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#1 $N$-dimensional beaded necklaces and higher dimensional wild knots, invariant by a Schottky group [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Juan Pablo Díaz ; Gabriela Hinojosa ; Alberto Verjovsky

Starting with a smooth $n$-dimensional knot $K\subset\bS^{n+2}$, and a beaded $n$-dimensional necklace subordinated to $K$, we construct a wild knot with a Cantor set of wild points (\ie the knot is not locally flat in these points). The construction uses the conformal Schottky group acting on $\bS^{n+2}$, generated by inversions on the spheres which are the boundary of the``beads''. We show that if $K$ is a fibered knot then the wild knot is also fibered. We also study cyclic branched coverings along the wild knots.

Subject: Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-19 19:16:46 UTC