Information Retrieval

Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 | Total: 15

#1 Language Modeling Using Tensor Trains [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi9]

Authors: Zhan Su ; Yuqin Zhou ; Fengran Mo ; Jakob Grue Simonsen

We propose a novel tensor network language model based on the simplest tensor network (i.e., tensor trains), called `Tensor Train Language Model' (TTLM). TTLM represents sentences in an exponential space constructed by the tensor product of words, but computing the probabilities of sentences in a low-dimensional fashion. We demonstrate that the architectures of Second-order RNNs, Recurrent Arithmetic Circuits (RACs), and Multiplicative Integration RNNs are, essentially, special cases of TTLM. Experimental evaluations on real language modeling tasks show that the proposed variants of TTLM (i.e., TTLM-Large and TTLM-Tiny) outperform the vanilla Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) with low-scale of hidden units. (The code is available at

#2 Robust Implementation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation on Edge-based Computing-in-Memory Architectures [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Ruiyang Qin ; Zheyu Yan ; Dewen Zeng ; Zhenge Jia ; Dancheng Liu ; Jianbo Liu ; Zhi Zheng ; Ningyuan Cao ; Kai Ni ; Jinjun Xiong ; Yiyu Shi

Large Language Models (LLMs) deployed on edge devices learn through fine-tuning and updating a certain portion of their parameters. Although such learning methods can be optimized to reduce resource utilization, the overall required resources remain a heavy burden on edge devices. Instead, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), a resource-efficient LLM learning method, can improve the quality of the LLM-generated content without updating model parameters. However, the RAG-based LLM may involve repetitive searches on the profile data in every user-LLM interaction. This search can lead to significant latency along with the accumulation of user data. Conventional efforts to decrease latency result in restricting the size of saved user data, thus reducing the scalability of RAG as user data continuously grows. It remains an open question: how to free RAG from the constraints of latency and scalability on edge devices? In this paper, we propose a novel framework to accelerate RAG via Computing-in-Memory (CiM) architectures. It accelerates matrix multiplications by performing in-situ computation inside the memory while avoiding the expensive data transfer between the computing unit and memory. Our framework, Robust CiM-backed RAG (RoCR), utilizing a novel contrastive learning-based training method and noise-aware training, can enable RAG to efficiently search profile data with CiM. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work utilizing CiM to accelerate RAG.

#3 Multi-Margin Loss: Proposal and Application in Recommender Systems [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi]

Author: Makbule Gulcin Ozsoy

Recommender systems guide users through vast amounts of information by suggesting items based on their predicted preferences. Collaborative filtering-based deep learning techniques have regained popularity due to their straightforward nature, relying only on user-item interactions. Typically, these systems consist of three main components: an interaction module, a loss function, and a negative sampling strategy. Initially, researchers focused on enhancing performance by developing complex interaction modules. However, there has been a recent shift toward refining loss functions and negative sampling strategies. This shift has led to an increased interest in contrastive learning, which pulls similar pairs closer while pushing dissimilar ones apart. Contrastive learning involves key practices such as heavy data augmentation, large batch sizes, and hard-negative sampling, but these also bring challenges like high memory demands and under-utilization of some negative samples. The proposed Multi-Margin Loss (MML) addresses these challenges by introducing multiple margins and varying weights for negative samples. This allows MML to efficiently utilize not only the hardest negatives but also other non-trivial negatives, offering a simpler yet effective loss function that outperforms more complex methods, especially when resources are limited. Experiments on two well-known datasets demonstrated that MML achieved up to a 20% performance improvement compared to a baseline contrastive loss function when fewer number of negative samples are used.

#4 Hypergraph-enhanced Dual Semi-supervised Graph Classification [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Wei Ju ; Zhengyang Mao ; Siyu Yi ; Yifang Qin ; Yiyang Gu ; Zhiping Xiao ; Yifan Wang ; Xiao Luo ; Ming Zhang

In this paper, we study semi-supervised graph classification, which aims at accurately predicting the categories of graphs in scenarios with limited labeled graphs and abundant unlabeled graphs. Despite the promising capability of graph neural networks (GNNs), they typically require a large number of costly labeled graphs, while a wealth of unlabeled graphs fail to be effectively utilized. Moreover, GNNs are inherently limited to encoding local neighborhood information using message-passing mechanisms, thus lacking the ability to model higher-order dependencies among nodes. To tackle these challenges, we propose a Hypergraph-Enhanced DuAL framework named HEAL for semi-supervised graph classification, which captures graph semantics from the perspective of the hypergraph and the line graph, respectively. Specifically, to better explore the higher-order relationships among nodes, we design a hypergraph structure learning to adaptively learn complex node dependencies beyond pairwise relations. Meanwhile, based on the learned hypergraph, we introduce a line graph to capture the interaction between hyperedges, thereby better mining the underlying semantic structures. Finally, we develop a relational consistency learning to facilitate knowledge transfer between the two branches and provide better mutual guidance. Extensive experiments on real-world graph datasets verify the effectiveness of the proposed method against existing state-of-the-art methods.

#5 SVD-AE: Simple Autoencoders for Collaborative Filtering [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Seoyoung Hong ; Jeongwhan Choi ; Yeon-Chang Lee ; Srijan Kumar ; Noseong Park

Collaborative filtering (CF) methods for recommendation systems have been extensively researched, ranging from matrix factorization and autoencoder-based to graph filtering-based methods. Recently, lightweight methods that require almost no training have been recently proposed to reduce overall computation. However, existing methods still have room to improve the trade-offs among accuracy, efficiency, and robustness. In particular, there are no well-designed closed-form studies for \emph{balanced} CF in terms of the aforementioned trade-offs. In this paper, we design SVD-AE, a simple yet effective singular vector decomposition (SVD)-based linear autoencoder, whose closed-form solution can be defined based on SVD for CF. SVD-AE does not require iterative training processes as its closed-form solution can be calculated at once. Furthermore, given the noisy nature of the rating matrix, we explore the robustness against such noisy interactions of existing CF methods and our SVD-AE. As a result, we demonstrate that our simple design choice based on truncated SVD can be used to strengthen the noise robustness of the recommendation while improving efficiency. Code is available at

#6 Federated Adaptation for Foundation Model-based Recommendations [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Chunxu Zhang ; Guodong Long ; Hongkuan Guo ; Xiao Fang ; Yang Song ; Zhaojie Liu ; Guorui Zhou ; Zijian Zhang ; Yang Liu ; Bo Yang

With the recent success of large language models, particularly foundation models with generalization abilities, applying foundation models for recommendations becomes a new paradigm to improve existing recommendation systems. It becomes a new open challenge to enable the foundation model to capture user preference changes in a timely manner with reasonable communication and computation costs while preserving privacy. This paper proposes a novel federated adaptation mechanism to enhance the foundation model-based recommendation system in a privacy-preserving manner. Specifically, each client will learn a lightweight personalized adapter using its private data. The adapter then collaborates with pre-trained foundation models to provide recommendation service efficiently with fine-grained manners. Importantly, users' private behavioral data remains secure as it is not shared with the server. This data localization-based privacy preservation is embodied via the federated learning framework. The model can ensure that shared knowledge is incorporated into all adapters while simultaneously preserving each user's personal preferences. Experimental results on four benchmark datasets demonstrate our method's superior performance. Implementation code is available to ease reproducibility.

#7 Full Stage Learning to Rank: A Unified Framework for Multi-Stage Systems [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Kai Zheng ; Haijun Zhao ; Rui Huang ; Beichuan Zhang ; Na Mou ; Yanan Niu ; Yang Song ; Hongning Wang ; Kun Gai

The Probability Ranking Principle (PRP) has been considered as the foundational standard in the design of information retrieval (IR) systems. The principle requires an IR module's returned list of results to be ranked with respect to the underlying user interests, so as to maximize the results' utility. Nevertheless, we point out that it is inappropriate to indiscriminately apply PRP through every stage of a contemporary IR system. Such systems contain multiple stages (e.g., retrieval, pre-ranking, ranking, and re-ranking stages, as examined in this paper). The \emph{selection bias} inherent in the model of each stage significantly influences the results that are ultimately presented to users. To address this issue, we propose an improved ranking principle for multi-stage systems, namely the Generalized Probability Ranking Principle (GPRP), to emphasize both the selection bias in each stage of the system pipeline as well as the underlying interest of users. We realize GPRP via a unified algorithmic framework named Full Stage Learning to Rank. Our core idea is to first estimate the selection bias in the subsequent stages and then learn a ranking model that best complies with the downstream modules' selection bias so as to deliver its top ranked results to the final ranked list in the system's output. We performed extensive experiment evaluations of our developed Full Stage Learning to Rank solution, using both simulations and online A/B tests in one of the leading short-video recommendation platforms. The algorithm is proved to be effective in both retrieval and ranking stages. Since deployed, the algorithm has brought consistent and significant performance gain to the platform.

#8 Dual-domain Collaborative Denoising for Social Recommendation [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Wenjie Chen ; Yi Zhang ; Honghao Li ; Lei Sang ; Yiwen Zhang

Social recommendation leverages social network to complement user-item interaction data for recommendation task, aiming to mitigate the data sparsity issue in recommender systems. However, existing social recommendation methods encounter the following challenge: both social network and interaction data contain substaintial noise, and the propagation of such noise through Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) not only fails to enhance recommendation performance but may also interfere with the model's normal training. Despite the importance of denoising for social network and interaction data, only a limited number of studies have considered the denoising for social network and all of them overlook that for interaction data, hindering the denoising effect and recommendation performance. Based on this, we propose a novel model called Dual-domain Collaborative Denoising for Social Recommendation ($\textbf{DCDSR}$). DCDSR comprises two primary modules: the structure-level collaborative denoising module and the embedding-space collaborative denoising module. In the structure-level collaborative denoising module, information from interaction domain is first employed to guide social network denoising. Subsequently, the denoised social network is used to supervise the denoising for interaction data. The embedding-space collaborative denoising module devotes to resisting the noise cross-domain diffusion problem through contrastive learning with dual-domain embedding collaborative perturbation. Additionally, a novel contrastive learning strategy, named Anchor-InfoNCE, is introduced to better harness the denoising capability of contrastive learning. Evaluating our model on three real-world datasets verifies that DCDSR has a considerable denoising effect, thus outperforms the state-of-the-art social recommendation methods.

#9 Cryptanalysis of the SIMON Cypher Using Neo4j [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Jonathan Cook ; Sabih ur Rehman ; M. Arif Khan

The exponential growth in the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has seen the introduction of several Lightweight Encryption Algorithms (LEA). While LEAs are designed to enhance the integrity, privacy and security of data collected and transmitted by IoT devices, it is hazardous to assume that all LEAs are secure and exhibit similar levels of protection. To improve encryption strength, cryptanalysts and algorithm designers routinely probe LEAs using various cryptanalysis techniques to identify vulnerabilities and limitations of LEAs. Despite recent improvements in the efficiency of cryptanalysis utilising heuristic methods and a Partial Difference Distribution Table (PDDT), the process remains inefficient, with the random nature of the heuristic inhibiting reproducible results. However, the use of a PDDT presents opportunities to identify relationships between differentials utilising knowledge graphs, leading to the identification of efficient paths throughout the PDDT. This paper introduces the novel use of knowledge graphs to identify intricate relationships between differentials in the SIMON LEA, allowing for the identification of optimal paths throughout the differentials, and increasing the effectiveness of the differential security analyses of SIMON.

#10 Impact of Tone-Aware Explanations in Recommender Systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Ayano Okoso ; Keisuke Otaki ; Satoshi Koide ; Yukino Baba

In recommender systems, the presentation of explanations plays a crucial role in supporting users' decision-making processes. Although numerous existing studies have focused on the effects (transparency or persuasiveness) of explanation content, explanation expression is largely overlooked. Tone, such as formal and humorous, is directly linked to expressiveness and is an important element in human communication. However, studies on the impact of tone on explanations within the context of recommender systems are insufficient. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of explanation tones through an online user study from three aspects: perceived effects, domain differences, and user attributes. We create a dataset using a large language model to generate fictional items and explanations with various tones in the domain of movies, hotels, and home products. Collected data analysis reveals different perceived effects of tones depending on the domains. Moreover, user attributes such as age and personality traits are found to influence the impact of tone. This research underscores the critical role of tones in explanations within recommender systems, suggesting that attention to tone can enhance user experience.

#11 Enhancing Knowledge Retrieval with Topic Modeling for Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Nhat Tran ; Diane Litman

Knowledge retrieval is one of the major challenges in building a knowledge-grounded dialogue system. A common method is to use a neural retriever with a distributed approximate nearest-neighbor database to quickly find the relevant knowledge sentences. In this work, we propose an approach that utilizes topic modeling on the knowledge base to further improve retrieval accuracy and as a result, improve response generation. Additionally, we experiment with a large language model, ChatGPT, to take advantage of the improved retrieval performance to further improve the generation results. Experimental results on two datasets show that our approach can increase retrieval and generation performance. The results also indicate that ChatGPT is a better response generator for knowledge-grounded dialogue when relevant knowledge is provided.

#12 LLMs Can Patch Up Missing Relevance Judgments in Evaluation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Shivani Upadhyay ; Ehsan Kamalloo ; Jimmy Lin

Unjudged documents or holes in information retrieval benchmarks are considered non-relevant in evaluation, yielding no gains in measuring effectiveness. However, these missing judgments may inadvertently introduce biases into the evaluation as their prevalence for a retrieval model is heavily contingent on the pooling process. Thus, filling holes becomes crucial in ensuring reliable and accurate evaluation. Collecting human judgment for all documents is cumbersome and impractical. In this paper, we aim at leveraging large language models (LLMs) to automatically label unjudged documents. Our goal is to instruct an LLM using detailed instructions to assign fine-grained relevance judgments to holes. To this end, we systematically simulate scenarios with varying degrees of holes by randomly dropping relevant documents from the relevance judgment in TREC DL tracks. Our experiments reveal a strong correlation between our LLM-based method and ground-truth relevance judgments. Based on our simulation experiments conducted on three TREC DL datasets, in the extreme scenario of retaining only 10% of judgments, our method achieves a Kendall tau correlation of 0.87 and 0.92 on an average for Vicu\~na-7B and GPT-3.5 Turbo respectively.

#13 Enabling Roll-up and Drill-down Operations in News Exploration with Knowledge Graphs for Due Diligence and Risk Management [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Sha Wang ; Yuchen Li ; Hanhua Xiao ; Zhifeng Bao ; Lambert Deng ; Yanfei Dong

Efficient news exploration is crucial in real-world applications, particularly within the financial sector, where numerous control and risk assessment tasks rely on the analysis of public news reports. The current processes in this domain predominantly rely on manual efforts, often involving keywordbased searches and the compilation of extensive keyword lists. In this paper, we introduce NCEXPLORER, a framework designed with OLAP-like operations to enhance the news exploration experience. NCEXPLORER empowers users to use roll-up operations for a broader content overview and drill-down operations for detailed insights. These operations are achieved through integration with external knowledge graphs (KGs), encompassing both fact-based and ontology-based structures. This integration significantly augments exploration capabilities, offering a more comprehensive and efficient approach to unveiling the underlying structures and nuances embedded in news content. Extensive empirical studies through master-qualified evaluators on Amazon Mechanical Turk demonstrate NCEXPLORER's superiority over existing state-of-the-art news search methodologies across an array of topic domains, using real-world news datasets.

#14 Graded Relevance Scoring of Written Essays with Dense Retrieval [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Salam Albatarni ; Sohaila Eltanbouly ; Tamer Elsayed

Automated Essay Scoring automates the grading process of essays, providing a great advantage for improving the writing proficiency of students. While holistic essay scoring research is prevalent, a noticeable gap exists in scoring essays for specific quality traits. In this work, we focus on the relevance trait, which measures the ability of the student to stay on-topic throughout the entire essay. We propose a novel approach for graded relevance scoring of written essays that employs dense retrieval encoders. Dense representations of essays at different relevance levels then form clusters in the embeddings space, such that their centroids are potentially separate enough to effectively represent their relevance levels. We hence use the simple 1-Nearest-Neighbor classification over those centroids to determine the relevance level of an unseen essay. As an effective unsupervised dense encoder, we leverage Contriever, which is pre-trained with contrastive learning and demonstrated comparable performance to supervised dense retrieval models. We tested our approach on both task-specific (i.e., training and testing on same task) and cross-task (i.e., testing on unseen task) scenarios using the widely used ASAP++ dataset. Our method establishes a new state-of-the-art performance in the task-specific scenario, while its extension for the cross-task scenario exhibited a performance that is on par with the state-of-the-art model for that scenario. We also analyzed the performance of our approach in a more practical few-shot scenario, showing that it can significantly reduce the labeling cost while sacrificing only 10% of its effectiveness.

#15 myAURA: Personalized health library for epilepsy management via knowledge graph sparsification and visualization [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Rion Brattig Correia ; Jordan C. Rozum ; Leonard Cross ; Jack Felag ; Michael Gallant ; Ziqi Guo ; Bruce W. Herr II ; Aehong Min ; Deborah Stungis Rocha ; Xuan Wang ; Katy Börner ; Wendy Miller ; Luis M. Rocha

Objective: We report the development of the patient-centered myAURA application and suite of methods designed to aid epilepsy patients, caregivers, and researchers in making decisions about care and self-management. Materials and Methods: myAURA rests on the federation of an unprecedented collection of heterogeneous data resources relevant to epilepsy, such as biomedical databases, social media, and electronic health records. A generalizable, open-source methodology was developed to compute a multi-layer knowledge graph linking all this heterogeneous data via the terms of a human-centered biomedical dictionary. Results: The power of the approach is first exemplified in the study of the drug-drug interaction phenomenon. Furthermore, we employ a novel network sparsification methodology using the metric backbone of weighted graphs, which reveals the most important edges for inference, recommendation, and visualization, such as pharmacology factors patients discuss on social media. The network sparsification approach also allows us to extract focused digital cohorts from social media whose discourse is more relevant to epilepsy or other biomedical problems. Finally, we present our patient-centered design and pilot-testing of myAURA, including its user interface, based on focus groups and other stakeholder input. Discussion: The ability to search and explore myAURA's heterogeneous data sources via a sparsified multi-layer knowledge graph, as well as the combination of those layers in a single map, are useful features for integrating relevant information for epilepsy. Conclusion: Our stakeholder-driven, scalable approach to integrate traditional and non-traditional data sources, enables biomedical discovery and data-powered patient self-management in epilepsy, and is generalizable to other chronic conditions.