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#1 Supersymmetry dynamics on Rydberg atom arrays [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shuo Liu, Zhengzhi Wu, Shi-Xin Zhang, Hong Yao

Spacetime supersymmetry (SUSY) that interchanges fermions and bosons is of great theoretical importance but has not yet been revealed experimentally in particle physics. It has also been desired to explore quantum-mechanical SUSY in microscopic lattice models. Inspired by the recent experiments of Floquet engineering of Rydberg atom arrays, we find that quantum mechanical SUSY can be realized in Floquet Rydberg atom arrays. Moreover, we utilize the supercharge dynamics to demonstrate the SUSY property of the model under investigation: the expectation value of supercharge freezes under time evolution for supersymmetric lattice models in contrast to the trivial oscillation for generic nonsupersymmetric lattice models. The proposal is validated on direct simulation of Rydberg atom arrays' dynamics and ready for experiments. This work sheds light on the future experimental exploration of SUSY with the help of Rydberg atom arrays.

Subjects: Strongly Correlated Electrons , Quantum Gases , Atomic Physics , Quantum Physics

Publish: 2024-10-28 18:00:02 UTC