2025-01-13 | | Total: 4
Local refinement is vital for efficient numerical simulations. In the context of Isogeometric Analysis (IGA), hierarchical B-splines have gained prominence. The work applies the methodology of truncated hierarchical B-splines (THB-splines) as they keep additional properties. The framework is further enriched with Bézier extraction, resulting in the multi-level Bézier extraction method. We apply this discretization method to 2D magnetostatic problems. The implementation is based on an open-source Octave/MATLAB IGA code called GeoPDEs, which allows us to compare our routines with globally refined spline models as well as locally refined ones where the solver does not rely on Bézier extraction.
Simulating large-scale coupled-oscillator systems presents substantial computational challenges for classical algorithms, particularly when pursuing first-principles analyses in the thermodynamic limit. Motivated by the quantum algorithm framework proposed by Babbush et al., we present and implement a detailed quantum circuit construction for simulating one-dimensional spring-mass systems. Our approach incorporates key quantum subroutines, including block encoding, quantum singular value transformation (QSVT), and amplitude amplification, to realize the unitary time-evolution operator associated with simulating classical oscillators dynamics. In the uniform spring-mass setting, our circuit construction requires a gate complexity of $\mathcal{O}\bigl(\log_2^2 N\,\log_2(1/\varepsilon)\bigr)$, where $N$ is the number of oscillators and $\varepsilon$ is the target accuracy of the approximation. For more general, heterogeneous spring-mass systems, the total gate complexity is $\mathcal{O}\bigl(N\log_2 N\,\log_2(1/\varepsilon)\bigr)$. Both settings require $\mathcal{O}(\log_2 N)$ qubits. Numerical simulations agree with classical solvers across all tested configurations, indicating that this circuit-based Hamiltonian simulation approach can substantially reduce computational costs and potentially enable larger-scale many-body studies on future quantum hardware.
Lattice structures have great potential for several application fields ranging from medical and tissue engineering to aeronautical one. Their development is further speeded up by the continuing advances in additive manufacturing technologies that allow to overcome issues typical of standard processes and to propose tailored designs. However, the design of lattice structures is still challenging since their properties are considerably affected by numerous factors. The present paper aims to propose, discuss, and compare various modeling approaches to describe, understand, and predict the correlations between the mechanical properties and the void volume fraction of different types of lattice structures fabricated by fused deposition modeling 3D printing. Particularly, four approaches are proposed: (i) a simplified analytical model; (ii) a semi-empirical model combining analytical equations with experimental correction factors; (iii) an artificial neural network trained on experimental data; (iv) numerical simulations by finite element analyses. The comparison among the various approaches, and with experimental data, allows to identify the performances, advantages, and disadvantages of each approach, thus giving important guidelines for choosing the right design methodology based on the needs and available data.
Simulation of urban wind environments is crucial for urban planning, pollution control, and renewable energy utilization. However, the computational requirements of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods make them impractical for real cities. To address these limitations, this study investigates the effectiveness of the Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) model in predicting flow fields under different wind directions and urban layouts. In this study, we investigate the effectiveness of the Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) model in predicting urban wind conditions under different wind directions and urban layouts. By training the model on velocity data from large eddy simulation data, we evaluate the performance of the model under different urban configurations and wind conditions. The results show that the FNO model can provide accurate predictions while significantly reducing the computational time by 99%. Our innovative approach of dividing the wind field into smaller spatial blocks for training improves the ability of the FNO model to capture wind frequency features effectively. The SDF data also provides important spatial building information, enhancing the model's ability to recognize physical boundaries and generate more realistic predictions. The proposed FNO approach enhances the AI model's generalizability for different wind directions and urban layouts.