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Semi-supervised semantic segmentation (SSS) aims at learning rich visual knowledge from cheap unlabeled images to enhance semantic segmentation capability. Among recent works, UniMatch improves its precedents tremendously by amplifying the practice of weak-to-strong consistency regularization. Subsequent works typically follow similar pipelines and propose various delicate designs. Despite the achieved progress, strangely, even in this flourishing era of numerous powerful vision models, almost all SSS works are still sticking to 1) using outdated ResNet encoders with small-scale ImageNet-1K pre-training, and 2) evaluation on simple Pascal and Cityscapes datasets. In this work, we argue that, it is necessary to switch the baseline of SSS from ResNet-based encoders to more capable ViT-based encoders (e.g., DINOv2) that are pre-trained on massive data. A simple update on the encoder (even using 2x fewer parameters) can bring more significant improvement than careful method designs. Built on this competitive baseline, we present our upgraded and simplified UniMatch V2, inheriting the core spirit of weak-to-strong consistency from V1, but requiring less training cost and providing consistently better results. Additionally, witnessing the gradually saturated performance on Pascal and Cityscapes, we appeal that we should focus on more challenging benchmarks with complex taxonomy, such as ADE20K and COCO datasets. Code, models, and logs of all reported values, are available at