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#1 Multi-fidelity emulator for large-scale 21 cm lightcone images: a few-shot transfer learning approach with generative adversarial network [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kangning Diao, Yi Mao

Emulators using machine learning techniques have emerged to efficiently generate mock data matching the large survey volume for upcoming experiments, as an alternative approach to large-scale numerical simulations. However, high-fidelity emulators have become computationally expensive as the simulation volume grows to hundreds of megaparsecs. Here, we present a {\it multi-fidelity} emulation of large-scale 21~cm lightcone images from the epoch of reionization, which is realized by applying the {\it few-shot transfer learning} to training generative adversarial networks (GAN) from small-scale to large-scale simulations. Specifically, a GAN emulator is first trained with a huge number of small-scale simulations, and then transfer-learned with only a limited number of large-scale simulations, to emulate large-scale 21~cm lightcone images. We test the precision of our transfer-learned GAN emulator in terms of representative statistics including global 21~cm brightness temperature history, 2D power spectrum, and scattering transform coefficients. We demonstrate that the lightcone images generated by the transfer-learned GAN emulator can reach the percentage level precision in most cases on small scales, and the error on large scales only increases mildly to the level of a few tens of per cent. Nevertheless, our multi-fidelity emulation technique saves a significant portion of computational resources that are mostly consumed for generating training samples for GAN. On estimate, the computational resource by training GAN completely with large-scale simulations would be one to two orders of magnitude larger than using our multi-fidelity technique. This implies that our technique allows for emulating high-fidelity, traditionally computationally prohibitive, images in an economic manner.

Subjects: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics , Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics

Publish: 2025-02-06 17:37:52 UTC