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We report on our ongoing lattice QCD computation of antistatic-antistatic potentials in the presence of two light quarks using the CLS Nf=2 gauge configurations and the OpenQ*D codebase. We utilize a set of 16 creation operators, corresponding to 8 sectors characterized by angular momentum and parity quantum numbers for light quarks qq=(ud−du)/√2 (isospin 0), qq∈{uu,(ud+du)/√2,dd} (isospin 1) and qq∈{us,ds} (isospin 1/2 and strangeness −1). We improve on previous work by considering a large number of off-axis separations of the static antiquarks and by using tree-level improvement. The resulting potentials provide vague indication for one-pion exchange at ˉQˉQ separations r⪆ 0.5 fm.