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The electric properties of a model fast-ion electrolyte ((100-x)SiS2-xNa2S) glass are investigated by means of classical molecular dynamics simulations. These systems appear promising for battery applications and the conductivity is thought to be essentially driven by the concentration of charge carriers (Na) so that the usual amount is found to be of about 50% < x < 80%. We first set up a Buckingham-Coulomb type potential that describes the atomic structure and experimental structure functions (structure factor) in an improved fashion with respect to previous reported force fields. A systematic investigation of properties with modifier content Na2S permits to acknowledge an unexpected result which manifests by a near constant of conductivity upon Na2S for various isotherms in the liquid state. The analysis indicates that unlike Li-based electrolytes, the diffusivity difference between networks species (Si,S) and modifier (Na) is too small so that the contribution to conductivity is essentially driven by the former. The main reason is the reduction of the concentration of network species in the range 66% < x < 80% without any dramatic increase in Na diffusivity, and the emergence of molecular Na2S in the structure at large modifier content which also induces profound structural changes. Unlike Lithium glassy electrolytes, the design of Na-based batteries must, therefore, take into account the contribution of the network species.