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#1 ErAConD: Error Annotated Conversational Dialog Dataset for Grammatical Error Correction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xun Yuan ; Derek Pham ; Sam Davidson ; Zhou Yu

Currently available grammatical error correction (GEC) datasets are compiled using essays or other long-form text written by language learners, limiting the applicability of these datasets to other domains such as informal writing and conversational dialog. In this paper, we present a novel GEC dataset consisting of parallel original and corrected utterances drawn from open-domain chatbot conversations; this dataset is, to our knowledge, the first GEC dataset targeted to a human-machine conversational setting. We also present a detailed annotation scheme which ranks errors by perceived impact on comprehension, making our dataset more representative of real-world language learning applications. To demonstrate the utility of the dataset, we use our annotated data to fine-tune a state-of-the-art GEC model. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our data in improving GEC model performance in a conversational scenario.