tasks, such as those requiring professional knowledge, indicating significant scope for improvement. We believe this study can serve as a strong baseline and provide insights for eliciting confidence in black-box LLMs.

Subject: Computation and Language

Publish: 2023-06-22 17:31:44 UTC

#4 OctoPack: Instruction Tuning Code Large Language Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Niklas Muennighoff ; Qian Liu ; Armel Zebaze ; Qinkai Zheng ; Binyuan Hui ; Terry Yue Zhuo ; Swayam Singh ; Xiangru Tang ; Leandro von Werra ; Shayne Longpre

Finetuning large language models (LLMs) on instructions leads to vast performance improvements on natural language tasks. We apply instruction tuning using code, leveraging the natural structure of Git commits, which pair code changes with human instructions. We compile CommitPack: 4 terabytes of Git commits across 350 programming languages. We benchmark CommitPack against other natural and synthetic code instructions (xP3x, Self-Instruct, OASST) on the 16B parameter StarCoder model, and achieve state-of-the-art performance among models not trained on OpenAI outputs, on the HumanEval Python benchmark (46.2% pass@1). We further introduce HumanEvalPack, expanding the HumanEval benchmark to a total of 3 coding tasks (Code Repair, Code Explanation, Code Synthesis) across 6 languages (Python, JavaScript, Java, Go, C++, Rust). Our models, OctoCoder and OctoGeeX, achieve the best performance across HumanEvalPack among all permissive models, demonstrating CommitPack's benefits in generalizing to a wider set of languages and natural coding tasks. Code, models and data are freely available at https://github.com/bigcode-project/octopack.

Subjects: Computation and Language ; Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2023-08-14 13:53:54 UTC

#5 Lemur: Harmonizing Natural Language and Code for Language Agents [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Yiheng Xu ; Hongjin Su ; Chen Xing ; Boyu Mi ; Qian Liu ; Weijia Shi ; Binyuan Hui ; Fan Zhou ; Yitao Liu ; Tianbao Xie ; Zhoujun Cheng ; Siheng Zhao ; Lingpeng Kong ; Bailin Wang ; Caiming Xiong ; Tao Yu

We introduce Lemur and Lemur-Chat, openly accessible language models optimized for both natural language and coding capabilities to serve as the backbone of versatile language agents. The evolution from language chat models to functional language agents demands that models not only master human interaction, reasoning, and planning but also ensure grounding in the relevant environments. This calls for a harmonious blend of language and coding capabilities in the models. Lemur and Lemur-Chat are proposed to address this necessity, demonstrating balanced proficiencies in both domains, unlike existing open-source models that tend to specialize in either. Through meticulous pre-training using a code-intensive corpus and instruction fine-tuning on text and code data, our models achieve state-of-the-art averaged performance across diverse text and coding benchmarks among open-source models. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate Lemur's superiority over existing open-source models and its proficiency across various agent tasks involving human communication, tool usage, and interaction under fully- and partially- observable environments. The harmonization between natural and programming languages enables Lemur-Chat to significantly narrow the gap with proprietary models on agent abilities, providing key insights into developing advanced open-source agents adept at reasoning, planning, and operating seamlessly across environments. https://github.com/OpenLemur/Lemur

Subject: Computation and Language

Publish: 2023-10-10 17:57:45 UTC

#6 MINT: Evaluating LLMs in Multi-turn Interaction with Tools and Language Feedback [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi9] [REL]

Authors: Xingyao Wang ; Zihan Wang ; Jiateng Liu ; Yangyi Chen ; Lifan Yuan ; Hao Peng ; Heng Ji

To solve complex tasks, large language models (LLMs) often require multiple rounds of interactions with the user, sometimes assisted by external tools. However, current evaluation protocols often emphasize benchmark performance with single-turn exchanges, neglecting the nuanced interactions among the user, LLMs, and external tools, while also underestimating the importance of natural language feedback from users. These oversights contribute to discrepancies between research benchmark evaluations and real-world use cases. We introduce MINT, a benchmark that evaluates LLMs' ability to solve tasks with multi-turn interactions by (1) using tools and (2) leveraging natural language feedback. To ensure reproducibility, we provide an evaluation framework where LLMs can access tools by executing Python code and receive users' natural language feedback simulated by GPT-4. We repurpose a diverse set of established evaluation datasets focusing on reasoning, coding, and decision-making and carefully curate them into a compact subset for efficient evaluation. Our analysis of 20 open- and closed-source LLMs offers intriguing findings. (a) LLMs generally benefit from tools and language feedback, with performance gains (absolute, same below) of 1-8% for each turn of tool use and 2-17% with natural language feedback. (b) Better single-turn performance does not guarantee better multi-turn performance. (c) Surprisingly, on the LLMs evaluated, supervised instruction-finetuning (SIFT) and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) generally hurt multi-turn capabilities. We expect MINT can help measure progress and incentivize research in improving LLMs' capabilities in multi-turn interactions, especially for open-source communities where multi-turn human evaluation can be less accessible compared to commercial LLMs with a larger user base.

Subjects: Computation and Language ; Artificial Intelligence ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2023-09-19 15:25:42 UTC

#7 Large Language Models Are Not Robust Multiple Choice Selectors [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi9] [REL]

Authors: Chujie Zheng ; Hao Zhou ; Fandong Meng ; Jie Zhou ; Minlie Huang

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) serve as a common yet important task format in the evaluation of large language models (LLMs). This work shows that modern LLMs are vulnerable to option position changes in MCQs due to their inherent "selection bias", namely, they prefer to select specific option IDs as answers (like "Option A"). Through extensive empirical analyses with 20 LLMs on three benchmarks, we pinpoint that this behavioral bias primarily stems from LLMs' token bias, where the model a priori assigns more probabilistic mass to specific option ID tokens (e.g., A/B/C/D) when predicting answers from the option IDs. To mitigate selection bias, we propose a label-free, inference-time debiasing method, called PriDe, which separates the model's prior bias for option IDs from the overall prediction distribution. PriDe first estimates the prior by permutating option contents on a small number of test samples, and then applies the estimated prior to debias the remaining samples. We demonstrate that it achieves interpretable and transferable debiasing with high computational efficiency. We hope this work can draw broader research attention to the bias and robustness of modern LLMs.

Subject: Computation and Language

Publish: 2023-09-07 17:44:56 UTC

#8 #InsTag: Instruction Tagging for Analyzing Supervised Fine-tuning of Large Language Models [PDF7] [Copy] [Kimi28] [REL]

Authors: Keming Lu ; Hongyi Yuan ; Zheng Yuan ; Runji Lin ; Junyang Lin ; Chuanqi Tan ; Chang Zhou ; Jingren Zhou

Foundation language models obtain the instruction-following ability through supervised fine-tuning (SFT). Diversity and complexity are considered critical factors of a successful SFT dataset, while their definitions remain obscure and lack quantitative analyses. In this work, we propose InsTag, an open-set fine-grained tagger, to tag samples within SFT datasets based on semantics and intentions and define instruction diversity and complexity regarding tags. We obtain 6.6K tags to describe comprehensive user queries. Then we analyze popular open-sourced SFT datasets and find that the model ability grows with more diverse and complex data. Based on this observation, we propose a data selector based on InsTag to select 6K diverse and complex samples from open-source datasets and fine-tune models on InsTag-selected data. The resulting models, TagLM, outperform open-source models based on considerably larger SFT data evaluated by MT-Bench, echoing the importance of query diversity and complexity. We open-source InsTag in https://github.com/OFA-Sys/InsTag.

Subjects: Computation and Language ; Artificial Intelligence ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2023-08-14 11:16:28 UTC

#9 Can LLM-Generated Misinformation Be Detected? [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi6] [REL]

Authors: Canyu Chen ; Kai Shu

The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has made a transformative impact. However, the potential that LLMs such as ChatGPT can be exploited to generate misinformation has posed a serious concern to online safety and public trust. A fundamental research question is: will LLM-generated misinformation cause more harm than human-written misinformation? We propose to tackle this question from the perspective of detection difficulty. We first build a taxonomy of LLM-generated misinformation. Then we categorize and validate the potential real-world methods for generating misinformation with LLMs. Then, through extensive empirical investigation, we discover that LLM-generated misinformation can be harder to detect for humans and detectors compared to human-written misinformation with the same semantics, which suggests it can have more deceptive styles and potentially cause more harm. We also discuss the implications of our discovery on combating misinformation in the age of LLMs and the countermeasures.

Subjects: Computation and Language ; Artificial Intelligence ; Cryptography and Security ; Human-Computer Interaction ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2023-09-25 00:45:07 UTC

#10 AgentVerse: Facilitating Multi-Agent Collaboration and Exploring Emergent Behaviors [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi8] [REL]

Authors: Weize Chen ; Yusheng Su ; Jingwei Zuo ; Cheng Yang ; Chenfei Yuan ; Chi-Min Chan ; Heyang Yu ; Yaxi Lu ; Yi-Hsin Hung ; Chen Qian ; Yujia Qin ; Xin Cong ; Ruobing Xie ; Zhiyuan Liu ; Maosong Sun ; Jie Zhou

Autonomous agents empowered by Large Language Models (LLMs) have undergone significant improvements, enabling them to generalize across a broad spectrum of tasks. However, in real-world scenarios, cooperation among individuals is often required to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of task accomplishment. Hence, inspired by human group dynamics, we propose a multi-agent framework \framework that can collaboratively and dynamically adjust its composition as a greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts system. Our experiments demonstrate that \framework framework can effectively deploy multi-agent groups that outperform a single agent. Furthermore, we delve into the emergence of social behaviors among individual agents within a group during collaborative task accomplishment. In view of these behaviors, we discuss some possible strategies to leverage positive ones and mitigate negative ones for improving the collaborative potential of multi-agent groups. Our codes for \framework will soon be released at \url{https://github.com/OpenBMB/AgentVerse}.

Subject: Computation and Language

Publish: 2023-08-21 16:47:11 UTC

#11 Beyond Reverse KL: Generalizing Direct Preference Optimization with Diverse Divergence Constraints [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Chaoqi Wang ; Yibo Jiang ; Chenghao Yang ; Han Liu ; Yuxin Chen

The increasing capabilities of large language models (LLMs) raise opportunities for artificial general intelligence but concurrently amplify safety concerns, such as potential misuse of AI systems, necessitating effective AI alignment. Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has emerged as a promising pathway towards AI alignment but brings forth challenges due to its complexity and dependence on a separate reward model. Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has been proposed as an alternative, and it remains equivalent to RLHF under the reverse KL regularization constraint. This paper presents $f$-DPO, a generalized approach to DPO by incorporating diverse divergence constraints. We show that under certain $f$-divergences, including Jensen-Shannon divergence, forward KL divergences and $\alpha$-divergences, the complex relationship between the reward and optimal policy can also be simplified by addressing the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. This eliminates the need for estimating the normalizing constant in the Bradley-Terry model and enables a tractable mapping between the reward function and the optimal policy. Our approach optimizes LLMs to align with human preferences in a more efficient and supervised manner under a broad set of divergence constraints. Empirically, adopting these divergences ensures a balance between alignment performance and generation diversity. Importantly, $f$-DPO outperforms PPO-based methods in divergence efficiency, and divergence constraints directly influence expected calibration error (ECE).

Subjects: Machine Learning ; Artificial Intelligence ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2023-09-28 08:29:44 UTC

#12 MERT: Acoustic Music Understanding Model with Large-Scale Self-supervised Training [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Yizhi Li ; Ruibin Yuan ; Ge Zhang ; Yinghao Ma ; Xingran Chen ; Hanzhi Yin ; Chenghao Xiao ; Chenghua Lin ; Anton Ragni ; Emmanouil Benetos ; Norbert Gyenge ; Roger Dannenberg ; Ruibo Liu ; Wenhu Chen ; Gus Xia ; Yemin Shi ; Wenhao Huang ; Zili Wang ; Yike Guo ; Jie Fu

Self-supervised learning (SSL) has recently emerged as a promising paradigm for training generalisable models on large-scale data in the fields of vision, text, and speech. Although SSL has been proven effective in speech and audio, its application to music audio has yet to be thoroughly explored. This is partially due to the distinctive challenges associated with modelling musical knowledge, particularly tonal and pitched characteristics of music. To address this research gap, we propose an acoustic Music undERstanding model with large-scale self-supervised Training (MERT), which incorporates teacher models to provide pseudo labels in the masked language modelling (MLM) style acoustic pre-training. In our exploration, we identified an effective combination of teacher models, which outperforms conventional speech and audio approaches in terms of performance. This combination includes an acoustic teacher based on Residual Vector Quantisation - Variational AutoEncoder (RVQ-VAE) and a musical teacher based on the Constant-Q Transform (CQT). Furthermore, we explore a wide range of settings to overcome the instability in acoustic language model pre-training, which allows our designed paradigm to scale from 95M to 330M parameters. Experimental results indicate that our model can generalise and perform well on 14 music understanding tasks and attain state-of-the-art (SOTA) overall scores.

Subjects: Sound ; Artificial Intelligence ; Computation and Language ; Machine Learning ; Audio and Speech Processing

Publish: 2023-05-31 18:27:43 UTC