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#1 Unsupervised semantic segmentation of urban high-density multispectral point clouds [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Oona Oinonen ; Lassi Ruoppa ; Josef Taher ; Matti Lehtomäki ; Leena Matikainen ; Kirsi Karila ; Teemu Hakala ; Antero Kukko ; Harri Kaartinen ; Juha Hyyppä

The availability of highly accurate urban airborne laser scanning (ALS) data will increase rapidly in the future, especially as acquisition costs decrease, for example through the use of drones. Current challenges in data processing are related to the limited spectral information and low point density of most ALS datasets. Another challenge will be the growing need for annotated training data, frequently produced by manual processes, to enable semantic interpretation of point clouds. This study proposes to semantically segment new high-density (1200 points per square metre on average) multispectral ALS data with an unsupervised ground-aware deep clustering method GroupSP inspired by the unsupervised GrowSP algorithm. GroupSP divides the scene into superpoints as a preprocessing step. The neural network is trained iteratively by grouping the superpoints and using the grouping assignments as pseudo-labels. The predictions for the unseen data are given by over-segmenting the test set and mapping the predicted classes into ground truth classes manually or with automated majority voting. GroupSP obtained an overall accuracy (oAcc) of 97% and a mean intersection over union (mIoU) of 80%. When compared to other unsupervised semantic segmentation methods, GroupSP outperformed GrowSP and non-deep K-means. However, a supervised random forest classifier outperformed GroupSP. The labelling efforts in GroupSP can be minimal; it was shown, that the GroupSP can semantically segment seven urban classes (building, high vegetation, low vegetation, asphalt, rock, football field, and gravel) with oAcc of 95% and mIoU of 75% using only 0.004% of the available annotated points in the mapping assignment. Finally, the multispectral information was examined; adding each new spectral channel improved the mIoU. Additionally, echo deviation was valuable, especially when distinguishing ground-level classes.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-24 08:11:34 UTC