AAAI.2019 - Robotics

| Total: 9

#1 Depth Prediction without the Sensors: Leveraging Structure for Unsupervised Learning from Monocular Videos [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Vincent Casser, Soeren Pirk, Reza Mahjourian, Anelia Angelova

Learning to predict scene depth from RGB inputs is a challenging task both for indoor and outdoor robot navigation. In this work we address unsupervised learning of scene depth and robot ego-motion where supervision is provided by monocular videos, as cameras are the cheapest, least restrictive and most ubiquitous sensor for robotics. Previous work in unsupervised image-to-depth learning has established strong baselines in the domain. We propose a novel approach which produces higher quality results, is able to model moving objects and is shown to transfer across data domains, e.g. from outdoors to indoor scenes. The main idea is to introduce geometric structure in the learning process, by modeling the scene and the individual objects; camera ego-motion and object motions are learned from monocular videos as input. Furthermore an online refinement method is introduced to adapt learning on the fly to unknown domains. The proposed approach outperforms all state-of-the-art approaches, including those that handle motion e.g. through learned flow. Our results are comparable in quality to the ones which used stereo as supervision and significantly improve depth prediction on scenes and datasets which contain a lot of object motion. The approach is of practical relevance, as it allows transfer across environments, by transferring models trained on data collected for robot navigation in urban scenes to indoor navigation settings. The code associated with this paper can be found at

#2 MotionTransformer: Transferring Neural Inertial Tracking between Domains [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Changhao Chen, Yishu Miao, Chris Xiaoxuan Lu, Linhai Xie, Phil Blunsom, Andrew Markham, Niki Trigoni

Inertial information processing plays a pivotal role in egomotion awareness for mobile agents, as inertial measurements are entirely egocentric and not environment dependent. However, they are affected greatly by changes in sensor placement/orientation or motion dynamics, and it is infeasible to collect labelled data from every domain. To overcome the challenges of domain adaptation on long sensory sequences, we propose MotionTransformer - a novel framework that extracts domain-invariant features of raw sequences from arbitrary domains, and transforms to new domains without any paired data. Through the experiments, we demonstrate that it is able to efficiently and effectively convert the raw sequence from a new unlabelled target domain into an accurate inertial trajectory, benefiting from the motion knowledge transferred from the labelled source domain. We also conduct real-world experiments to show our framework can reconstruct physically meaningful trajectories from raw IMU measurements obtained with a standard mobile phone in various attachments.

#3 Adversarial Actor-Critic Method for Task and Motion Planning Problems Using Planning Experience [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Beomjoon Kim, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Tomás Lozano-Pérez

We propose an actor-critic algorithm that uses past planning experience to improve the efficiency of solving robot task-and-motion planning (TAMP) problems. TAMP planners search for goal-achieving sequences of high-level operator instances specified by both discrete and continuous parameters. Our algorithm learns a policy for selecting the continuous parameters during search, using a small training set generated from the search trees of previously solved instances. We also introduce a novel fixed-length vector representation for world states with varying numbers of objects with different shapes, based on a set of key robot configurations. We demonstrate experimentally that our method learns more efficiently from less data than standard reinforcementlearning approaches and that using a learned policy to guide a planner results in the improvement of planning efficiency.

#4 Mirroring without Overimitation: Learning Functionally Equivalent Manipulation Actions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hangxin Liu, Chi Zhang, Yixin Zhu, Chenfanfu Jiang, Song-Chun Zhu

This paper presents a mirroring approach, inspired by the neuroscience discovery of the mirror neurons, to transfer demonstrated manipulation actions to robots. Designed to address the different embodiments between a human (demonstrator) and a robot, this approach extends the classic robot Learning from Demonstration (LfD) in the following aspects: i) It incorporates fine-grained hand forces collected by a tactile glove in demonstration to learn robot’s fine manipulative actions; ii) Through model-free reinforcement learning and grammar induction, the demonstration is represented by a goal-oriented grammar consisting of goal states and the corresponding forces to reach the states, independent of robot embodiments; iii) A physics-based simulation engine is applied to emulate various robot actions and mirrors the actions that are functionally equivalent to the human’s in the sense of causing the same state changes by exerting similar forces. Through this approach, a robot reasons about which forces to exert and what goals to achieve to generate actions (i.e., mirroring), rather than strictly mimicking demonstration (i.e., overimitation). Thus the embodiment difference between a human and a robot is naturally overcome. In the experiment, we demonstrate the proposed approach by teaching a real Baxter robot with a complex manipulation task involving haptic feedback—opening medicine bottles.

#5 Visual Place Recognition via Robust ℓ2-Norm Distance Based Holism and Landmark Integration [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kai Liu, Hua Wang, Fei Han, Hao Zhang

Visual place recognition is essential for large-scale simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Long-term robot operations across different time of the days, months, and seasons introduce new challenges from significant environment appearance variations. In this paper, we propose a novel method to learn a location representation that can integrate the semantic landmarks of a place with its holistic representation. To promote the robustness of our new model against the drastic appearance variations due to long-term visual changes, we formulate our objective to use non-squared ℓ2-norm distances, which leads to a difficult optimization problem that minimizes the ratio of the ℓ2,1-norms of matrices. To solve our objective, we derive a new efficient iterative algorithm, whose convergence is rigorously guaranteed by theory. In addition, because our solution is strictly orthogonal, the learned location representations can have better place recognition capabilities. We evaluate the proposed method using two large-scale benchmark data sets, the CMU-VL and Nordland data sets. Experimental results have validated the effectiveness of our new method in long-term visual place recognition applications.

#6 Deictic Image Mapping: An Abstraction for Learning Pose Invariant Manipulation Policies [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Robert Platt, Colin Kohler, Marcus Gualtieri

In applications of deep reinforcement learning to robotics, it is often the case that we want to learn pose invariant policies: policies that are invariant to changes in the position and orientation of objects in the world. For example, consider a pegin-hole insertion task. If the agent learns to insert a peg into one hole, we would like that policy to generalize to holes presented in different poses. Unfortunately, this is a challenge using conventional methods. This paper proposes a novel state and action abstraction that is invariant to pose shifts called deictic image maps that can be used with deep reinforcement learning. We provide broad conditions under which optimal abstract policies are optimal for the underlying system. Finally, we show that the method can help solve challenging robotic manipulation problems.

#7 Personalized Robot Tutoring Using the Assistive Tutor POMDP (AT-POMDP) [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Aditi Ramachandran, Sarah Strohkorb Sebo, Brian Scassellati

Selecting appropriate tutoring help actions that account for both a student’s content mastery and engagement level is essential for effective human tutors, indicating the critical need for these skills in autonomous tutors. In this work, we formulate the robot-student tutoring help action selection problem as the Assistive Tutor partially observable Markov decision process (AT-POMDP). We designed the AT-POMDP and derived its parameters based on data from a prior robot-student tutoring study. The policy that results from solving the AT-POMDP allows a robot tutor to decide upon the optimal tutoring help action to give a student, while maintaining a belief of the student’s mastery of the material and engagement with the task. This approach is validated through a between-subjects field study, which involved 4th grade students (n=28) interacting with a social robot solving long division problems over five sessions. Students who received help from a robot using the AT-POMDP policy demonstrated significantly greater learning gains than students who received help from a robot with a fixed help action selection policy. Our results demonstrate that this robust computational framework can be used effectively to deliver diverse and personalized tutoring support over time for students.

#8 That’s Mine! Learning Ownership Relations and Norms for Robots [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhi-Xuan Tan, Jake Brawer, Brian Scassellati

The ability for autonomous agents to learn and conform to human norms is crucial for their safety and effectiveness in social environments. While recent work has led to frameworks for the representation and inference of simple social rules, research into norm learning remains at an exploratory stage. Here, we present a robotic system capable of representing, learning, and inferring ownership relations and norms. Ownership is represented as a graph of probabilistic relations between objects and their owners, along with a database of predicate-based norms that constrain the actions permissible on owned objects. To learn these norms and relations, our system integrates (i) a novel incremental norm learning algorithm capable of both one-shot learning and induction from specific examples, (ii) Bayesian inference of ownership relations in response to apparent rule violations, and (iii) perceptbased prediction of an object’s likely owners. Through a series of simulated and real-world experiments, we demonstrate the competence and flexibility of the system in performing object manipulation tasks that require a variety of norms to be followed, laying the groundwork for future research into the acquisition and application of social norms.

#9 Probabilistic Model Checking of Robots Deployed in Extreme Environments [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xingyu Zhao, Valentin Robu, David Flynn, Fateme Dinmohammadi, Michael Fisher, Matt Webster

Robots are increasingly used to carry out critical missions in extreme environments that are hazardous for humans. This requires a high degree of operational autonomy under uncertain conditions, and poses new challenges for assuring the robot’s safety and reliability. In this paper, we develop a framework for probabilistic model checking on a layered Markov model to verify the safety and reliability requirements of such robots, both at pre-mission stage and during runtime. Two novel estimators based on conservative Bayesian inference and imprecise probability model with sets of priors are introduced to learn the unknown transition parameters from operational data. We demonstrate our approach using data from a real-world deployment of unmanned underwater vehicles in extreme environments.