Quantum Gases

Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 | Total: 8

#1 Probing Penrose-type singularities in sonic black holes [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Satadal Datta ; Uwe R. Fischer

Addressing the general physical question whether spacetime singularities inside black holes exist, we investigate the problem in the context of an analogue system, a flowing laboratory liquid, for which the governing equations are at least in principle known to all relevant scales, and in all regions of the effective spacetime. We suggest to probe the physical phenomena taking place close to a Penrose-type singularity in the interior of a $2+1$D analogue black hole arising from a polytropic, inviscid, irrotational, and axisymmetric steady flow, and propose to this end an experimental setup in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Our study provides concrete evidence, for a well understood dynamical system, that the Einstein equations are not necessary for a singularity to form, demonstrating that Penrose-type spacetime singularities can potentially also exist in non-Einsteinian theories of gravity. Finally, we demonstrate how the singularity is physically avoided in our proposed laboratory setup, and that our analysis can be generalized to three-dimensional flows ($3+1$D analogues).

Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ; Quantum Gases

Publish: 2024-07-25 16:29:54 UTC

#2 Supersolidity and Simplex Phases in Spin-1 Rydberg Atom Arrays [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Vincent S. Liu ; Marcus Bintz ; Maxwell Block ; Rhine Samajdar ; Jack Kemp ; Norman Y. Yao

Neutral atoms become strongly interacting when their electrons are excited to loosely bound Rydberg states. We investigate the strongly correlated quantum phases of matter that emerge in two-dimensional atom arrays where three Rydberg levels are used to encode an effective spin-1 degree of freedom. Dipolar exchange between such spin-1 Rydberg atoms naturally yields two distinct models: (i) a two-species hardcore boson model, and (ii) upon tuning near a F\"orster resonance, a dipolar spin-1 XY model. Through extensive, large-scale infinite density matrix renormalization group calculations, we provide a broad roadmap predicting the quantum phases that emerge from these models on a variety of lattice geometries: square, triangular, kagome, and ruby. We identify a wealth of correlated states, including lattice supersolids and simplex phases, all of which can be naturally realized in near-term experiments.

Subjects: Quantum Gases ; Strongly Correlated Electrons ; Quantum Physics

Publish: 2024-07-24 18:00:01 UTC

#3 Superfluidity and sound propagation in disordered Bose gases [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Kevin T. Geier ; Jeff Maki ; Alberto Biella ; Franco Dalfovo ; Stefano Giorgini ; Sandro Stringari

Superfluidity describes the ability of quantum matter to flow without friction. Due to its fundamental role in many transport phenomena, it is crucial to understand the robustness of superfluid properties to external perturbations. Here, we theoretically study the effects of speckle disorder on the propagation of sound waves in a two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate at zero temperature. We numerically solve the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in the presence of disorder and employ a superfluid hydrodynamic approach to elucidate the role of the compressibility and superfluid fraction on the propagation of sound. A key result is that disorder reduces the superfluid fraction and hence the speed of sound; it also introduces damping and mode coupling. In the limit of weak disorder, the predictions for the speed of sound and its damping rate are well reproduced by a quadratic perturbation theory. The hydrodynamic description is valid over a wide range of parameters, while discrepancies become evident if the disorder becomes too strong, the effect being more significant for disorder applied in only one spatial direction. Our predictions are well within the reach of state-of-the-art cold-atom experiments and carry over to more general disorder potentials.

Subjects: Quantum Gases ; Quantum Physics

Publish: 2024-07-24 18:00:02 UTC

#4 Universal clusters in quasi-two-dimensional ultracold Fermi mixtures [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Ruijin Liu ; Tingting Shi ; Matteo Zaccanti ; Xiaoling Cui

We study universal clusters in quasi-two dimensions (q2D) that consist of a light (L) atom interacting with two or three heavy (H) identical fermions, forming the trimer or tetramer bound state. The axial confinement in q2D is shown to lift the three-fold degeneracy of 3D trimer (tetramer) in $p$-wave channel and uniquely select the ground state with magnetic angular momentum $|m|=1$ ($m=0$). By varying the interaction or confinement strength, we explore the dimensional crossover of these clusters from 3D to 2D, characterized by a gradual change of critical H-L mass ratio for their emergence and momentum-space distribution. Importantly, we find that a finite effective range will {\it not} alter their critical mass ratios in the weak coupling regime. There, we establish an effective 2D model to quantitatively reproduce the properties of q2D clusters, and further identify the optimal interaction strengths for their detections in experiments. Our results suggest a promising prospect for observing universal clusters and associated high-order correlation effects in realistic q2D ultracold Fermi mixtures.

Subject: Quantum Gases

Publish: 2024-07-25 01:51:59 UTC

#5 Hidden vortices and Feynman rule in Bose-Einstein condensates with density-dependent gauge potential [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Ishfaq Ahmad Bhat ; Bishwajyoti Dey

In this article, we numerically investigate the vortex nucleation in a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a double-well potential and subjected to a density-dependent gauge potential. A rotating Bose-Einstein condensate, when confined in a double-well potential, not only gives rise to visible vortices but also produces hidden vortices. We have empirically developed the Feynmans rule for the number of vortices versus angular momentum in Bose-Einstein condensates in presence of the density dependent-gauge potentials. The variation of the average angular momentum with the number of vortices is also sensitive to the nature of the nonlinear rotation due to the density-dependent gauge potentials. The empirical result agrees well with the numerical simulations and the connection is verified by means of curve fitting analysis. The modified Feynman rule is further confirmed for the BECs confined in harmonic and toroidal traps. In addition, we show the nucleation of vortices in double-well and toroidally confined Bose-Einstein condensates solely through nonlinear rotations (without any trap rotation) arising through the density dependent-gauge potential.

Subject: Quantum Gases

Publish: 2024-07-25 09:45:49 UTC

#6 Extracting the symmetries of nonequilibrium quantum many-body systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Aleksandr N. Mikheev ; Viktoria Noel ; Ido Siovitz ; Helmut Strobel ; Markus K. Oberthaler ; Jürgen Berges

Symmetries play a pivotal role in our understanding of the properties of quantum many-body systems. While there are theorems and a well-established toolbox for systems in thermal equilibrium, much less is known about the role of symmetries and their connection to dynamics out of equilibrium. This arises due to the direct link between a system's thermal state and its Hamiltonian, which is generally not the case for nonequilibrium dynamics. Here we present a pathway to identify the effective symmetries and to extract them from data in nonequilibrium quantum many-body systems. Our approach is based on exact relations between correlation functions involving different numbers of spatial points, which can be viewed as nonequilibrium versions of (equal-time) Ward identities encoding the symmetries of the system. We derive symmetry witnesses, which are particularly suitable for the analysis of measured or simulated data at different snapshots in time. To demonstrate the potential of the approach, we apply our method to numerical and experimental data for a spinor Bose gas. We investigate the important question of a dynamical restoration of an explicitly broken symmetry of the Hamiltonian by the initial state. Remarkably, it is found that effective symmetry restoration can occur long before the system equilibrates. We also use the approach to define and identify spontaneous symmetry breaking far from equilibrium, which is of great relevance for applications to nonequilibrium phase transitions. Our work opens new avenues for the classification and analysis of quantum as well as classical many-body dynamics in a large variety of systems, ranging from ultracold quantum gases to cosmology.

Subjects: Quantum Gases ; Statistical Mechanics ; High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

Publish: 2024-07-25 10:07:48 UTC

#7 Equation of state of Bose gases beyond the universal regime [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Marti Planasdemunt ; Jordi Pera ; Jordi Boronat

The equation of state of dilute Bose gases, in which the energy only depends on the $s$-wave scattering length, is rather unknown beyond the universal limit. We have carried out a bunch of diffusion Monte Carlo calculations up to gas parameters of $10^{-2}$ to explore how the departure from the universality emerges. Using different model potentials, we calculate the energies of the gas in an exact way, within some statistical noise, and report the results as a function of the three relevant scattering parameters: the $s$-wave scattering length $a_0$, the $s$-wave effective range $r_0$, and the $p$-wave scattering length $a_1$. If the effective range is not large we observe universality in terms of $a_0$ and $r_0$ up to gas parameters of $10^{-2}$. If $r_0$ grows the regime of universality in these two parameters is reduced and effects of $a_1$ start to be observed. In the $(a_0,r_0)$ universal regime we propose an analytical law that reproduces fairly well the exact energies.

Subject: Quantum Gases

Publish: 2024-07-25 14:15:57 UTC

#8 Dipolar ordering transitions in many-body quantum optics: Analytical diagrammatic approach to equilibrium quantum spins [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Benedikt Schneider ; Ruben Burkard ; Beatriz Olmos ; Igor Lesanovsky ; Björn Sbierski

Quantum spin models with a large number of interactions per spin are frequently encountered in modern many-body quantum optical systems like arrays of Rydberg atoms, atom-cavity systems or trapped ion crystals. For theoretical analysis the mean-field (MF) approximation is routinely applied. However, except in the exotic case of infinite connectivity, its results are not quantitatively reliable. Here we present a systematic correction to MF theory based on diagrammatic perturbation theory for quantum spin correlators in thermal equilibrium. Our analytic results are universally applicable for any lattice geometry and spin-length S. We provide pre-computed and easy-to-use building blocks for Ising, Heisenberg and transverse field Ising models in the the symmetry-unbroken regime. We showcase the methods quality and simplicity by computing magnetic phase boundaries and excitations gaps. We also treat the Dicke-Ising model of ground-state superradiance where we show that corrections to the MF phase boundary vanish.

Subjects: Quantum Gases ; Strongly Correlated Electrons

Publish: 2024-07-25 16:08:20 UTC