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Fusing multi-modality inputs from different sensors is an effective way to improve the performance of 3D object detection. However, current methods overlook two important conflicts: point-pixel misalignment and sub-task suppression. The former means a pixel feature from the opaque object is projected to multiple point features of the same ray in the world space, and the latter means the classification prediction and bounding box regression may cause mutual suppression. In this paper, we propose a novel method named Conflict Resolution Network (CoreNet) to address the aforementioned issues. Specifically, we first propose a dual-stream transformation module to tackle point-pixel misalignment. It consists of ray-based and point-based 2D-to-BEV transformations. Both of them achieve approximately unique mapping from the image space to the world space. Moreover, we introduce a task-specific predictor to tackle sub-task suppression. It uses the dual-branch structure which adopts class-specific query and Bbox-specific query to corresponding sub-tasks. Each task-specific query is constructed of task-specific feature and general feature, which allows the heads to adaptively select information of interest based on different sub-tasks. Experiments on the large-scale nuScenes dataset demonstrate the superiority of our proposed CoreNet, by achieving 75.6\% NDS and 73.3\% mAP on the nuScenes test set without test-time augmentation and model ensemble techniques. The ample ablation study also demonstrates the effectiveness of each component. The code is released on