ICCV.2023 - Accept

| Total: 2152

#1 Towards Attack-tolerant Federated Learning via Critical Parameter Analysis [PDF12] [Copy] [Kimi37] [REL]

Authors: Sungwon Han, Sungwon Park, Fangzhao Wu, Sundong Kim, Bin Zhu, Xing Xie, Meeyoung Cha

Federated learning is used to train a shared model in a decentralized way without clients sharing private data with each other. Federated learning systems are susceptible to poisoning attacks when malicious clients send false updates to the central server. Existing defense strategies are ineffective under non-IID data settings. This paper proposes a new defense strategy, FedCPA (Federated learning with Critical Parameter Analysis). Our attack-tolerant aggregation method is based on the observation that benign local models have similar sets of top-k and bottom-k critical parameters, whereas poisoned local models do not. Experiments with different attack scenarios on multiple datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms existing defense strategies in defending against poisoning attacks.

#2 Stochastic Segmentation with Conditional Categorical Diffusion Models [PDF16] [Copy] [Kimi18] [REL]

Authors: Lukas Zbinden, Lars Doorenbos, Theodoros Pissas, Adrian Thomas Huber, Raphael Sznitman, Pablo Márquez-Neila

Semantic segmentation has made significant progress in recent years thanks to deep neural networks, but the common objective of generating a single segmentation output that accurately matches the image's content may not be suitable for safety-critical domains such as medical diagnostics and autonomous driving. Instead, multiple possible correct segmentation maps may be required to reflect the true distribution of annotation maps. In this context, stochastic semantic segmentation methods must learn to predict conditional distributions of labels given the image, but this is challenging due to the typically multimodal distributions, high-dimensional output spaces, and limited annotation data. To address these challenges, we propose a conditional categorical diffusion model (CCDM) for semantic segmentation based on Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models. Our model is conditioned to the input image, enabling it to generate multiple segmentation label maps that account for the aleatoric uncertainty arising from divergent ground truth annotations. Our experimental results show that CCDM achieves state-of-the-art performance on LIDC, a stochastic semantic segmentation dataset, and outperforms established baselines on the classical segmentation dataset Cityscapes.

#3 Diff-Retinex: Rethinking Low-light Image Enhancement with A Generative Diffusion Model [PDF7] [Copy] [Kimi10] [REL]

Authors: Xunpeng Yi, Han Xu, Hao Zhang, Linfeng Tang, Jiayi Ma

In this paper, we rethink the low-light image enhancement task and propose a physically explainable and generative diffusion model for low-light image enhancement, termed as Diff-Retinex. We aim to integrate the advantages of the physical model and the generative network. Furthermore, we hope to supplement and even deduce the information missing in the low-light image through the generative network. Therefore, Diff-Retinex formulates the low-light image enhancement problem into Retinex decomposition and conditional image generation. In the Retinex decomposition, we integrate the superiority of attention in Transformer and meticulously design a Retinex Transformer decomposition network (TDN) to decompose the image into illumination and reflectance maps. Then, we design multi-path generative diffusion networks to reconstruct the normal-light Retinex probability distribution and solve the various degradations in these components respectively, including dark illumination, noise, color deviation, loss of scene contents, etc. Owing to generative diffusion model, Diff-Retinex puts the restoration of low-light subtle detail into practice. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world low-light datasets qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate the effectiveness, superiority, and generalization of the proposed method.

#4 Bird's-Eye-View Scene Graph for Vision-Language Navigation [PDF5] [Copy] [Kimi6] [REL]

Authors: Rui Liu, Xiaohan Wang, Wenguan Wang, Yi Yang

Vision-language navigation (VLN), which entails an agent to navigate 3D environments following human instructions, has shown great advances. However, current agents are built upon panoramic observations, which hinders their ability to perceive 3D scene geometry and easily leads to ambiguous selection of panoramic view. To address these limitations, we present a BEV Scene Graph (BSG), which leverages multi-step BEV representations to encode scene layouts and geometric cues of indoor environment under the supervision of 3D detection. During navigation, BSG builds a local BEV representation at each step and maintains a BEV-based global scene map, which stores and organizes all the online collected local BEV representations according to their topological relations. Based on BSG, the agent predicts a local BEV grid-level decision score and a global graph-level decision score, combined with a subview selection score on panoramic views, for more accurate action prediction. Our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on REVERIE, R2R, and R4R, showing the potential of BEV perception in VLN.

#5 PVT++: A Simple End-to-End Latency-Aware Visual Tracking Framework [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi6] [REL]

Authors: Bowen Li, Ziyuan Huang, Junjie Ye, Yiming Li, Sebastian Scherer, Hang Zhao, Changhong Fu

Visual object tracking is essential to intelligent robots. Most existing approaches have ignored the online latency that can cause severe performance degradation during real-world processing. Especially for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), where robust tracking is more challenging and onboard computation is limited, the latency issue can be fatal. In this work, we present a simple framework for end-to-end latency-aware tracking, i.e., end-to-end predictive visual tracking (PVT++). Unlike existing solutions that naively append Kalman Filters after trackers, PVT++ can be jointly optimized, so that it takes not only motion information but can also leverage the rich visual knowledge in most pre-trained tracker models for robust prediction. Besides, to bridge the training-evaluation domain gap, we propose a relative motion factor, empowering PVT++ to generalize to the challenging and complex UAV tracking scenes. These careful designs have made the small-capacity lightweight PVT++ a widely effective solution. Additionally, this work presents an extended latency-aware evaluation benchmark for assessing an any-speed tracker in the online setting. Empirical results on a robotic platform from the aerial perspective show that PVT++ can achieve significant performance gain on various trackers and exhibit higher accuracy than prior solutions, largely mitigating the degradation brought by latency. Our code will be made public.

#6 A Dynamic Dual-Processing Object Detection Framework Inspired by the Brain's Recognition Mechanism [PDF9] [Copy] [Kimi9] [REL]

Authors: Minying Zhang, Tianpeng Bu, Lulu Hu

There are two main approaches to object detection: CNN-based and Transformer-based. The former views object detection as a dense local matching problem, while the latter sees it as a sparse global retrieval problem. Research in neuroscience has shown that the recognition decision in the brain is based on two processes, namely familiarity and recollection. Based on this biological support, we propose an efficient and effective dual-processing object detection framework. It integrates CNN- and Transformer-based detectors into a comprehensive object detection system consisting of a shared backbone, an efficient dual-stream encoder, and a dynamic dual-decoder. To better integrate local and global features, we design a search space for the CNN-Transformer dual-stream encoder to find the optimal fusion solution. To enable better coordination between the CNN- and Transformer-based decoders, we provide the dual-decoder with a selective mask. This mask dynamically chooses the more advantageous decoder for each position in the image based on high-level representation. As demonstrated by extensive experiments, our approach shows flexibility and effectiveness in prompting the mAP of the various source detectors by 3.0 3.7 without increasing FLOPs.

#7 Hard No-Box Adversarial Attack on Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition with Skeleton-Motion-Informed Gradient [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Zhengzhi Lu, He Wang, Ziyi Chang, Guoan Yang, Hubert P. H. Shum

Recently, methods for skeleton-based human activity recognition have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. However, these attack methods require either the full knowledge of the victim (i.e. white-box attacks), access to training data (i.e. transfer-based attacks) or frequent model queries (i.e. black-box attacks). All their requirements are highly restrictive, raising the question of how detrimental the vulnerability is. In this paper, we show that the vulnerability indeed exists. To this end, we consider a new attack task: the attacker has no access to the victim model or the training data or labels, where we coin the term hard no-box attack. Specifically, we first learn a motion manifold where we define an adversarial loss to compute a new gradient for the attack, named skeleton-motion-informed (SMI) gradient. Our gradient contains information of the motion dynamics, which is different from existing gradient-based attack methods that compute the loss gradient assuming each dimension in the data is independent. The SMI gradient can augment many gradient-based attack methods, leading to a new family of no-box attack methods. Extensive evaluation and comparison show that our method imposes a real threat to existing classifiers. They also show that the SMI gradient improves the transferability and imperceptibility of adversarial samples in both no-box and transfer-based black-box settings.

#8 GameFormer: Game-theoretic Modeling and Learning of Transformer-based Interactive Prediction and Planning for Autonomous Driving [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Zhiyu Huang, Haochen Liu, Chen Lv

Autonomous vehicles operating in complex real-world environments require accurate predictions of interactive behaviors between traffic participants. This paper tackles the interaction prediction problem by formulating it with hierarchical game theory and proposing the GameFormer model for its implementation. The model incorporates a Transformer encoder, which effectively models the relationships between scene elements, alongside a novel hierarchical Transformer decoder structure. At each decoding level, the decoder utilizes the prediction outcomes from the previous level, in addition to the shared environmental context, to iteratively refine the interaction process. Moreover, we propose a learning process that regulates an agent's behavior at the current level to respond to other agents' behaviors from the preceding level. Through comprehensive experiments on large-scale real-world driving datasets, we demonstrate the state-of-the-art accuracy of our model on the Waymo interaction prediction task. Additionally, we validate the model's capacity to jointly reason about the motion plan of the ego agent and the behaviors of multiple agents in both open-loop and closed-loop planning tests, outperforming various baseline methods. Furthermore, we evaluate the efficacy of our model on the nuPlan planning benchmark, where it achieves leading performance.

#9 Towards Better Robustness against Common Corruptions for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi6] [REL]

Authors: Zhiqiang Gao, Kaizhu Huang, Rui Zhang, Dawei Liu, Jieming Ma

Recent studies have investigated how to achieve robustness for unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). While most efforts focus on adversarial robustness, i.e. how the model performs against unseen malicious adversarial perturbations, robustness against benign common corruption (RaCC) surprisingly remains under-explored for UDA. Towards improving RaCC for UDA methods in an unsupervised manner, we propose a novel Distributionally and Discretely Adversarial Regularization (DDAR) framework in this paper. Formulated as a min-max optimization with a distribution distance, DDAR is theoretically well-founded to ensure generalization over unknown common corruptions. Meanwhile, we show that our regularization scheme effectively reduces a surrogate of RaCC, i.e., the perceptual distance between natural data and common corruption. To enable a better adversarial regularization, the design of the optimization pipeline relies on an image discretization scheme that can transform "out-of-distribution" adversarial data into "in-distribution" data augmentation. Through extensive experiments, in terms of RaCC, our method is superior to conventional unsupervised regularization mechanisms, widely improves the robustness of existing UDA methods, and achieves state-of-the-art performance.

#10 Learning in Imperfect Environment: Multi-Label Classification with Long-Tailed Distribution and Partial Labels [PDF6] [Copy] [Kimi7] [REL]

Authors: Wenqiao Zhang, Changshuo Liu, Lingze Zeng, Bengchin Ooi, Siliang Tang, Yueting Zhuang

Conventional multi-label classification (MLC) methods assume that all samples are fully labeled and identically distributed. Unfortunately, this assumption is unrealistic in large-scale MLC data that has long-tailed (LT) distribution and partial labels (PL). To address the problem, we introduce a novel task, Partial labeling and Long-Tailed Multi-Label Classification (PLT-MLC), to jointly consider the above two imperfect learning environments. Not surprisingly, we find that most LT-MLC and PL-MLC approaches fail to solve the PLT-MLC, resulting in significant performance degradation on the two proposed PLT-MLC benchmarks. Therefore, we propose an end-to-end learning framework: COrrection -> ModificatIon -> balanCe, abbreviated as COMC. Our bootstrapping philosophy is to simultaneously correct the missing labels (Correction) with convinced prediction confidence over a class-aware threshold and to learn from these recall labels during training. We next propose a novel multi-focal modifier loss that simultaneously addresses head-tail imbalance and positive-negative imbalance to adaptively modify the attention to different samples (Modification) under the LT class distribution. We also develop a balanced training strategy by distilling the model's learning effect from head and tail samples, and thus design the balanced classifier (Balance) conditioned on the head and tail learning effect to maintain a stable performance. Our experimental study shows that the proposed method significantly outperforms the general MLC, LT-MLC and ML-MLC methods in terms of effectiveness and robustness on our newly created PLT-MLC datasets.

#11 Flexible Visual Recognition by Evidential Modeling of Confusion and Ignorance [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Lei Fan, Bo Liu, Haoxiang Li, Ying Wu, Gang Hua

In real-world scenarios, typical visual recognition systems could fail under two major causes, i.e., the misclassification between known classes and the excusable misbehavior on unknown-class images. To tackle these deficiencies, flexible visual recognition should dynamically predict multiple classes when they are unconfident between choices and reject making predictions when the input is entirely out of the training distribution. Two challenges emerge along with this novel task. First, prediction uncertainty should be separately quantified as confusion depicting inter-class uncertainties and ignorance identifying out-of-distribution samples. Second, both confusion and ignorance should be comparable between samples to enable effective decision-making. In this paper, we propose to model these two sources of uncertainty explicitly with the theory of Subjective Logic. Regarding recognition as an evidence-collecting process, confusion is then defined as conflicting evidence, while ignorance is the absence of evidence. By predicting Dirichlet concentration parameters for singletons, comprehensive subjective opinions, including confusion and ignorance, could be achieved via further evidence combinations. Through a series of experiments on synthetic data analysis, visual recognition, and open-set detection, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods in quantifying two sources of uncertainties and dealing with flexible recognition.

#12 Texture Generation on 3D Meshes with Point-UV Diffusion [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Xin Yu, Peng Dai, Wenbo Li, Lan Ma, Zhengzhe Liu, Xiaojuan Qi

In this work, we focus on synthesizing high-quality textures on 3D meshes. We present Point-UV diffusion, a coarse-to-fine pipeline that marries the denoising diffusion model with UV mapping to generate 3D consistent and high-quality texture images in UV space. We start with introducing a point diffusion model to synthesize low-frequency texture components with our tailored style guidance to tackle the biased color distribution. The derived coarse texture offers global consistency and serves as a condition for the subsequent UV diffusion stage, aiding in regularizing the model to generate a 3D consistent UV texture image. Then, a UV diffusion model with hybrid conditions is developed to enhance the texture fidelity in the 2D UV space. Our method can process meshes of any genus, generating diversified, geometry-compatible, and high-fidelity textures.

#13 Supervised Homography Learning with Realistic Dataset Generation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Hai Jiang, Haipeng Li, Songchen Han, Haoqiang Fan, Bing Zeng, Shuaicheng Liu

In this paper, we propose an iterative framework, which consists of two phases: a generation phase and a training phase, to generate realistic training data and yield a supervised homography network. In the generation phase, given an unlabeled image pair, we utilize the pre-estimated dominant plane masks and homography of the pair, along with another sampled homography that serves as ground truth to generate a new labeled training pair with realistic motion. In the training phase, the generated data is used to train the supervised homography network, in which the training data is refined via a content consistency module and a quality assessment module. Once an iteration is finished, the trained network is used in the next data generation phase to update the pre-estimated homography. Through such an iterative strategy, the quality of the dataset and the performance of the network can be gradually and simultaneously improved. Experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance and existing supervised methods can be also improved based on the generated dataset. Code and dataset are available at https://github.com/JianghaiSCU/RealSH.

#14 E2E-LOAD: End-to-End Long-form Online Action Detection [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Shuqiang Cao, Weixin Luo, Bairui Wang, Wei Zhang, Lin Ma

Recently, feature-based methods for Online Action Detection (OAD) have been gaining traction. However, these methods are constrained by their fixed backbone design, which fails to leverage the potential benefits of a trainable backbone. This paper introduces an end-to-end learning network that revises these approaches, incorporating a backbone network design that improves effectiveness and efficiency. Our proposed model utilizes a shared initial spatial model for all frames and maintains an extended sequence cache, which enables low-cost inference. We promote an asymmetric spatiotemporal model that caters to long-form and short-form modeling. Additionally, we propose an innovative and efficient inference mechanism that accelerates extensive spatiotemporal exploration. Through comprehensive ablation studies and experiments, we validate the performance and efficiency of our proposed method. Remarkably, we achieve an end-to-end learning OAD of 17.3 (+12.6) FPS with 72.4% (+1.2%), 90.3% (+0.7%), and 48.1% (+26.0%) mAP on THMOUS'14, TVSeries, and HDD, respectively.

#15 TALL: Thumbnail Layout for Deepfake Video Detection [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Yuting Xu, Jian Liang, Gengyun Jia, Ziming Yang, Yanhao Zhang, Ran He

The growing threats of deepfakes to society and cybersecurity have raised enormous public concerns, and increasing efforts have been devoted to this critical topic of deepfake video detection. Existing video methods achieve good performance but are computationally intensive. This paper introduces a simple yet effective strategy named Thumbnail Layout (TALL), which transforms a video clip into a pre-defined layout to realize the preservation of spatial and temporal dependencies. Specifically, consecutive frames are masked in a fixed position in each frame to improve generalization, then resized to sub-images and rearranged into a pre-defined layout as the thumbnail. TALL is model-agnostic and extremely simple by only modifying a few lines of code. Inspired by the success of vision transformers, we incorporate TALL into Swin Transformer, forming an efficient and effective method TALL-Swin. Extensive experiments on intra-dataset and cross-dataset validate the validity and superiority of TALL and SOTA TALL-Swin. TALL-Swin achieves 90.79% AUC on the challenging cross-dataset task, FaceForensics++ - Celeb-DF. The code is available at https://github.com/rainy-xu/TALL4Deepfake.

#16 Enhanced Soft Label for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi6] [REL]

Authors: Jie Ma, Chuan Wang, Yang Liu, Liang Lin, Guanbin Li

As a mainstream framework in the field of semi-supervised learning (SSL), self-training via pseudo labeling and its variants have witnessed impressive progress in semi-supervised semantic segmentation with the recent advance of deep neural networks. However, modern self-training based SSL algorithms use a pre-defined constant threshold to select unlabeled pixel samples that contribute to the training, thus failing to be compatible with different learning difficulties of variant categories and different learning status of the model. To address these issues, we propose Enhanced Soft Label (ESL), a curriculum learning approach to fully leverage the high-value supervisory signals implicit in the untrustworthy pseudo label. ESL believes that pixels with unconfident predictions can be pretty sure about their belonging to a subset of dominant classes though being arduous to determine the exact one. It thus contains a Dynamic Soft Label (DSL) module to dynamically maintain the high probability classes, keeping the label "soft" so as to make full use of the high entropy prediction. However, the DSL itself will inevitably introduce ambiguity between dominant classes, thus blurring the classification boundary. Therefore, we further propose a pixel-to-part contrastive learning method cooperated with an unsupervised object part grouping mechanism to improve its ability to distinguish between different classes. Extensive experimental results on Pascal VOC 2012 and Cityscapes show that our approach achieves remarkable improvements over existing state-of-the-art approaches.

#17 Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation: Let's Talk About The Weather [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Kieran Saunders, George Vogiatzis, Luis J. Manso

Current, self-supervised depth estimation architectures rely on clear and sunny weather scenes to train deep neural networks. However, in many locations, this assumption is too strong. For example in the UK (2021), 149 days consisted of rain. For these architectures to be effective in real-world applications, we must create models that can generalise to all weather conditions, times of the day and image qualities. Using a combination of computer graphics and generative models, one can augment existing sunny-weather data in a variety of ways that simulate adverse weather effects. While it is tempting to use such data augmentations for self-supervised depth, in the past this was shown to degrade performance instead of improving it. In this paper, we put forward a method that uses augmentations to remedy this problem. By exploiting the correspondence between unaugmented and augmented data we introduce a pseudo-supervised loss for both depth and pose estimation. This brings back some of the benefits of supervised learning while still not requiring any labels. We also make a series of practical recommendations which collectively offer a reliable, efficient framework for weather-related augmentation of self-supervised depth from monocular video. We present extensive testing to show that our method, Robust-Depth, achieves SotA performance on the KITTI dataset while significantly surpassing SotA on challenging, adverse condition data such as DrivingStereo, Foggy CityScape and NuScenes-Night. The project website can be found at https://kieran514.github.io/Robust-Depth-Project/.

#18 Bidirectional Alignment for Domain Adaptive Detection with Transformers [PDF7] [Copy] [Kimi6] [REL]

Authors: Liqiang He, Wei Wang, Albert Chen, Min Sun, Cheng-Hao Kuo, Sinisa Todorovic

We propose a Bidirectional Alignment for domain adaptive Detection with Transformers (BiADT) to improve cross domain object detection performance. Existing adversarial learning based methods use gradient reverse layer (GRL) to reduce the domain gap between the source and target domains in feature representations. Since different image parts and objects may exhibit various degrees of domain-specific characteristics, directly applying GRL on a global image or object representation may not be suitable. Our proposed BiADT explicitly estimates token-wise domain-invariant and domain-specific features in the image and object token sequences. BiADT has a novel deformable attention and self-attention, aimed at bi-directional domain alignment and mutual information minimization. These two objectives reduce the domain gap in domain-invariant representations, and simultaneously increase the distinctiveness of domain-specific features. Our experiments show that BiADT achieves very competitive performance to SOTA consistently on Cityscapes-to-FoggyCityscapes, Sim10K-to-Citiscapes and Cityscapes-to-BDD100K, outperforming the strong baseline, AQT, by 2.0, 2.1, and 2.4 in mAP50, respectively.

#19 Fast Neural Scene Flow [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Xueqian Li, Jianqiao Zheng, Francesco Ferroni, Jhony Kaesemodel Pontes, Simon Lucey

Neural Scene Flow Prior (NSFP) is of significant interest to the vision community due to its inherent robustness to out-of-distribution (OOD) effects and its ability to deal with dense lidar points. The approach utilizes a coordinate neural network to estimate scene flow at runtime, without any training. However, it is up to 100 times slower than current state-of-the-art learning methods. In other applications such as image, video, and radiance function reconstruction innovations in speeding up the runtime performance of coordinate networks have centered upon architectural changes. In this paper, we demonstrate that scene flow is different---with the dominant computational bottleneck stemming from the loss function itself (i.e., Chamfer distance). Further, we rediscover the distance transform (DT) as an efficient, correspondence-free loss function that dramatically speeds up the runtime optimization. Our fast neural scene flow (FNSF) approach reports for the first time real-time performance comparable to learning methods, without any training or OOD bias on two of the largest open autonomous driving (AV) lidar datasets Waymo Open [62] and Argoverse [8].

#20 CAME: Contrastive Automated Model Evaluation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Ru Peng, Qiuyang Duan, Haobo Wang, Jiachen Ma, Yanbo Jiang, Yongjun Tu, Xiu Jiang, Junbo Zhao

The Automated Model Evaluation (AutoEval) framework entertains the possibility of evaluating a trained machine learning model without resorting to a labeled testing set. Despite the promise and some decent results, the existing AutoEval methods heavily rely on computing distribution shifts between the unlabelled testing set and the training set. We believe this reliance on the training set becomes another obstacle in shipping this technology to real-world ML development. In this work, we propose Contrastive Automatic Model Evaluation (CAME), a novel AutoEval framework that is rid of involving training set in the loop. The core idea of CAME bases on a theoretical analysis which bonds the model performance with a contrastive loss. Further, with extensive empirical validation, we manage to set up a predictable relationship between the two, simply by deducing on the unlabeled/unseen testing set. The resulting framework CAME establishes a new SOTA results for AutoEval by surpassing prior work significantly.

#21 ExposureDiffusion: Learning to Expose for Low-light Image Enhancement [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Yufei Wang, Yi Yu, Wenhan Yang, Lanqing Guo, Lap-Pui Chau, Alex C. Kot, Bihan Wen

Previous raw image-based low-light image enhancement methods predominantly relied on feed-forward neural networks to learn deterministic mappings from low-light to normally-exposed images. However, they failed to capture critical distribution information, leading to visually undesirable results. This work addresses the issue by seamlessly integrating a diffusion model with a physics-based exposure model. Different from a vanilla diffusion model that has to perform Gaussian denoising, with the injected physics-based exposure model, our restoration process can directly start from a noisy image instead of pure noise. As such, our method obtains significantly improved performance and reduced inference time compared with vanilla diffusion models. To make full use of the advantages of different intermediate steps, we further propose an adaptive residual layer that effectively screens out the side-effect in the iterative refinement when the intermediate results have been already well-exposed. The proposed framework can work with both real-paired datasets, SOTA noise models, and different backbone networks. We evaluate the proposed method on various public benchmarks, achieving promising results with consistent improvements using different exposure models and backbones. Besides, the proposed method achieves better generalization capacity for unseen amplifying ratios and better performance than a larger feedforward neural model when few parameters are adopted. The code is released at https://github.com/wyf0912/ExposureDiffusion.

#22 HM-ViT: Hetero-Modal Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Perception with Vision Transformer [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi4] [REL]

Authors: Hao Xiang, Runsheng Xu, Jiaqi Ma

Vehicle-to-Vehicle technologies have enabled autonomous vehicles to share information to see through occlusions, greatly enhancing perception performance. Nevertheless, existing works all focused on homogeneous traffic where vehicles are equipped with the same type of sensors, which significantly hampers the scale of collaboration and benefit of cross-modality interactions. In this paper, we investigate the multi-agent hetero-modal cooperative perception problem where agents may have distinct sensor modalities. We present HM-ViT, the first unified multi-agent hetero-modal cooperative perception framework that can collaboratively predict 3D objects for highly dynamic Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) collaborations with varying numbers and types of agents. To effectively fuse features from multi-view images and LiDAR point clouds, we design a novel heterogeneous 3D graph transformer to jointly reason inter-agent and intra-agent interactions. The extensive experiments on the V2V perception dataset OPV2V demonstrate that the HM-ViT outperforms SOTA cooperative perception methods for V2V hetero-modal cooperative perception. Our code will be released at https://github.com/XHwind/HM-ViT.

#23 HyperReenact: One-Shot Reenactment via Jointly Learning to Refine and Retarget Faces [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi4] [REL]

Authors: Stella Bounareli, Christos Tzelepis, Vasileios Argyriou, Ioannis Patras, Georgios Tzimiropoulos

In this paper, we present our method for neural face reenactment, called HyperReenact, that aims to generate realistic talking head images of a source identity, driven by a target facial pose. Existing state-of-the-art face reenactment methods train controllable generative models that learn to synthesize realistic facial images, yet producing reenacted faces that are prone to significant visual artifacts, especially under the challenging condition of extreme head pose changes, or requiring expensive few-shot fine-tuning to better preserve the source identity characteristics. We propose to address these limitations by leveraging the photorealistic generation ability and the disentangled properties of a pretrained StyleGAN2 generator, by first inverting the real images into its latent space and then using a hypernetwork to perform: (i) refinement of the source identity characteristics and (ii) facial pose re-targeting, eliminating this way the dependence on external editing methods that typically produce artifacts. Our method operates under the one-shot setting (i.e., using a single source frame) and allows for cross-subject reenactment, without requiring any subject-specific fine-tuning. We compare our method both quantitatively and qualitatively against several state-of-the-art techniques on the standard benchmarks of VoxCeleb1 and VoxCeleb2, demonstrating the superiority of our approach in producing artifact-free images, exhibiting remarkable robustness even under extreme head pose changes. We make the code and the pretrained models publicly available at: https://github.com/StelaBou/HyperReenact

#24 Order-preserving Consistency Regularization for Domain Adaptation and Generalization [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Mengmeng Jing, Xiantong Zhen, Jingjing Li, Cees G. M. Snoek

Deep learning models fail on cross-domain challenges if the model is oversensitive to domain-specific attributes, e.g., lightning, background, camera angle, etc. To alleviate this problem, data augmentation coupled with consistency regularization are commonly adopted to make the model less sensitive to domain-specific attributes. Consistency regularization enforces the model to output the same representation or prediction for two views of one image. These constraints, however, are either too strict or not order-preserving for the classification probabilities. In this work, we propose the Order-preserving Consistency Regularization (OCR) for cross-domain tasks. The order-preserving property for the prediction makes the model robust to task-irrelevant transformations. As a result, the model becomes less sensitive to the domain-specific attributes. The comprehensive experiments show that our method achieves clear advantages on five different cross-domain tasks.

#25 RefEgo: Referring Expression Comprehension Dataset from First-Person Perception of Ego4D [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Shuhei Kurita, Naoki Katsura, Eri Onami

Grounding textual expressions on scene objects from first-person views is a truly demanding capability in developing agents that are aware of their surroundings and behave following intuitive text instructions. Such capability is of necessity for glass-devices or autonomous robots to localize referred objects in the real-world. In the conventional referring expression comprehension tasks of images, however, datasets are mostly constructed based on the web-crawled data and don't reflect diverse real-world structures on the task of grounding textual expressions in diverse objects in the real world. Recently, a massive-scale egocentric video dataset of Ego4D was proposed. Ego4D covers around the world diverse real-world scenes including numerous indoor and outdoor situations such as shopping, cooking, walking, talking, manufacturing, etc. Based on egocentric videos of Ego4D, we constructed a broad coverage of the video-based referring expression comprehension dataset: RefEgo. Our dataset includes more than 12k video clips and 41 hours for video-based referring expression comprehension annotation. In experiments, we combine the state-of-the-art 2D referring expression comprehension models with the object tracking algorithm, achieving the video-wise referred object tracking even in difficult conditions: the referred object becomes out-of-frame in the middle of the video or multiple similar objects are presented in the video.