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#1 TexPro: Text-guided PBR Texturing with Procedural Material Modeling [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ziqiang Dang ; Wenqi Dong ; Zesong Yang ; Bangbang Yang ; Liang Li ; Yuewen Ma ; Zhaopeng Cui

In this paper, we present TexPro, a novel method for high-fidelity material generation for input 3D meshes given text prompts. Unlike existing text-conditioned texture generation methods that typically generate RGB textures with baked lighting, TexPro is able to produce diverse texture maps via procedural material modeling, which enables physical-based rendering, relighting, and additional benefits inherent to procedural materials. Specifically, we first generate multi-view reference images given the input textual prompt by employing the latest text-to-image model. We then derive texture maps through a rendering-based optimization with recent differentiable procedural materials. To this end, we design several techniques to handle the misalignment between the generated multi-view images and 3D meshes, and introduce a novel material agent that enhances material classification and matching by exploring both part-level understanding and object-aware material reasoning. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over existing SOTAs and its capability of relighting.

Subjects: Graphics ; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 11:10:07 UTC