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Semantic segmentation tasks naturally require high-resolution information for pixel-wise segmentation and global context information for class prediction. While existing vision transformers demonstrate promising performance, they often utilize high resolution context modeling, resulting in a computational bottleneck. In this work, we challenge conventional wisdom and introduce the Low-Resolution Self-Attention (LRSA) mechanism to capture global context at a significantly reduced computational cost. Our approach involves computing self-attention in a fixed low-resolution space regardless of the input image's resolution, with additional 3x3 depth-wise convolutions to capture fine details in the high-resolution space. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our LRSA approach by building the LRFormer, a vision transformer with an encoder-decoder structure. Extensive experiments on the ADE20K, COCO-Stuff, and Cityscapes datasets demonstrate that LRFormer outperforms state-of-the-art models. The code will be made available at