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#1 The index of lattice Dirac operators and $K$-theory [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shoto Aoki ; Hidenori Fukaya ; Mikio Furuta ; Shinichiroh Matsuo ; Tetsuya Onogi ; Satoshi Yamaguchi

We mathematically show an equality between the index of a Dirac operator on a flat continuum torus and the $\eta$ invariant of the Wilson Dirac operator with a negative mass when the lattice spacing is sufficiently small. Unlike the standard approach, our formulation using $K$-theory does not require the Ginsparg-Wilson relation or the modified chiral symmetry on the lattice. We prove that a one-parameter family of continuum massive Dirac operators and the corresponding Wilson Dirac operators belong to the same equivalence class of the $K^1$ group at a finite lattice spacing. Their indices, which are evaluated by the spectral flow or equivalently by the $\eta$ invariant at finite masses, are proved to be equal.

Subjects: K-Theory and Homology ; Strongly Correlated Electrons ; High Energy Physics - Lattice ; High Energy Physics - Theory ; Differential Geometry

Publish: 2024-07-25 02:03:51 UTC