ACL.2022 - Short Papers

| Total: 97

#1 BitFit: Simple Parameter-efficient Fine-tuning for Transformer-based Masked Language-models [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi4] [REL]

Authors: Elad Ben Zaken, Yoav Goldberg, Shauli Ravfogel

We introduce BitFit, a sparse-finetuning method where only the bias-terms of the model (or a subset of them) are being modified. We show that with small-to-medium training data, applying BitFit on pre-trained BERT models is competitive with (and sometimes better than) fine-tuning the entire model. For larger data, the method is competitive with other sparse fine-tuning methods. Besides their practical utility, these findings are relevant for the question of understanding the commonly-used process of finetuning: they support the hypothesis that finetuning is mainly about exposing knowledge induced by language-modeling training, rather than learning new task-specific linguistic knowledge.

#2 Are Shortest Rationales the Best Explanations for Human Understanding? [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Hua Shen, Tongshuang Wu, Wenbo Guo, Ting-Hao Huang

Existing self-explaining models typically favor extracting the shortest possible rationales — snippets of an input text “responsible for” corresponding output — to explain the model prediction, with the assumption that shorter rationales are more intuitive to humans. However, this assumption has yet to be validated. Is the shortest rationale indeed the most human-understandable? To answer this question, we design a self-explaining model, LimitedInk, which allows users to extract rationales at any target length. Compared to existing baselines, LimitedInk achieves compatible end-task performance and human-annotated rationale agreement, making it a suitable representation of the recent class of self-explaining models. We use LimitedInk to conduct a user study on the impact of rationale length, where we ask human judges to predict the sentiment label of documents based only on LimitedInk-generated rationales with different lengths. We show rationales that are too short do not help humans predict labels better than randomly masked text, suggesting the need for more careful design of the best human rationales.

#3 Analyzing Wrap-Up Effects through an Information-Theoretic Lens [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Clara Meister, Tiago Pimentel, Thomas Clark, Ryan Cotterell, Roger Levy

Numerous analyses of reading time (RT) data have been undertaken in the effort to learn more about the internal processes that occur during reading comprehension. However, data measured on words at the end of a sentence–or even clause–is often omitted due to the confounding factors introduced by so-called “wrap-up effects,” which manifests as a skewed distribution of RTs for these words. Consequently, the understanding of the cognitive processes that might be involved in these effects is limited. In this work, we attempt to learn more about these processes by looking for the existence–or absence–of a link between wrap-up effects and information theoretic quantities, such as word and context information content. We find that the information distribution of prior context is often predictive of sentence- and clause-final RTs (while not of sentence-medial RTs), which lends support to several prior hypotheses about the processes involved in wrap-up effects.

#4 Have my arguments been replied to? Argument Pair Extraction as Machine Reading Comprehension [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Jianzhu Bao, Jingyi Sun, Qinglin Zhu, Ruifeng Xu

Argument pair extraction (APE) aims to automatically mine argument pairs from two interrelated argumentative documents. Existing studies typically identify argument pairs indirectly by predicting sentence-level relations between two documents, neglecting the modeling of the holistic argument-level interactions. Towards this issue, we propose to address APE via a machine reading comprehension (MRC) framework with two phases. The first phase employs an argument mining (AM) query to identify all arguments in two documents. The second phase considers each identified argument as an APE query to extract its paired arguments from another document, allowing to better capture the argument-level interactions. Also, this framework enables these two phases to be jointly trained in a single MRC model, thereby maximizing the mutual benefits of them. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves the best performance, outperforming the state-of-the-art method by 7.11% in F1 score.

#5 On the probability–quality paradox in language generation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Clara Meister, Gian Wiher, Tiago Pimentel, Ryan Cotterell

When generating natural language from neural probabilistic models, high probability does not always coincide with high quality: It has often been observed that mode-seeking decoding methods, i.e., those that produce high-probability text under the model, lead to unnatural language. On the other hand, the lower-probability text generated by stochastic methods is perceived as more human-like. In this note, we offer an explanation for this phenomenon by analyzing language generation through an information-theoretic lens. Specifically, we posit that human-like language should contain an amount of information (quantified as negative log-probability) that is close to the entropy of the distribution over natural strings. Further, we posit that language with substantially more (or less) information is undesirable. We provide preliminary empirical evidence in favor of this hypothesis; quality ratings of both human and machine-generated text—covering multiple tasks and common decoding strategies—suggest high-quality text has an information content significantly closer to the entropy than we would expect by chance.

#6 Disentangled Knowledge Transfer for OOD Intent Discovery with Unified Contrastive Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Yutao Mou, Keqing He, Yanan Wu, Zhiyuan Zeng, Hong Xu, Huixing Jiang, Wei Wu, Weiran Xu

Discovering Out-of-Domain(OOD) intents is essential for developing new skills in a task-oriented dialogue system. The key challenge is how to transfer prior IND knowledge to OOD clustering. Different from existing work based on shared intent representation, we propose a novel disentangled knowledge transfer method via a unified multi-head contrastive learning framework. We aim to bridge the gap between IND pre-training and OOD clustering. Experiments and analysis on two benchmark datasets show the effectiveness of our method.

#7 Voxel-informed Language Grounding [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Rodolfo Corona, Shizhan Zhu, Dan Klein, Trevor Darrell

Natural language applied to natural 2D images describes a fundamentally 3D world. We present the Voxel-informed Language Grounder (VLG), a language grounding model that leverages 3D geometric information in the form of voxel maps derived from the visual input using a volumetric reconstruction model. We show that VLG significantly improves grounding accuracy on SNARE, an object reference game task. At the time of writing, VLG holds the top place on the SNARE leaderboard, achieving SOTA results with a 2.0% absolute improvement.

#8 P-Tuning: Prompt Tuning Can Be Comparable to Fine-tuning Across Scales and Tasks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Xiao Liu, Kaixuan Ji, Yicheng Fu, Weng Tam, Zhengxiao Du, Zhilin Yang, Jie Tang

Prompt tuning, which only tunes continuous prompts with a frozen language model, substantially reduces per-task storage and memory usage at training. However, in the context of NLU, prior work reveals that prompt tuning does not perform well for normal-sized pretrained models. We also find that existing methods of prompt tuning cannot handle hard sequence labeling tasks, indicating a lack of universality. We present a novel empirical finding that properly optimized prompt tuning can be universally effective across a wide range of model scales and NLU tasks. It matches the performance of finetuning while having only 0.1%-3% tuned parameters. Our method P-Tuning v2 is an implementation of Deep Prompt Tuning (CITATION) optimized and adapted for NLU. Given the universality and simplicity of P-Tuning v2, we believe it can serve as an alternative to finetuning and a strong baseline for future research.

#9 On Efficiently Acquiring Annotations for Multilingual Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Joel Ruben Antony Moniz, Barun Patra, Matthew Gormley

When tasked with supporting multiple languages for a given problem, two approaches have arisen: training a model for each language with the annotation budget divided equally among them, and training on a high-resource language followed by zero-shot transfer to the remaining languages. In this work, we show that the strategy of joint learning across multiple languages using a single model performs substantially better than the aforementioned alternatives. We also demonstrate that active learning provides additional, complementary benefits. We show that this simple approach enables the model to be data efficient by allowing it to arbitrate its annotation budget to query languages it is less certain on. We illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method on a diverse set of tasks: a classification task with 4 languages, a sequence tagging task with 4 languages and a dependency parsing task with 5 languages. Our proposed method, whilst simple, substantially outperforms the other viable alternatives for building a model in a multilingual setting under constrained budgets.

#10 Automatic Detection of Entity-Manipulated Text using Factual Knowledge [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Ganesh Jawahar, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed, Laks Lakshmanan

In this work, we focus on the problem of distinguishing a human written news article from a news article that is created by manipulating entities in a human written news article (e.g., replacing entities with factually incorrect entities). Such manipulated articles can mislead the reader by posing as a human written news article. We propose a neural network based detector that detects manipulated news articles by reasoning about the facts mentioned in the article. Our proposed detector exploits factual knowledge via graph convolutional neural network along with the textual information in the news article. We also create challenging datasets for this task by considering various strategies to generate the new replacement entity (e.g., entity generation from GPT-2). In all the settings, our proposed model either matches or outperforms the state-of-the-art detector in terms of accuracy. Our code and data are available at

#11 Does BERT Know that the IS-A Relation Is Transitive? [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Ruixi Lin, Hwee Tou Ng

The success of a natural language processing (NLP) system on a task does not amount to fully understanding the complexity of the task, typified by many deep learning models. One such question is: can a black-box model make logically consistent predictions for transitive relations? Recent studies suggest that pre-trained BERT can capture lexico-semantic clues from words in the context. However, to what extent BERT captures the transitive nature of some lexical relations is unclear. From a probing perspective, we examine WordNet word senses and the IS-A relation, which is a transitive relation. That is, for senses A, B, and C, A is-a B and B is-a C entail A is-a C. We aim to quantify how much BERT agrees with the transitive property of IS-A relations, via a minimalist probing setting. Our investigation reveals that BERT’s predictions do not fully obey the transitivity property of the IS-A relation.

#12 Buy Tesla, Sell Ford: Assessing Implicit Stock Market Preference in Pre-trained Language Models [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Chengyu Chuang, Yi Yang

Pretrained language models such as BERT have achieved remarkable success in several NLP tasks. With the wide adoption of BERT in real-world applications, researchers begin to investigate the implicit biases encoded in the BERT. In this paper, we assess the implicit stock market preferences in BERT and its finance domain-specific model FinBERT. We find some interesting patterns. For example, the language models are overall more positive towards the stock market, but there are significant differences in preferences between a pair of industry sectors, or even within a sector. Given the prevalence of NLP models in financial decision making systems, this work raises the awareness of their potential implicit preferences in the stock markets. Awareness of such problems can help practitioners improve robustness and accountability of their financial NLP pipelines .

#13 Pixie: Preference in Implicit and Explicit Comparisons [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Amanul Haque, Vaibhav Garg, Hui Guo, Munindar Singh

We present Pixie, a manually annotated dataset for preference classification comprising 8,890 sentences drawn from app reviews. Unlike previous studies on preference classification, Pixie contains implicit (omitting an entity being compared) and indirect (lacking comparative linguistic cues) comparisons. We find that transformer-based pretrained models, finetuned on Pixie, achieve a weighted average F1 score of 83.34% and outperform the existing state-of-the-art preference classification model (73.99%).

#14 Counterfactual Explanations for Natural Language Interfaces [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: George Tolkachev, Stephen Mell, Stephan Zdancewic, Osbert Bastani

A key challenge facing natural language interfaces is enabling users to understand the capabilities of the underlying system. We propose a novel approach for generating explanations of a natural language interface based on semantic parsing. We focus on counterfactual explanations, which are post-hoc explanations that describe to the user how they could have minimally modified their utterance to achieve their desired goal. In particular, the user provides an utterance along with a demonstration of their desired goal; then, our algorithm synthesizes a paraphrase of their utterance that is guaranteed to achieve their goal. In two user studies, we demonstrate that our approach substantially improves user performance, and that it generates explanations that more closely match the user’s intent compared to two ablations.

#15 Predicting Difficulty and Discrimination of Natural Language Questions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Matthew Byrd, Shashank Srivastava

Item Response Theory (IRT) has been extensively used to numerically characterize question difficulty and discrimination for human subjects in domains including cognitive psychology and education (Primi et al., 2014; Downing, 2003). More recently, IRT has been used to similarly characterize item difficulty and discrimination for natural language models across various datasets (Lalor et al., 2019; Vania et al., 2021; Rodriguez et al., 2021). In this work, we explore predictive models for directly estimating and explaining these traits for natural language questions in a question-answering context. We use HotpotQA for illustration. Our experiments show that it is possible to predict both difficulty and discrimination parameters for new questions, and these traits are correlated with features of questions, answers, and associated contexts. Our findings can have significant implications for the creation of new datasets and tests on the one hand and strategies such as active learning and curriculum learning on the other.

#16 How does the pre-training objective affect what large language models learn about linguistic properties? [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Ahmed Alajrami, Nikolaos Aletras

Several pre-training objectives, such as masked language modeling (MLM), have been proposed to pre-train language models (e.g. BERT) with the aim of learning better language representations. However, to the best of our knowledge, no previous work so far has investigated how different pre-training objectives affect what BERT learns about linguistics properties. We hypothesize that linguistically motivated objectives such as MLM should help BERT to acquire better linguistic knowledge compared to other non-linguistically motivated objectives that are not intuitive or hard for humans to guess the association between the input and the label to be predicted. To this end, we pre-train BERT with two linguistically motivated objectives and three non-linguistically motivated ones. We then probe for linguistic characteristics encoded in the representation of the resulting models. We find strong evidence that there are only small differences in probing performance between the representations learned by the two different types of objectives. These surprising results question the dominant narrative of linguistically informed pre-training.

#17 The Power of Prompt Tuning for Low-Resource Semantic Parsing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Nathan Schucher, Siva Reddy, Harm de Vries

Prompt tuning has recently emerged as an effective method for adapting pre-trained language models to a number of language understanding and generation tasks. In this paper, we investigate prompt tuning for semantic parsing—the task of mapping natural language utterances onto formal meaning representations. On the low-resource splits of Overnight and TOPv2, we find that a prompt tuned T5-xl significantly outperforms its fine-tuned counterpart, as well as strong GPT-3 and BART baselines. We also conduct ablation studies across different model scales and target representations, finding that, with increasing model scale, prompt tuned T5 models improve at generating target representations that are far from the pre-training distribution.

#18 Data Contamination: From Memorization to Exploitation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Inbal Magar, Roy Schwartz

Pretrained language models are typically trained on massive web-based datasets, which are often “contaminated” with downstream test sets. It is not clear to what extent models exploit the contaminated data for downstream tasks. We present a principled method to study this question. We pretrain BERT models on joint corpora of Wikipedia and labeled downstream datasets, and fine-tune them on the relevant task. Comparing performance between samples seen and unseen during pretraining enables us to define and quantify levels of memorization and exploitation. Experiments with two models and three downstream tasks show that exploitation exists in some cases, but in others the models memorize the contaminated data, but do not exploit it. We show that these two measures are affected by different factors such as the number of duplications of the contaminated data and the model size. Our results highlight the importance of analyzing massive web-scale datasets to verify that progress in NLP is obtained by better language understanding and not better data exploitation.

#19 Detecting Annotation Errors in Morphological Data with the Transformer [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Ling Liu, Mans Hulden

Annotation errors that stem from various sources are usually unavoidable when performing large-scale annotation of linguistic data. In this paper, we evaluate the feasibility of using the Transformer model to detect various types of annotator errors in morphological data sets that contain inflected word forms. We evaluate our error detection model on four languages by introducing three different types of artificial errors in the data: (1) typographic errors, where single characters in the data are inserted, replaced, or deleted; (2) linguistic confusion errors where two inflected forms are systematically swapped; and (3) self-adversarial errors where the Transformer model itself is used to generate plausible-looking, but erroneous forms by retrieving high-scoring predictions from the search beam. Results show that the Transformer model can with perfect, or near-perfect recall detect errors in all three scenarios, even when significant amounts of the annotated data (5%-30%) are corrupted on all languages tested. Precision varies across the languages and types of errors, but is high enough that the model can be very effectively used to flag suspicious entries in large data sets for further scrutiny by human annotators.

#20 Estimating the Entropy of Linguistic Distributions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Aryaman Arora, Clara Meister, Ryan Cotterell

Shannon entropy is often a quantity of interest to linguists studying the communicative capacity of human language. However, entropymust typically be estimated from observed data because researchers do not have access to the underlying probability distribution. While entropy estimation is a well-studied problem in other fields, there is not yet a comprehensive exploration of the efficacy of entropy estimators for use with linguistic data. In this work, we fill this void, studying the empirical effectiveness of different entropy estimators for linguistic distributions. In a replication of two recent information-theoretic linguistic studies, we find evidence that the reported effect size is over-estimated due to over-reliance on poor entropy estimators. We end this paper with a concrete recommendation for the entropy estimators that should be used in future linguistic studies.

#21 Morphological Reinflection with Multiple Arguments: An Extended Annotation schema and a Georgian Case Study [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: David Guriel, Omer Goldman, Reut Tsarfaty

In recent years, a flurry of morphological datasets had emerged, most notably UniMorph, aa multi-lingual repository of inflection tables. However, the flat structure of the current morphological annotation makes the treatment of some languages quirky, if not impossible, specifically in cases of polypersonal agreement. In this paper we propose a general solution for such cases and expand the UniMorph annotation schema to naturally address this phenomenon, in which verbs agree with multiple arguments using true affixes. We apply this extended schema to one such language, Georgian, and provide a human-verified, accurate and balanced morphological dataset for Georgian verbs. The dataset has 4 times more tables and 6 times more verb forms compared to the existing UniMorph dataset, covering all possible variants of argument marking, demonstrating the adequacy of our proposed scheme. Experiments on a reinflection task show that generalization is easy when the data is split at the form level, but extremely hard when splitting along lemma lines. Expanding the other languages in UniMorph according to this schema is expected to improve both the coverage, consistency and interpretability of this benchmark.

#22 DQ-BART: Efficient Sequence-to-Sequence Model via Joint Distillation and Quantization [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Zheng Li, Zijian Wang, Ming Tan, Ramesh Nallapati, Parminder Bhatia, Andrew Arnold, Bing Xiang, Dan Roth

Large-scale pre-trained sequence-to-sequence models like BART and T5 achieve state-of-the-art performance on many generative NLP tasks. However, such models pose a great challenge in resource-constrained scenarios owing to their large memory requirements and high latency. To alleviate this issue, we propose to jointly distill and quantize the model, where knowledge is transferred from the full-precision teacher model to the quantized and distilled low-precision student model. Empirical analyses show that, despite the challenging nature of generative tasks, we were able to achieve a 16.5x model footprint compression ratio with little performance drop relative to the full-precision counterparts on multiple summarization and QA datasets. We further pushed the limit of compression ratio to 27.7x and presented the performance-efficiency trade-off for generative tasks using pre-trained models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work aiming to effectively distill and quantize sequence-to-sequence pre-trained models for language generation tasks.

#23 Learning-by-Narrating: Narrative Pre-Training for Zero-Shot Dialogue Comprehension [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Chao Zhao, Wenlin Yao, Dian Yu, Kaiqiang Song, Dong Yu, Jianshu Chen

Comprehending a dialogue requires a model to capture diverse kinds of key information in the utterances, which are either scattered around or implicitly implied in different turns of conversations. Therefore, dialogue comprehension requires diverse capabilities such as paraphrasing, summarizing, and commonsense reasoning. Towards the objective of pre-training a zero-shot dialogue comprehension model, we develop a novel narrative-guided pre-training strategy that learns by narrating the key information from a dialogue input. However, the dialogue-narrative parallel corpus for such a pre-training strategy is currently unavailable. For this reason, we first construct a dialogue-narrative parallel corpus by automatically aligning movie subtitles and their synopses. We then pre-train a BART model on the data and evaluate its performance on four dialogue-based tasks that require comprehension. Experimental results show that our model not only achieves superior zero-shot performance but also exhibits stronger fine-grained dialogue comprehension capabilities. The data and code are available at

#24 Kronecker Decomposition for GPT Compression [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Ali Edalati, Marzieh Tahaei, Ahmad Rashid, Vahid Nia, James Clark, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh

GPT is an auto-regressive Transformer-based pre-trained language model which has attracted a lot of attention in the natural language processing (NLP) domain. The success of GPT is mostly attributed to its pre-training on huge amount of data and its large number of parameters. Despite the superior performance of GPT, this overparameterized nature of GPT can be very prohibitive for deploying this model on devices with limited computational power or memory. This problem can be mitigated using model compression techniques; however, compressing GPT models has not been investigated much in the literature. In this work, we use Kronecker decomposition to compress the linear mappings of the GPT-2 model. Our Kronecker GPT-2 model (KnGPT2) is initialized based on the Kronecker decomposed version of the GPT-2 model and then is undergone a very light pre- training on only a small portion of the training data with intermediate layer knowledge distillation (ILKD). Finally, our KnGPT2 is fine-tuned on downstream tasks using ILKD as well. We evaluate our model on both language modeling and General Language Understanding Evaluation benchmark tasks and show that with more efficient pre-training and similar number of parameters, our KnGPT2 outperforms the existing DistilGPT2 model significantly.

#25 Simple and Effective Knowledge-Driven Query Expansion for QA-Based Product Attribute Extraction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Keiji Shinzato, Naoki Yoshinaga, Yandi Xia, Wei-Te Chen

A key challenge in attribute value extraction (AVE) from e-commerce sites is how to handle a large number of attributes for diverse products. Although this challenge is partially addressed by a question answering (QA) approach which finds a value in product data for a given query (attribute), it does not work effectively for rare and ambiguous queries. We thus propose simple knowledge-driven query expansion based on possible answers (values) of a query (attribute) for QA-based AVE. We retrieve values of a query (attribute) from the training data to expand the query. We train a model with two tricks, knowledge dropout and knowledge token mixing, which mimic the imperfection of the value knowledge in testing. Experimental results on our cleaned version of AliExpress dataset show that our method improves the performance of AVE (+6.08 macro F1), especially for rare and ambiguous attributes (+7.82 and +6.86 macro F1, respectively).