AAAI.2018 - Cognitive Modeling

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#1 A Unified Model for Document-Based Question Answering Based on Human-Like Reading Strategy [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Weikang Li, Wei Li, Yunfang Wu

Document-based Question Answering (DBQA) in Natural Language Processing (NLP) is important but difficult because of the long document and the complex question. Most of previous deep learning methods mainly focus on the similarity computation between two sentences. However, DBQA stems from the reading comprehension in some degree, which is originally used to train and test people's ability of reading and logical thinking. Inspired by the strategy of doing reading comprehension tests, we propose a unified model based on the human-like reading strategy. The unified model contains three major encoding layers that are consistent to different steps of the reading strategy, including the basic encoder, combined encoder and hierarchical encoder. We conduct extensive experiments on both the English WikiQA dataset and the Chinese dataset, and the experimental results show that our unified model is effective and yields state-of-the-art results on WikiQA dataset.

#2 A Plasticity-Centric Approach to Train the Non-Differential Spiking Neural Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tielin Zhang, Yi Zeng, Dongcheng Zhao, Mengting Shi

Many efforts have been taken to train spiking neural networks (SNNs), but most of them still need improvements due to the discontinuous and non-differential characteristics of SNNs. While the mammalian brains solve these kinds of problems by integrating a series of biological plasticity learning rules. In this paper, we will focus on two biological plausible methodologies and try to solve these catastrophic training problems in SNNs. Firstly, the biological neural network will try to keep a balance between inputs and outputs on both the neuron and the network levels. Secondly, the biological synaptic weights will be passively updated by the changes of the membrane potentials of the neighbour-hood neurons, and the plasticity of synapses will not propagate back to other previous layers. With these biological inspirations, we propose Voltage-driven Plasticity-centric SNN (VPSNN), which includes four steps, namely: feed forward inference, unsupervised equilibrium state learning, supervised last layer learning and passively updating synaptic weights based on spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). Finally we get the accuracy of 98.52% on the hand-written digits classification task on MNIST. In addition, with the help of a visualization tool, we try to analyze the black box of SNN and get better understanding of what benefits have been acquired by the proposed method.

#3 Thinking in PolAR Pictures: Using Rotation-Friendly Mental Images to Solve Leiter-R Form Completion [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Joshua Palmer, Maithilee Kunda

The Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised (Leiter-R) is a standardized cognitive test that seeks to "provide a nonverbal measure of general intelligence by sampling a wide variety of functions from memory to nonverbal reasoning." Understanding the computational building blocks of nonverbal cognition, as measured by the Leiter-R, is an important step towards understanding human nonverbal cognition, especially with respect to typical and atypical trajectories of child development. One subtest of the Leiter-R, Form Completion, involves synthesizing and localizing a visual figure from its constituent slices. Form Completion poses an interesting nonverbal problem that seems to combine several aspects of visual memory, mental rotation, and visual search. We describe a new computational cognitive model that addresses Form Completion using a novel, mental-rotation-friendly image representation that we call the Polar Augmented Resolution (PolAR) Picture, which enables high-fidelity mental rotation operations. We present preliminary results using actual Leiter-R test items and discuss directions for future work.

#4 Perceiving, Learning, and Recognizing 3D Objects: An Approach to Cognitive Service Robots [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: S. Kasaei, Juil Sock, Luis Seabra Lopes, Ana Maria Tome, Tae-Kyun Kim

There is growing need for robots that can interact with people in everyday situations. For service robots, it is not reasonable to assume that one can pre-program all object categories. Instead, apart from learning from a batch of labelled training data, robots should continuously update and learn new object categories while working in the environment. This paper proposes a cognitive architecture designed to create a concurrent 3D object category learning and recognition in an interactive and open-ended manner. In particular, this cognitive architecture provides automatic perception capabilities that will allow robots to detect objects in highly crowded scenes and learn new object categories from the set of accumulated experiences in an incremental and open-ended way. Moreover, it supports constructing the full model of an unknown object in an on-line manner and predicting next best view for improving object detection and manipulation performance. We provide extensive experimental results demonstrating system performance in terms of recognition, scalability, next-best-view prediction and real-world robotic applications.

#5 Learning Nonlinear Dynamics in Efficient, Balanced Spiking Networks Using Local Plasticity Rules [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Alireza Alemi, Christian Machens, Sophie Deneve, Jean-Jacques Slotine

The brain uses spikes in neural circuits to perform many dynamical computations. The computations are performed with properties such as spiking efficiency, i.e. minimal number of spikes, and robustness to noise. A major obstacle for learning computations in artificial spiking neural networks with such desired biological properties is due to lack of our understanding of how biological spiking neural networks learn computations. Here, we consider the credit assignment problem, i.e. determining the local contribution of each synapse to the network's global output error, for learning nonlinear dynamical computations in a spiking network with the desired properties of biological networks. We approach this problem by fusing the theory of efficient, balanced neural networks (EBN) with nonlinear adaptive control theory to propose a local learning rule. Locality of learning rules are ensured by feeding back into the network its own error, resulting in a learning rule depending solely on presynaptic inputs and error feedbacks. The spiking efficiency and robustness of the network are guaranteed by maintaining a tight excitatory/inhibitory balance, ensuring that each spike represents a local projection of the global output error and minimizes a loss function. The resulting networks can learn to implement complex dynamics with very small numbers of neurons and spikes, exhibit the same spike train variability as observed experimentally, and are extremely robust to noise and neuronal loss.