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For an oriented manifold M and a compact subanalytic Legendrian Λ⊆S∗M, we construct a canonical strong smooth relative Calabi--Yau structure on the microlocalization at infinity and its left adjoint mlΛ:μshΛ(Λ)⇌ShΛ(M)0:mΛ between compactly supported sheaves on M with singular support on Λ and microsheaves on Λ. We also construct a canonical strong Calabi-Yau structure on microsheaves μshΛ(Λ). Our approach does not require local properness and hence does not depend on arborealization. We thus obtain a canonical smooth relative Calabi-Yau structure on the Orlov functor for wrapped Fukaya categories of cotangent bundles with Weinstein stops, such that the wrap-once functor is the inverse dualizing bimodule.