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#1 A tutorial on the dynamic Laplacian [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Gary Froyland

Spectral techniques are popular and robust approaches to data analysis. A prominent example is the use of eigenvectors of a Laplacian, constructed from data affinities, to identify natural data groupings or clusters, or to produce a simplified representation of data lying on a manifold. This tutorial concerns the dynamic Laplacian, which is a natural generalisation of the Laplacian to handle data that has a time component and lies on a time-evolving manifold. In this dynamic setting, clusters correspond to long-lived ``coherent'' collections. We begin with a gentle recap of spectral geometry before describing the dynamic generalisations. We also discuss computational methods and the automatic separation of many distinct features through the SEBA algorithm. The purpose of this tutorial is to bring together many results from the dynamic Laplacian literature into a single short document, written in an accessible style.

Subjects: Dynamical Systems , Spectral Theory , Machine Learning

Publish: 2024-08-08 01:23:00 UTC