Social and Information Networks

2024-10-22 | | Total: 12

#1 Changes in Sentiments and User Engagement for 2024 U.S. Presidential Candidates After Biden's Withdrawal: An Analysis of TikTok Videos [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuwei Chuai ; Gabriele Lenzini

The 2024 U.S. presidential election has sparked widespread online discussions about the presidential candidates. Joe Biden's withdrawal from the race and Kamala Harris's subsequent entry as the Democratic candidate likely alter the dynamics of these online discussions; yet, this hypothesis requires evidence. Here, we study how sentiments and user engagement in social media posts mentioning presidential candidates change after Biden's withdrawal. Our analysis is based on N=680,609 TikTok videos that have accumulated over 4 billion views, with more than 23 million comments, 31 million shares, and 335 million likes from November 1, 2023, to October 6, 2024. We find that: (i) Before Biden's withdrawal, video posts mentioning the Republican candidate (Donald Trump) have higher positive sentiment and lower negative sentiment compared to those mentioning the Democratic candidate (Joe Biden). (ii) Following Biden's withdrawal, positive sentiment in video posts mentioning the Democratic candidate (Kamala Harris) increases by 46.8%, while negative sentiment decreases by 52.0%. (iii) Regarding user engagement, before Biden's withdrawal, video posts mentioning the Democratic candidate have 64.9% higher odds of being shared and 39.5% higher odds of receiving likes compared to posts mentioning the Republican candidate, with similar odds of receiving comments. (iv) After Biden's withdrawal, the odds of being shared increase by 53.3%, and the odds of receiving likes increase by 77.4% in both video posts mentioning the Democratic candidate and video posts mentioning the Republican candidate. Our findings offer insights into how sentiments and user engagement in online posts about the 2024 U.S. presidential candidates shift following Biden's dropping out from the presidential race.

Subject: Social and Information Networks

Publish: 2024-10-21 07:25:50 UTC

#2 Heuristic-based Dynamic Leiden Algorithm for Efficient Tracking of Communities on Evolving Graphs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Subhajit Sahu

Community detection, or clustering, identifies groups of nodes in a graph that are more densely connected to each other than to the rest of the network. Given the size and dynamic nature of real-world graphs, efficient community detection is crucial for tracking evolving communities, enhancing our understanding and management of complex systems. The Leiden algorithm, which improves upon the Louvain algorithm, efficiently detects communities in large networks, producing high-quality structures. However, existing multicore dynamic community detection algorithms based on Leiden are inefficient and lack support for tracking evolving communities. This technical report introduces the first implementations of parallel Naive-dynamic (ND), Delta-screening (DS), and Dynamic Frontier (DF) Leiden algorithms that efficiently track communities over time. Experiments on a 64-core AMD EPYC-7742 processor demonstrate that ND, DS, and DF Leiden achieve average speedups of 3.9x, 4.4x, and 6.1x, respectively, on large graphs with random batch updates compared to the Static Leiden algorithm, and these approaches scale at 1.4 - 1.5x for every thread doubling.

Subjects: Social and Information Networks ; Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing

Publish: 2024-10-20 17:25:01 UTC

#3 Towards Truss-Based Temporal Community Search [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Huihui Yang ; Chunxue Zhu ; Longlong Lin ; Pingpeng Yuan

Identifying communities from temporal networks facilitates the understanding of potential dynamic relationships among entities, which has already received extensive applications. However, existing methods primarily rely on lower-order connectivity (e.g., temporal edges) to capture the structural and temporal cohesiveness of the community, often neglecting higher-order temporal connectivity, which leads to sub-optimal results. To overcome this dilemma, we propose a novel temporal community model named maximal-truss (MDT). This model emphasizes maximal temporal support, ensuring all edges are connected by a sequence of triangles with elegant temporal properties. To search the MDT containing the user-initiated query node q (q-MDT), we first design a powerful local search framework with some effective pruning strategies. This approach aims to identify the solution from the small temporal subgraph which is expanded from q. To further improve the performance on large graphs, we build the temporal trussness index (TT-index) for all edges. Leveraging the TT-index allows us to efficiently search high-probability target subgraphs instead of performing a full search across the entire input graph. Empirical results on nine real-world networks and seven competitors demonstrate the superiority of our solutions in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and scalability

Subject: Social and Information Networks

Publish: 2024-10-19 09:05:35 UTC

#4 Taming the Long Tail in Human Mobility Prediction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xiaohang Xu ; Renhe Jiang ; Chuang Yang ; Zipei Fan ; Kaoru Sezaki

With the popularity of location-based services, human mobility prediction plays a key role in enhancing personalized navigation, optimizing recommendation systems, and facilitating urban mobility and planning. This involves predicting a user's next POI (point-of-interest) visit using their past visit history. However, the uneven distribution of visitations over time and space, namely the long-tail problem in spatial distribution, makes it difficult for AI models to predict those POIs that are less visited by humans. In light of this issue, we propose the Long-Tail Adjusted Next POI Prediction (LoTNext) framework for mobility prediction, combining a Long-Tailed Graph Adjustment module to reduce the impact of the long-tailed nodes in the user-POI interaction graph and a novel Long-Tailed Loss Adjustment module to adjust loss by logit score and sample weight adjustment strategy. Also, we employ the auxiliary prediction task to enhance generalization and accuracy. Our experiments with two real-world trajectory datasets demonstrate that LoTNext significantly surpasses existing state-of-the-art works. Our code is available at

Subjects: Social and Information Networks ; Artificial Intelligence ; Computers and Society ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2024-10-19 04:28:44 UTC

#5 The microscale organization of directed hypergraphs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Quintino Francesco Lotito ; Alberto Vendramini ; Alberto Montresor ; Federico Battiston

Many real-world complex systems are characterized by non-pairwise -- higher-order -- interactions among system's units, and can be effectively modeled as hypergraphs. Directed hypergraphs distinguish between source and target sets within each hyperedge, and allow to account for the directional flow of information between nodes. Here, we provide a framework to characterize the structural organization of directed higher-order networks at their microscale. First, we extract the fingerprint of a directed hypergraph, capturing the frequency of hyperedges with a certain source and target sizes, and use this information to compute differences in higher-order connectivity patterns among real-world systems. Then, we formulate reciprocity in hypergraphs, including exact, strong, and weak definitions, to measure to which extent hyperedges are reciprocated. Finally, we extend motif analysis to identify recurring interaction patterns and extract the building blocks of directed hypergraphs. We validate our framework on empirical datasets, including Bitcoin transactions, metabolic networks, and citation data, revealing structural principles behind the organization of real-world systems.

Subjects: Physics and Society ; Social and Information Networks

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:57:17 UTC

#6 A Semidefinite Relaxation Approach for Fair Graph Clustering [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sina Baharlouei ; Sadra Sabouri

Fair graph clustering is crucial for ensuring equitable representation and treatment of diverse communities in network analysis. Traditional methods often ignore disparities among social, economic, and demographic groups, perpetuating biased outcomes and reinforcing inequalities. This study introduces fair graph clustering within the framework of the disparate impact doctrine, treating it as a joint optimization problem integrating clustering quality and fairness constraints. Given the NP-hard nature of this problem, we employ a semidefinite relaxation approach to approximate the underlying optimization problem. For up to medium-sized graphs, we utilize a singular value decomposition-based algorithm, while for larger graphs, we propose a novel algorithm based on the alternative direction method of multipliers. Unlike existing methods, our formulation allows for tuning the trade-off between clustering quality and fairness. Experimental results on graphs generated from the standard stochastic block model demonstrate the superiority of our approach in achieving an optimal accuracy-fairness trade-off compared to state-of-the-art methods.

Subjects: Machine Learning ; Computers and Society ; Social and Information Networks ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2024-10-19 22:51:24 UTC

#7 The Shifting Paradigm in AI : Why Generative Artificial Intelligence is the new Economic Variable [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Subramanyam Sahoo ; Kamlesh Dutta

The relentless pursuit of technological advancements has ushered in a new era where artificial intelligence (AI) is not only a powerful tool but also a critical economic driver. At the forefront of this transformation is Generative AI, which is catalyzing a paradigm shift across industries. Deep generative models, an integration of generative and deep learning techniques, excel in creating new data beyond analyzing existing ones, revolutionizing sectors from production and manufacturing to finance. By automating design, optimization, and innovation cycles, Generative AI is reshaping core industrial processes. In the financial sector, it is transforming risk assessment, trading strategies, and forecasting, demonstrating its profound impact. This paper explores the sweeping changes driven by deep learning models like Large Language Models (LLMs), highlighting their potential to foster innovative business models, disruptive technologies, and novel economic landscapes. As we stand at the threshold of an AI-driven economic era, Generative AI is emerging as a pivotal force, driving innovation, disruption, and economic evolution on a global scale.

Subjects: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science ; Computers and Society ; Machine Learning ; Social and Information Networks

Publish: 2024-10-19 20:57:16 UTC

#8 Crafting Tomorrow: The Influence of Design Choices on Fresh Content in Social Media Recommendation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Srijan Saket ; Mohit Agarwal ; Rishabh Mehrotra

The rise in popularity of social media platforms, has resulted in millions of new, content pieces being created every day. This surge in content creation underscores the need to pay attention to our design choices as they can greatly impact how long content remains relevant. In today's landscape where regularly recommending new content is crucial, particularly in the absence of detailed information, a variety of factors such as UI features, algorithms and system settings contribute to shaping the journey of content across the platform. While previous research has focused on how new content affects users' experiences, this study takes a different approach by analyzing these decisions considering the content itself. Through a series of carefully crafted experiments we explore how seemingly small decisions can influence the longevity of content, measured by metrics like Content Progression (CVP) and Content Survival (CSR). We also emphasize the importance of recognizing the stages that content goes through underscoring the need to tailor strategies for each stage as a one size fits all approach may not be effective. Additionally we argue for a departure from traditional experimental setups in the study of content lifecycles, to avoid potential misunderstandings while proposing advanced techniques, to achieve greater precision and accuracy in the evaluation process.

Subjects: Information Retrieval ; Machine Learning ; Social and Information Networks

Publish: 2024-10-19 18:28:06 UTC

#9 Transit Pulse: Utilizing Social Media as a Source for Customer Feedback and Information Extraction with Large Language Model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jiahao Wang ; Amer Shalaby

Users of the transit system flood social networks daily with messages that contain valuable insights crucial for improving service quality. These posts help transit agencies quickly identify emerging issues. Parsing topics and sentiments is key to gaining comprehensive insights to foster service excellence. However, the volume of messages makes manual analysis impractical, and standard NLP techniques like Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) fall short in nuanced interpretation. Traditional sentiment analysis separates topics and sentiments before integrating them, often missing the interaction between them. This incremental approach complicates classification and reduces analytical productivity. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach to extracting and analyzing transit-related information, including sentiment and sarcasm detection, identification of unusual system problems, and location data from social media. Our method employs Large Language Models (LLM), specifically Llama 3, for a streamlined analysis free from pre-established topic labels. To enhance the model's domain-specific knowledge, we utilize Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), integrating external knowledge sources into the information extraction pipeline. We validated our method through extensive experiments comparing its performance with traditional NLP approaches on user tweet data from the real world transit system. Our results demonstrate the potential of LLMs to transform social media data analysis in the public transit domain, providing actionable insights and enhancing transit agencies' responsiveness by extracting a broader range of information.

Subjects: Computation and Language ; Artificial Intelligence ; Computers and Society ; Information Retrieval ; Machine Learning ; Social and Information Networks

Publish: 2024-10-19 07:08:40 UTC

#10 DST-TransitNet: A Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning Model for Scalable and Efficient Network-Wide Prediction of Station-Level Transit Ridership [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jiahao Wang ; Amer Shalaby

Accurate prediction of public transit ridership is vital for efficient planning and management of transit in rapidly growing urban areas in Canada. Unexpected increases in passengers can cause overcrowded vehicles, longer boarding times, and service disruptions. Traditional time series models like ARIMA and SARIMA face limitations, particularly in short-term predictions and integration of spatial and temporal features. These models struggle with the dynamic nature of ridership patterns and often ignore spatial correlations between nearby stops. Deep Learning (DL) models present a promising alternative, demonstrating superior performance in short-term prediction tasks by effectively capturing both spatial and temporal features. However, challenges such as dynamic spatial feature extraction, balancing accuracy with computational efficiency, and ensuring scalability remain. This paper introduces DST-TransitNet, a hybrid DL model for system-wide station-level ridership prediction. This proposed model uses graph neural networks (GNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN) to dynamically integrate the changing temporal and spatial correlations within the stations. The model also employs a precise time series decomposition framework to enhance accuracy and interpretability. Tested on Bogota's BRT system data, with three distinct social scenarios, DST-TransitNet outperformed state-of-the-art models in precision, efficiency and robustness. Meanwhile, it maintains stability over long prediction intervals, demonstrating practical applicability.

Subjects: Machine Learning ; Artificial Intelligence ; Computers and Society ; Social and Information Networks

Publish: 2024-10-19 06:59:39 UTC

#11 LangGFM: A Large Language Model Alone Can be a Powerful Graph Foundation Model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tianqianjin Lin ; Pengwei Yan ; Kaisong Song ; Zhuoren Jiang ; Yangyang Kang ; Jun Lin ; Weikang Yuan ; Junjie Cao ; Changlong Sun ; Xiaozhong Liu

Graph foundation models (GFMs) have recently gained significant attention. However, the unique data processing and evaluation setups employed by different studies hinder a deeper understanding of their progress. Additionally, current research tends to focus on specific subsets of graph learning tasks, such as structural tasks, node-level tasks, or classification tasks. As a result, they often incorporate specialized modules tailored to particular task types, losing their applicability to other graph learning tasks and contradicting the original intent of foundation models to be universal. Therefore, to enhance consistency, coverage, and diversity across domains, tasks, and research interests within the graph learning community in the evaluation of GFMs, we propose GFMBench-a systematic and comprehensive benchmark comprising 26 datasets. Moreover, we introduce LangGFM, a novel GFM that relies entirely on large language models. By revisiting and exploring the effective graph textualization principles, as well as repurposing successful techniques from graph augmentation and graph self-supervised learning within the language space, LangGFM achieves performance on par with or exceeding the state of the art across GFMBench, which can offer us new perspectives, experiences, and baselines to drive forward the evolution of GFMs.

Subjects: Machine Learning ; Artificial Intelligence ; Social and Information Networks

Publish: 2024-10-19 03:27:19 UTC

#12 Misleading Ourselves: How Disinformation Manipulates Sensemaking [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Stephen Prochaska ; Julie Vera ; Douglas Lew Tan ; Kate Starbird

Informal sensemaking surrounding U.S. election processes has been fraught in recent years, due to the inherent uncertainty of elections, the complexity of election processes in the U.S., and to disinformation. Based on insights from qualitative analysis of election rumors spreading online in 2020 and 2022, we introduce the concept of manipulated sensemaking to describe how disinformation functions by disrupting online audiences ability to make sense of novel, uncertain, or ambiguous information. We describe how at the core of this disruption is the ability for disinformation to shape broad, underlying stories called deep stories which determine the frames we use to make sense of this novel information. Additionally, we explain how sensemakings orientation around plausible explanations over accurate explanations makes it vulnerable to manipulation. Lastly, we demonstrate how disinformed deep stories shape sensemaking not just for a single event, but for many events in the future.

Subjects: Human-Computer Interaction ; Computers and Society ; Social and Information Networks

Publish: 2024-10-18 20:52:58 UTC