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We present a general method to determine the probability that stochastic Monte Carlo data, in particular those generated in a lattice QCD calculation, would have been obtained were that data drawn from the distribution predicted by a given theoretical hypothesis. Such a probability, or p-value, is often used as an important heuristic measure of the validity of that hypothesis. The proposed method offers the benefit that it remains usable in cases where the standard Hotelling T2 methods based on the conventional χ2 statistic do not apply, such as for uncorrelated fits. Specifically, we analyze a general alternative to the correlated χ2 statistic referred to as q2, and show how to use the bootstrap as a data-driven method to determine the expected distribution of q2 for a given hypothesis with minimal assumptions. This distribution can then be used to determine the p-value for a fit to the data. We also describe a bootstrap approach for quantifying the impact upon this p-value of estimating population parameters from a single ensemble of N samples. The overall method is accurate up to a 1/N bias which we do not attempt to quantify.