
| Total: 851

#1 Quantifying Harm [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi6] [REL]

Authors: Sander Beckers, Hana Chockler, Joseph Y. Halpern

In earlier work we defined a qualitative notion of harm: either harm is caused, or it is not. For practical applications, we often need to quantify harm; for example, we may want to choose the least harmful of a set of possible interventions. We first present a quantitative definition of harm in a deterministic context involving a single individual, then we consider the issues involved in dealing with uncertainty regarding the context and going from a notion of harm for a single individual to a notion of "societal harm", which involves aggregating the harm to individuals. We show that the "obvious" way of doing this (just taking the expected harm for an individual and then summing the expected harm over all individuals) can lead to counterintuitive or inappropriate answers, and discuss alternatives, drawing on work from the decision-theory literature.

#2 Analyzing Intentional Behavior in Autonomous Agents under Uncertainty [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Filip Cano Córdoba, Samuel Judson, Timos Antonopoulos, Katrine Bjørner, Nicholas Shoemaker, Scott J. Shapiro, Ruzica Piskac, Bettina Könighofer

Principled accountability for autonomous decision-making in uncertain environments requires distinguishing intentional outcomes from negligent designs from actual accidents. We propose analyzing the behavior of autonomous agents through a quantitative measure of the evidence of intentional behavior. We model an uncertain environment as a Markov Decision Process (MDP). For a given scenario, we rely on probabilistic model checking to compute the ability of the agent to influence reaching a certain event. We call this the scope of agency. We say that there is evidence of intentional behavior if the scope of agency is high and the decisions of the agent are close to being optimal for reaching the event. Our method applies counterfactual reasoning to automatically generate relevant scenarios that can be analyzed to increase the confidence of our assessment. In a case study, we show how our method can distinguish between 'intentional' and 'accidental' traffic collisions.

#3 Choose your Data Wisely: A Framework for Semantic Counterfactuals [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Edmund Dervakos, Konstantinos Thomas, Giorgos Filandrianos, Giorgos Stamou

Counterfactual explanations have been argued to be one of the most intuitive forms of explanation. They are typically defined as a minimal set of edits on a given data sample that, when applied, changes the output of a model on that sample. However, a minimal set of edits is not always clear and understandable to an end-user, as it could constitute an adversarial example (which is indistinguishable from the original data sample to an end-user). Instead, there are recent ideas that the notion of minimality in the context of counterfactuals should refer to the semantics of the data sample, and not to the feature space. In this work, we build on these ideas, and propose a framework that provides counterfactual explanations in terms of knowledge graphs. We provide an algorithm for computing such explanations (given some assumptions about the underlying knowledge), and quantitatively evaluate the framework with a user study.

#4 Group Fairness in Set Packing Problems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Sharmila Duppala, Juan Luque, John Dickerson, Aravind Srinivasan

Kidney exchange programs (KEPs) typically seek to match incompatible patient-donor pairs based on a utilitarian objective where the number or overall quality of transplants is maximized---implicitly penalizing certain classes of difficult to match (e.g., highly-sensitized) patients. Prioritizing the welfare of highly-sensitized (hard-to-match) patients has been studied as a natural \textit{fairness} criterion. We formulate the KEP problem as $k$-set packing with a probabilistic group fairness notion of proportionality fairness---namely, fair $k$-set packing (\f{}). In this work we propose algorithms that take arbitrary proportionality vectors (i.e., policy-informed demands of how to prioritize different groups) and return a probabilistically fair solution with provable guarantees. Our main contributions are randomized algorithms as well as hardness results for \f{} variants. Additionally, the tools we introduce serve to audit the price of fairness involved in prioritizing different groups in realistic KEPs and other $k$-set packing applications. We conclude with experiments on synthetic and realistic kidney exchange \textsc{FairSP} instances.

#5 Incentivizing Recourse through Auditing in Strategic Classification [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Andrew Estornell, Yatong Chen, Sanmay Das, Yang Liu, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik

The increasing automation of high-stakes decisions with direct impact on the lives and well-being of individuals raises a number of important considerations. Prominent among these is strategic behavior by individuals hoping to achieve a more desirable outcome. Two forms of such behavior are commonly studied: 1) misreporting of individual attributes, and 2) recourse, or actions that truly change such attributes. The former involves deception, and is inherently undesirable, whereas the latter may well be a desirable goal insofar as it changes true individual qualification. We study misreporting and recourse as strategic choices by individuals within a unified framework. In particular, we propose auditing as a means to incentivize recourse actions over attribute manipulation, and characterize optimal audit policies for two types of principals, utility-maximizing and recourse-maximizing. Additionally, we consider subsidies as an incentive for recourse over manipulation, and show that even a utility-maximizing principal would be willing to devote a considerable amount of audit budget to providing such subsidies. Finally, we consider the problem of optimizing fines for failed audits, and bound the total cost incurred by the population as a result of audits.

#6 Sampling Ex-Post Group-Fair Rankings [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Sruthi Gorantla, Amit Deshpande, Anand Louis

Randomized rankings have been of recent interest to achieve ex-ante fairer exposure and better robustness than deterministic rankings. We propose a set of natural axioms for randomized group-fair rankings and prove that there exists a unique distribution D that satisfies our axioms and is supported only over ex-post group-fair rankings, i.e., rankings that satisfy given lower and upper bounds on group-wise representation in the top-k ranks. Our problem formulation works even when there is implicit bias, incomplete relevance information, or only ordinal ranking is available instead of relevance scores or utility values. We propose two algorithms to sample a random group-fair ranking from the distribution D mentioned above. Our first dynamic programming-based algorithm samples ex-post group-fair rankings uniformly at random in time O(k^2 ell), where "ell" is the number of groups. Our second random walk-based algorithm samples ex-post group-fair rankings from a distribution epsilon-close to D in total variation distance and has expected running time O*(k^2 ell^2), when there is a sufficient gap between the given upper and lower bounds on the group-wise representation. The former does exact sampling, but the latter runs significantly faster on real-world data sets for larger values of k. We give empirical evidence that our algorithms compare favorably against recent baselines for fairness and ranking utility on real-world data sets.

#7 Moral Planning Agents with LTL Values [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Umberto Grandi, Emiliano Lorini, Timothy Parker

A moral planning agent (MPA) seeks to compare two plans or compute an optimal plan in an interactive setting with other agents, where relative ideality and optimality of plans are defined with respect to a prioritized value base. We model MPAs whose values are expressed by formulas of linear temporal logic (LTL) and define comparison for both joint plans and individual plans. We introduce different evaluation criteria for individual plans including an optimistic (risk-seeking) criterion, a pessimistic (risk-averse) one, and two criteria based on the use of anticipated responsibility. We provide complexity results for a variety of MPA problems.

#8 Advancing Post-Hoc Case-Based Explanation with Feature Highlighting [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Eoin M. Kenny, Eoin Delaney, Mark T. Keane

Explainable AI (XAI) has been proposed as a valuable tool to assist in downstream tasks involving human-AI collaboration. Perhaps the most psychologically valid XAI techniques are case-based approaches which display "whole" exemplars to explain the predictions of black-box AI systems. However, for such post-hoc XAI methods dealing with images, there has been no attempt to improve their scope by using multiple clear feature "parts" of the images to explain the predictions while linking back to relevant cases in the training data, thus allowing for more comprehensive explanations that are faithful to the underlying model. Here, we address this gap by proposing two general algorithms (latent and superpixel-based) which can isolate multiple clear feature parts in a test image, and then connect them to the explanatory cases found in the training data, before testing their effectiveness in a carefully designed user study. Results demonstrate that the proposed approach appropriately calibrates a user's feelings of "correctness" for ambiguous classifications in real world data on the ImageNet dataset, an effect which does not happen when just showing the explanation without feature highlighting.

#9 Fairness via Group Contribution Matching [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Tianlin Li, Zhiming Li, Anran Li, Mengnan Du, Aishan Liu, Qing Guo, Guozhu Meng, Yang Liu

Fairness issues in Deep Learning models have recently received increasing attention due to their significant societal impact. Although methods for mitigating unfairness are constantly proposed, little research has been conducted to understand how discrimination and bias develop during the standard training process. In this study, we propose analyzing the contribution of each subgroup (i.e., a group of data with the same sensitive attribute) in the training process to understand the cause of such bias development process. We propose a gradient-based metric to assess training subgroup contribution disparity, showing that unequal contributions from different subgroups are one source of such unfairness. One way to balance the contribution of each subgroup is through oversampling, which ensures that an equal number of samples are drawn from each subgroup during each training iteration. However, we have found that even with a balanced number of samples, the contribution of each group remains unequal, resulting in unfairness under the oversampling strategy. To address the above issues, we propose an easy but effective group contribution matching (GCM) method to match the contribution of each subgroup. Our experiments show that our GCM effectively improves fairness and outperforms other methods significantly.

#10 Negative Flux Aggregation to Estimate Feature Attributions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Xin Li, Deng Pan, Chengyin Li, Yao Qiang, Dongxiao Zhu

There are increasing demands for understanding deep neural networks' (DNNs) behavior spurred by growing security and/or transparency concerns. Due to multi-layer nonlinearity of the deep neural network architectures, explaining DNN predictions still remains as an open problem, preventing us from gaining a deeper understanding of the mechanisms. To enhance the explainability of DNNs, we estimate the input feature's attributions to the prediction task using divergence and flux. Inspired by the divergence theorem in vector analysis, we develop a novel Negative Flux Aggregation (NeFLAG) formulation and an efficient approximation algorithm to estimate attribution map. Unlike the previous techniques, ours doesn't rely on fitting a surrogate model nor need any path integration of gradients. Both qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate a superior performance of NeFLAG in generating more faithful attribution maps than the competing methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/xinli0928/NeFLAG.

#11 Robust Reinforcement Learning via Progressive Task Sequence [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yike Li, Yunzhe Tian, Endong Tong, Wenjia Niu, Jiqiang Liu

Robust reinforcement learning (RL) has been a challenging problem due to the gap between simulation and the real world. Existing efforts typically address the robust RL problem by solving a max-min problem. The main idea is to maximize the cumulative reward under the worst-possible perturbations. However, the worst-case optimization either leads to overly conservative solutions or unstable training process, which further affects the policy robustness and generalization performance. In this paper, we tackle this problem from both formulation definition and algorithm design. First, we formulate the robust RL as a max-expectation optimization problem, where the goal is to find an optimal policy under both the worst cases and the non-worst cases. Then, we propose a novel framework DRRL to solve the max-expectation optimization. Given our definition of the feasible tasks, a task generation and sequencing mechanism is introduced to dynamically output tasks at appropriate difficulty level for the current policy. With these progressive tasks, DRRL realizes dynamic multi-task learning to improve the policy robustness and the training stability. Finally, extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method exhibits significant performance on the unmanned CarRacing game and multiple high-dimensional MuJoCo environments.

#12 Towards Robust Gan-Generated Image Detection: A Multi-View Completion Representation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Chi Liu, Tianqing Zhu, Sheng Shen, Wanlei Zhou

GAN-generated image detection now becomes the first line of defense against the malicious uses of machine-synthesized image manipulations such as deepfakes. Although some existing detectors work well in detecting clean, known GAN samples, their success is largely attributable to overfitting unstable features such as frequency artifacts, which will cause failures when facing unknown GANs or perturbation attacks. To overcome the issue, we propose a robust detection framework based on a novel multi-view image completion representation. The framework first learns various view-to-image tasks to model the diverse distributions of genuine images. Frequency-irrelevant features can be represented from the distributional discrepancies characterized by the completion models, which are stable, generalized, and robust for detecting unknown fake patterns. Then, a multi-view classification is devised with elaborated intra- and inter-view learning strategies to enhance view-specific feature representation and cross-view feature aggregation, respectively. We evaluated the generalization ability of our framework across six popular GANs at different resolutions and its robustness against a broad range of perturbation attacks. The results confirm our method's improved effectiveness, generalization, and robustness over various baselines.

#13 Explanation-Guided Reward Alignment [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Saaduddin Mahmud, Sandhya Saisubramanian, Shlomo Zilberstein

Agents often need to infer a reward function from observations to learn desired behaviors. However, agents may infer a reward function that does not align with the original intent because there can be multiple reward functions consistent with its observations. Operating based on such misaligned rewards can be risky. Furthermore, black-box representations make it difficult to verify the learned rewards and prevent harmful behavior. We present a framework for verifying and improving reward alignment using explanations and show how explanations can help detect misalignment and reveal failure cases in novel scenarios. The problem is formulated as inverse reinforcement learning from ranked trajectories. Verification tests created from the trajectory dataset are used to iteratively validate and improve reward alignment. The agent explains its learned reward and a tester signals whether the explanation passes the test. In cases where the explanation fails, the agent offers alternative explanations to gather feedback, which is then used to improve the learned reward. We analyze the efficiency of our approach in improving reward alignment using different types of explanations and demonstrate its effectiveness in five domains.

#14 Adversarial Behavior Exclusion for Safe Reinforcement Learning [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Md Asifur Rahman, Tongtong Liu, Sarra Alqahtani

Learning by exploration makes reinforcement learning (RL) potentially attractive for many real-world applications. However, this learning process makes RL inherently too vulnerable to be used in real-world applications where safety is of utmost importance. Most prior studies consider exploration at odds with safety and thereby restrict it using either joint optimization of task and safety or imposing constraints for safe exploration. This paper migrates from the current convention to using exploration as a key to safety by learning safety as a robust behavior that completely excludes any behavioral pattern responsible for safety violations. Adversarial Behavior Exclusion for Safe RL (AdvEx-RL) learns a behavioral representation of the agent's safety violations by approximating an optimal adversary utilizing exploration and later uses this representation to learn a separate safety policy that excludes those unsafe behaviors. In addition, AdvEx-RL ensures safety in a task-agnostic manner by acting as a safety firewall and therefore can be integrated with any RL task policy. We demonstrate the robustness of AdvEx-RL via comprehensive experiments in standard constrained Markov decision processes (CMDP) environments under 2 white-box action space perturbations as well as with changes in environment dynamics against 7 baselines. Consistently, AdvEx-RL outperforms the baselines by achieving an average safety performance of over 75% in the continuous action space with 10 times more variations in the testing environment dynamics. By using a standalone safety policy independent of conflicting objectives, AdvEx-RL also paves the way for interpretable safety behavior analysis as we show in our user study.

#15 FEAMOE: Fair, Explainable and Adaptive Mixture of Experts [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shubham Sharma, Jette Henderson, Joydeep Ghosh

Three key properties that are desired of trustworthy machine learning models deployed in high-stakes environments are fairness, explainability, and an ability to account for various kinds of "drift". While drifts in model accuracy have been widely investigated, drifts in fairness metrics over time remain largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose FEAMOE, a novel "mixture-of-experts" inspired framework aimed at learning fairer, more interpretable models that can also rapidly adjust to drifts in both the accuracy and the fairness of a classifier. We illustrate our framework for three popular fairness measures and demonstrate how drift can be handled with respect to these fairness constraints. Experiments on multiple datasets show that our framework as applied to a mixture of linear experts is able to perform comparably to neural networks in terms of accuracy while producing fairer models. We then use the large-scale HMDA dataset and show that various models trained on HMDA demonstrate drift and FEAMOE can ably handle these drifts with respect to all the considered fairness measures and maintain model accuracy. We also prove that the proposed framework allows for producing fast Shapley value explanations, which makes computationally efficient feature attribution based explanations of model decisions readily available via FEAMOE.

#16 SF-PATE: Scalable, Fair, and Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Cuong Tran, Keyu Zhu, Ferdinando Fioretto, Pascal Van Hentenryck

A critical concern in data-driven processes is to build models whose outcomes do not discriminate against some protected groups. In learning tasks, knowledge of the group attributes is essential to ensure non-discrimination, but in practice, these attributes may not be available due to legal and ethical requirements. To address this challenge, this paper studies a model that protects the privacy of individuals’ sensitive information while also allowing it to learn non-discriminatory predictors. A key feature of the proposed model is to enable the use of off-the-shelves and non-private fair models to create a privacy-preserving and fair model. The paper analyzes the relation between accuracy, privacy, and fairness, and assesses the benefits of the proposed models on several prediction tasks. In particular, this proposal allows both scalable and accurate training of private and fair models for very large neural networks.

#17 On the Fairness Impacts of Private Ensembles Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Cuong Tran, Ferdinando Fioretto

The Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles (PATE) is a machine learning framework that enables the creation of private models through the combination of multiple "teacher" models and a "student" model. The student model learns to predict an output based on the voting of the teachers, and the resulting model satisfies differential privacy. PATE has been shown to be effective in creating private models in semi-supervised settings or when protecting data labels is a priority. This paper explores whether the use of PATE can result in unfairness, and demonstrates that it can lead to accuracy disparities among groups of individuals. The paper also analyzes the algorithmic and data properties that contribute to these disproportionate impacts, why these aspects are affecting different groups disproportionately, and offers recommendations for mitigating these effects.

#18 Statistically Significant Concept-based Explanation of Image Classifiers via Model Knockoffs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kaiwen Xu, Kazuto Fukuchi, Youhei Akimoto, Jun Sakuma

A concept-based classifier can explain the decision process of a deep learning model by human understandable concepts in image classification problems. However, sometimes concept-based explanations may cause false positives, which misregards unrelated concepts as important for the prediction task. Our goal is to find the statistically significant concept for classification to prevent misinterpretation. In this study, we propose a method using a deep learning model to learn the image concept and then using the knockoff sample to select the important concepts for prediction by controlling the False Discovery Rate (FDR) under a certain value. We evaluate the proposed method in our experiments on both synthetic and real data. Also, it shows that our method can control the FDR properly while selecting highly interpretable concepts to improve the trustworthiness of the model.

#19 On Adversarial Robustness of Demographic Fairness in Face Attribute Recognition [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Huimin Zeng, Zhenrui Yue, Lanyu Shang, Yang Zhang, Dong Wang

Demographic fairness has become a critical objective when developing modern visual models for identity-sensitive applications, such as face attribute recognition (FAR). While great efforts have been made to improve the fairness of the models, the investigation on the adversarial robustness of the fairness (e.g., whether the fairness of the models could still be maintained under potential malicious fairness attacks) is largely ignored. Therefore, this paper explores the adversarial robustness of demographic fairness in FAR applications from both attacking and defending perspectives. In particular, we firstly present a novel fairness attack, who aims at corrupting the demographic fairness of face attribute classifiers. Next, to mitigate the effect of the fairness attack, we design an efficient defense algorithm called robust-fair training. With this defense, face attribute classifiers learn how to combat the bias introduced by the fairness attack. As such, the face attribute classifiers are not only trained to be fair, but the fairness is also robust. Our extensive experimental results show the effectiveness of both our proposed attack and defense methods across various model architectures and FAR applications. We believe our work could be strong baselines for future work on robust-fair AI models.

#20 Towards Semantics- and Domain-Aware Adversarial Attacks [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jianping Zhang, Yung-Chieh Huang, Weibin Wu, Michael R. Lyu

Language models are known to be vulnerable to textual adversarial attacks, which add human-imperceptible perturbations to the input to mislead DNNs. It is thus imperative to devise effective attack algorithms to identify the deficiencies of DNNs before real-world deployment. However, existing word-level attacks have two major deficiencies: (1) They may change the semantics of the original sentence. (2) The generated adversarial sample can appear unnatural to humans due to the introduction of out-of-domain substitute words. In this paper, to address such drawbacks, we propose a semantics- and domain-aware word-level attack method. Specifically, we greedily replace the important words in a sentence with the ones suggested by a language model. The language model is trained to be semantics- and domain-aware via contrastive learning and in-domain pre-training. Furthermore, to balance the quality of adversarial examples and the attack success rate, we propose an iterative updating framework to optimize the contrastive learning loss and the in-domain pre-training loss in circular order. Comprehensive experimental comparisons confirm the superiority of our approach. Notably, compared with state-of-the-art benchmarks, our strategy can achieve over 3\% improvement in attack success rates and 9.8\% improvement in the quality of adversarial examples.

#21 Learning Dissemination Strategies for External Sources in Opinion Dynamic Models with Cognitive Biases [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Abdullah Al Maruf, Luyao Niu, Bhaskar Ramasubramanian, Andrew Clark, Radha Poovendran

The opinions of members of a population are influenced by opinions of their peers, their own predispositions, and information from external sources via one or more information channels (e.g., news, social media). Due to individual cognitive biases, the perceptual impact of and importance assigned by agents to information on each channel can be different. In this paper, we propose a model of opinion evolution that uses prospect theory to represent perception of information from the external source along each channel. Our prospect-theoretic model reflects traits observed in humans such as loss aversion, assigning inflated (deflated) values to low (high) probability events, and evaluating outcomes relative to an individually known reference point. We consider the problem of determining information dissemination strategies for the external source to adopt in order to drive opinions of individuals towards a desired value. However, computing a strategy faces a challenge that agents' initial predispositions and functions characterizing their perceptions of information disseminated might be unknown. We overcome this challenge by using Gaussian process learning to estimate these unknown parameters. When the external source sends information over multiple channels, the problem of jointly selecting optimal dissemination strategies is in general, combinatorial. We prove that this problem is submodular, and design near-optimal dissemination algorithms. We evaluate our model on three different widely used large graphs that represent real-world social interactions. Our results indicate that the external source can effectively drive opinions towards a desired value when using prospect-theory based dissemination strategies.

#22 Artificial Agents Inspired by Human Motivation Psychology for Teamwork in Hazardous Environments [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Anupama Arukgoda, Erandi Lakshika, Michael Barlow, Kasun Gunawardana

Multi-agent literature explores personifying artificial agents with personality, emotions or cognitive biases to produce “typical”, believable agents. In this study, we demonstrate the potential of endowing artificial agents with a motivation, using human implicit motivation psychology theory that introduces 3 motive profiles - power, achievement and affiliation, to create diverse, risk-aware agents. We first devise a framework to model these motivated agents (or agents with any inherent behavior), that can activate different strategies depending on the circumstances. We conduct experiments on a fire-fighting task domain, evaluate how motivated teams perform, and draw conclusions on appropriate team compositions to be deployed in environments with different risk levels. Our framework generates predictable agents as their resulting behaviors align with the inherent characteristics of their motives. We find that motivational diversity within teams is beneficial in dynamic collaborative environments, especially as the task risk level increases. Furthermore, we observed that the best composition in terms of the performance metrics used to evaluate team compositions, does not remain the same as the collaboration level required to achieve goals changes. These results have implications for future designs of risk-aware autonomous teams and Human-AI teams, as they highlight the prospects of creating better artificial teammates and performance gains that could be achieved through anthropomorphized motivated agents.

#23 Proportionally Fair Online Allocation of Public Goods with Predictions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Siddhartha Banerjee, Vasilis Gkatzelis, Safwan Hossain, Billy Jin, Evi Micha, Nisarg Shah

We design online algorithms for fair allocation of public goods to a set of N agents over a sequence of T rounds and focus on improving their performance using predictions. In the basic model, a public good arrives in each round, and every agent reveals their value for it upon arrival. The algorithm must irrevocably decide the investment in this good without exceeding a total budget of B across all rounds. The algorithm can utilize (potentially noisy) predictions of each agent’s total value for all remaining goods. The algorithm's performance is measured using a proportional fairness objective, which informally demands that every group of agents be rewarded proportional to its size and the cohesiveness of its preferences. We show that no algorithm can achieve better than Θ(T/B) proportional fairness without predictions. With reasonably accurate predictions, the situation improves significantly, and Θ(log(T/B)) proportional fairness is achieved. We also extend our results to a general setting wherein a batch of L public goods arrive in each round and O(log(min(N,L)T/B)) proportional fairness is achieved. Our exact bounds are parameterized as a function of the prediction error, with performance degrading gracefully with increasing errors.

#24 On the Role of Memory in Robust Opinion Dynamics [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Luca Becchetti, Andrea Clementi, Amos Korman, Francesco Pasquale, Luca Trevisan, Robin Vacus

We investigate opinion dynamics in a fully-connected system, consisting of n agents, where one of the opinions, called correct, represents a piece of information to disseminate. One source agent initially holds the correct opinion and remains with this opinion throughout the execution. The goal of the remaining agents is to quickly agree on this correct opinion. At each round, one agent chosen uniformly at random is activated: unless it is the source, the agent pulls the opinions of l random agents and then updates its opinion according to some rule. We consider a restricted setting, in which agents have no memory and they only revise their opinions on the basis of those of the agents they currently sample. This setting encompasses very popular opinion dynamics, such as the voter model and best-of-k majority rules. Qualitatively speaking, we show that lack of memory prevents efficient convergence. Specifically, we prove that any dynamics requires Omega(n^2) expected time, even under a strong version of the model in which activated agents have complete access to the current configuration of the entire system, i.e., the case l=n. Conversely, we prove that the simple voter model (in which l=1) correctly solves the problem, while almost matching the aforementioned lower bound. These results suggest that, in contrast to symmetric consensus problems (that do not involve a notion of correct opinion), fast convergence on the correct opinion using stochastic opinion dynamics may require the use of memory.

#25 On a Voter Model with Context-Dependent Opinion Adoption [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Luca Becchetti, Vincenzo Bonifaci, Emilio Cruciani, Francesco Pasquale

Opinion diffusion is a crucial phenomenon in social networks, often underlying the way in which a collection of agents develops a consensus on relevant decisions. Voter models are well-known theoretical models to study opinion spreading in social networks and structured populations. Their simplest version assumes that an updating agent will adopt the opinion of a neighboring agent chosen at random. These models allow us to study, for example, the probability that a certain opinion will fixate into a consensus opinion, as well as the expected time it takes for a consensus opinion to emerge. Standard voter models are oblivious to the opinions held by the agents involved in the opinion adoption process. We propose and study a context-dependent opinion spreading process on an arbitrary social graph, in which the probability that an agent abandons opinion a in favor of opinion b depends on both a and b. We discuss the relations of the model with existing voter models and then derive theoretical results for both the fixation probability and the expected consensus time for two opinions, for both the synchronous and the asynchronous update models.