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We present an approach to solving hard geometric optimization problems in the RANSAC framework. The hard minimal problems arise from relaxing the original geometric optimization problem into a minimal problem with many spurious solutions. Our approach avoids computing large numbers of spurious solutions. We design a learning strategy for selecting a starting problem-solution pair that can be numerically continued to the problem and the solution of interest. We demonstrate our approach by developing a RANSAC solver for the problem of computing the relative pose of three calibrated cameras, via a minimal relaxation using four points in each view. On average, we can solve a single problem in under 70 microseconds. We also benchmark and study our engineering choices on the very familiar problem of computing the relative pose of two calibrated cameras, via the minimal case of five points in two views.
Visual vibrometry is a highly useful tool for remote capture of audio, as well as the physical properties of materials, human heart rate, and more. While visually-observable vibrations can be captured directly with a high-speed camera, minute imperceptible object vibrations can be optically amplified by imaging the displacement of a speckle pattern, created by shining a laser beam on the vibrating surface. In this paper, we propose a novel method for sensing vibrations at high speeds (up to 63kHz), for multiple scene sources at once, using sensors rated for only 130Hz operation. Our method relies on simultaneously capturing the scene with two cameras equipped with rolling and global shutter sensors, respectively. The rolling shutter camera captures distorted speckle images that encode the highspeed object vibrations. The global shutter camera captures undistorted reference images of the speckle pattern, helping to decode the source vibrations. We demonstrate our method by capturing vibration caused by audio sources (e.g. speakers, human voice, and musical instruments) and analyzing the vibration modes of a tuning fork.
Locating 3D objects from a single RGB image via Perspective-n-Points (PnP) is a long-standing problem in computer vision. Driven by end-to-end deep learning, recent studies suggest interpreting PnP as a differentiable layer, so that 2D-3D point correspondences can be partly learned by backpropagating the gradient w.r.t. object pose. Yet, learning the entire set of unrestricted 2D-3D points from scratch fails to converge with existing approaches, since the deterministic pose is inherently non-differentiable. In this paper, we propose the EPro-PnP, a probabilistic PnP layer for general end-to-end pose estimation, which outputs a distribution of pose on the SE(3) manifold, essentially bringing categorical Softmax to the continuous domain. The 2D-3D coordinates and corresponding weights are treated as intermediate variables learned by minimizing the KL divergence between the predicted and target pose distribution. The underlying principle unifies the existing approaches and resembles the attention mechanism. EPro-PnP significantly outperforms competitive baselines, closing the gap between PnP-based method and the task-specific leaders on the LineMOD 6DoF pose estimation and nuScenes 3D object detection benchmarks.
Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) is a popular view synthesis technique that represents a scene as a continuous volumetric function, parameterized by multilayer perceptrons that provide the volume density and view-dependent emitted radiance at each location. While NeRF-based techniques excel at representing fine geometric structures with smoothly varying view-dependent appearance, they often fail to accurately capture and reproduce the appearance of glossy surfaces. We address this limitation by introducing Ref-NeRF, which replaces NeRF's parameterization of view-dependent outgoing radiance with a representation of reflected radiance and structures this function using a collection of spatially-varying scene properties. We show that together with a regularizer on normal vectors, our model significantly improves the realism and accuracy of specular reflections. Furthermore, we show that our model's internal representation of outgoing radiance is interpretable and useful for scene editing.
Recently, self-attention mechanisms have shown impressive performance in various NLP and CV tasks, which can help capture sequential characteristics and derive global information. In this work, we explore how to extend self-attention modules to better learn subtle feature embeddings for recognizing fine-grained objects, e.g., different bird species or person identities. To this end, we propose a dual cross-attention learning (DCAL) algorithm to coordinate with self-attention learning. First, we propose global-local cross-attention (GLCA) to enhance the interactions between global images and local high-response regions, which can help reinforce the spatial-wise discriminative clues for recognition. Second, we propose pair-wise cross-attention (PWCA) to establish the interactions between image pairs. PWCA can regularize the attention learning of an image by treating another image as distractor and will be removed during inference. We observe that DCAL can reduce misleading attentions and diffuse the attention response to discover more complementary parts for recognition. We conduct extensive evaluations on fine-grained visual categorization and object re-identification. Experiments demonstrate that DCAL performs on par with state-of-the-art methods and consistently improves multiple self-attention baselines, e.g., surpassing DeiT-Tiny and ViT-Base by 2.8% and 2.4% mAP on MSMT17, respectively.
Recently self-supervised representation learning has drawn considerable attention from the scene text recognition community. Different from previous studies using contrastive learning, we tackle the issue from an alternative perspective, i.e., by formulating the representation learning scheme in a generative manner. Typically, the neighboring image patches among one text line tend to have similar styles, including the strokes, textures, colors, etc. Motivated by this common sense, we augment one image patch and use its neighboring patch as guidance to recover itself. Specifically, we propose a Similarity-Aware Normalization (SimAN) module to identify the different patterns and align the corresponding styles from the guiding patch. In this way, the network gains representation capability for distinguishing complex patterns such as messy strokes and cluttered backgrounds. Experiments show that the proposed SimAN significantly improves the representation quality and achieves promising performance. Moreover, we surprisingly find that our self-supervised generative network has impressive potential for data synthesis, text image editing, and font interpolation, which suggests that the proposed SimAN has a wide range of practical applications.
We propose a theoretical framework that generalizes simple and fast algorithms for hierarchical agglomerative clustering to weighted graphs with both attractive and repulsive interactions between the nodes. This framework defines GASP, a Generalized Algorithm for Signed graph Partitioning, and allows us to explore many combinations of different linkage criteria and cannot-link constraints. We prove the equivalence of existing clustering methods to some of those combinations and introduce new algorithms for combinations that have not been studied before. We study both theoretical and empirical properties of these combinations and prove that some of these define an ultrametric on the graph. We conduct a systematic comparison of various instantiations of GASP on a large variety of both synthetic and existing signed clustering problems, in terms of accuracy but also efficiency and robustness to noise. Lastly, we show that some of the algorithms included in our framework, when combined with the predictions from a CNN model, result in a simple bottom-up instance segmentation pipeline. Going all the way from pixels to final segments with a simple procedure, we achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on the CREMI 2016 EM segmentation benchmark without requiring domain-specific superpixels.
In machine learning, a question of great interest is understanding what examples are challenging for a model to classify. Identifying atypical examples ensures the safe deployment of models, isolates samples that require further human inspection, and provides interpretability into model behavior. In this work, we propose Variance of Gradients (VoG) as a valuable and efficient metric to rank data by difficulty and to surface a tractable subset of the most challenging examples for human-in-the-loop auditing. We show that data points with high VoG scores are far more difficult for the model to learn and over-index on corrupted or memorized examples. Further, restricting the evaluation to the test set instances with the lowest VoG improves the model's generalization performance. Finally, we show that VoG is a valuable and efficient ranking for out-of-distribution detection
Image hashing is a principled approximate nearest neighbor approach to find similar items to a query in a large collection of images. Hashing aims to learn a binary-output function that maps an image to a binary vector. For optimal retrieval performance, producing balanced hash codes with low-quantization error to bridge the gap between the learning stage's continuous relaxation and the inference stage's discrete quantization is important. However, in the existing deep supervised hashing methods, coding balance and low-quantization error are difficult to achieve and involve several losses. We argue that this is because the existing quantization approaches in these methods are heuristically constructed and not effective to achieve these objectives. This paper considers an alternative approach to learning the quantization constraints. The task of learning balanced codes with low quantization error is re-formulated as matching the learned distribution of the continuous codes to a pre-defined discrete, uniform distribution. This is equivalent to minimizing the distance between two distributions. We then propose a computationally efficient distributional distance by leveraging the discrete property of the hash functions. This distributional distance is a valid distance and enjoys lower time and sample complexities. The proposed single-loss quantization objective can be integrated into any existing supervised hashing method to improve code balance and quantization error. Experiments confirm that the proposed approach substantially improves the performance of several representative hashing methods.
Blind deblurring has attracted much interest with its wide applications in reality. The blind deblurring problem is usually solved by estimating the intermediate kernel and the intermediate image alternatively, which will finally converge to the blurring kernel of the observed image. Numerous works have been proposed to obtain intermediate images with fewer undesirable artifacts by designing delicate regularization on the latent solution. However, these methods still fail while dealing with images containing saturations and large blurs. To address this problem, we propose an intermediate image correction method which utilizes Bayes posterior estimation to screen through the intermediate image and exclude those unfavorable pixels to reduce their influence for kernel estimation. Extensive experiments have proved that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy of the final derived kernel against the state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets by both quantitative and qualitative comparisons.
Though image-level weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) has achieved great progress with Class Activation Maps (CAMs) as the cornerstone, the large supervision gap between classification and segmentation still hampers the model to generate more complete and precise pseudo masks for segmentation. In this study, we propose weakly-supervised pixel-to-prototype contrast that can provide pixel-level supervisory signals to narrow the gap. Guided by two intuitive priors, our method is executed across different views and within per single view of an image, aiming to impose cross-view feature semantic consistency regularization and facilitate intra(inter)-class compactness(dispersion) of the feature space. Our method can be seamlessly incorporated into existing WSSS models without any changes to the base networks and does not incur any extra inference burden. Extensive experiments manifest that our method consistently improves two strong baselines by large margins, demonstrating the effectiveness. Specifically, built on top of SEAM, we improve the initial seed mIoU on PASCAL VOC 2012 from 55.4% to 61.5%. Moreover, armed with our method, we increase the segmentation mIoU of EPS from 70.8% to 73.6%, achieving new state-of-the-art.
We propose a method to interactively control the animation of fluid elements in still images to generate cinemagraphs. Specifically, we focus on the animation of fluid elements like water, smoke, fire, which have the properties of repeating textures and continuous fluid motion. Taking inspiration from prior works, we represent the motion of such fluid elements in the image in the form of a constant 2D optical flow map. To this end, we allow the user to provide any number of arrow directions and their associated speeds along with a mask of the regions the user wants to animate. The user-provided input arrow directions, their corresponding speed values, and the mask are then converted into a dense flow map representing a constant optical flow map (F_D). We observe that F_D, obtained using simple exponential operations can closely approximate the plausible motion of elements in the image. We further refine computed dense optical flow map F_D using a generative-adversarial network (GAN) to obtain a more realistic flow map. We devise a novel UNet based architecture to autoregressively generate future frames using the refined optical flow map by forward-warping the input image features at different resolutions. We conduct extensive experiments on a publicly available dataset and show that our method is superior to the baselines in terms of qualitative and quantitative metrics. In addition, we show the qualitative animations of the objects in directions that did not exist in the training set and provide a way to synthesize videos that otherwise would not exist in the real world. Project url: https://controllable-cinemagraphs.github.io/
Light curtain systems are designed for detecting the presence of objects within a user-defined 3D region of space, which has many applications across vision and robotics. However, the shape of light curtains have so far been limited to ruled surfaces, i.e., surfaces composed of straight lines. In this work, we propose Holocurtains: a light-efficient approach to producing light curtains of arbitrary shape. The key idea is to synchronize a rolling-shutter camera with a 2D holographic projector, which steers (rather than block) light to generate bright structured light patterns. Our prototype projector uses a binary digital micromirror device (DMD) to generate the holographic interference patterns at high speeds. Our system produces 3D light curtains that cannot be achieved with traditional light curtain setups and thus enables all-new applications, including the ability to simultaneously capture multiple light curtains in a single frame, detect subtle changes in scene geometry, and transform any 3D surface into an optical touch interface.
Space-time memory (STM) based video object segmentation (VOS) networks usually keep increasing memory bank every several frames, which shows excellent performance. However, 1) the hardware cannot withstand the ever-increasing memory requirements as the video length increases. 2) Storing lots of information inevitably introduces lots of noise, which is not conducive to reading the most important information from the memory bank. In this paper, we propose a Recurrent Dynamic Embedding (RDE) to build a memory bank of constant size. Specifically, we explicitly generate and update RDE by the proposed Spatio-temporal Aggregation Module (SAM), which exploits the cue of historical information. To avoid error accumulation owing to the recurrent usage of SAM, we propose an unbiased guidance loss during the training stage, which makes SAM more robust in long videos. Moreover, the predicted masks in the memory bank are inaccurate due to the inaccurate network inference, which affects the segmentation of the query frame. To address this problem, we design a novel self-correction strategy so that the network can repair the embeddings of masks with different qualities in the memory bank. Extensive experiments show our method achieves the best tradeoff between performance and speed.
Humans are able to recognize structured relations in observation, allowing us to decompose complex scenes into simpler parts and abstract the visual world in multiple levels. However, such hierarchical reasoning ability of human perception remains largely unexplored in current literature of semantic segmentation. Existing work is often aware of flatten labels and predicts target classes exclusively for each pixel. In this paper, we instead address hierarchical semantic segmentation (HSS), which aims at structured, pixel-wise description of visual observation in terms of a class hierarchy. We devise HSSN, a general HSS framework that tackles two critical issues in this task: i) how to efficiently adapt existing hierarchy-agnostic segmentation networks to the HSS setting, and ii) how to leverage the hierarchy information to regularize HSS network learning. To address i), HSSN directly casts HSS as a pixel-wise multi-label classification task, only bringing minimal architecture change to current segmentation models. To solve ii), HSSN first explores inherent properties of the hierarchy as a training objective, which enforces segmentation predictions to obey the hierarchy structure. Further, with hierarchy-induced margin constraints, HSSN reshapes the pixel embedding space, so as to generate well-structured pixel representations and improve segmentation eventually. We conduct experiments on four semantic segmentation datasets (i.e., Mapillary Vistas 2.0, Cityscapes, LIP, and PASCAL-Person-Part), with different class hierarchies, segmentation network architectures and backbones, showing the generalization and superiority of HSSN.
Shape-from-Template (SfT) methods estimate 3D surface deformations from a single monocular RGB camera while assuming a 3D state known in advance (a template). This is an important yet challenging problem due to the under-constrained nature of the monocular setting. Existing SfT techniques predominantly use geometric and simplified deformation models, which often limits their reconstruction abilities. In contrast to previous works, this paper proposes a new SfT approach explaining 2D observations through physical simulations accounting for forces and material properties. Our differentiable physics simulator regularises the surface evolution and optimises the material elastic properties such as bending coefficients, stretching stiffness and density. We use a differentiable renderer to minimise the dense reprojection error between the estimated 3D states and the input images and recover the deformation parameters using an adaptive gradient-based optimisation. For the evaluation, we record with an RGB-D camera challenging real surfaces exposed to physical forces with various material properties and textures. Our approach significantly reduces the 3D reconstruction error compared to multiple competing methods. For the source code and data, see https://4dqv.mpi-inf.mpg.de/phi-SfT/.
Continual learning is a challenging real-world problem for constructing a mature AI system when data are provided in a streaming fashion. Despite recent progress in continual classification, the researches of continual object detection are impeded by the diverse sizes and numbers of objects in each image. Different from previous works that tune the whole network for all tasks, in this work, we present a simple and flexible framework for continual object detection via pRotOtypical taSk corrElaTion guided gaTing mechAnism (ROSETTA). Concretely, a unified framework is shared by all tasks while task-aware gates are introduced to automatically select sub-models for specific tasks. In this way, various knowledge can be successively memorized by storing their corresponding sub-model weights in this system. To make ROSETTA automatically determine which experience is available and useful, a prototypical task correlation guided Gating Diversity Controller (GDC) is introduced to adaptively adjust the diversity of gates for the new task based on class-specific prototypes. GDC module computes class-to-class correlation matrix to depict the cross-task correlation, and hereby activates more exclusive gates for the new task if a significant domain gap is observed. Comprehensive experiments on COCO-VOC, KITTI-Kitchen, class-incremental detection on VOC and sequential learning of four tasks show that ROSETTA yields state-of-the-art performance on both task-based and class-based continual object detection.
The paradigm of training models on massive data without label through self-supervised learning (SSL) and finetuning on many downstream tasks has become a trend recently. However, due to the high training costs and the unconsciousness of downstream usages, most self-supervised learning methods lack the capability to correspond to the diversities of downstream scenarios, as there are various data domains, latency constraints and etc. Neural architecture search (NAS) is one universally acknowledged fashion to conquer the issues above, but applying NAS on SSL seems impossible as there is no label or metric provided for judging model selection. In this paper, we present DATA, a simple yet effective NAS approach specialized for SSL that provides Domain-Aware and Task-Aware pre-training. Specifically, we (i) train a supernet which could be deemed as a set of millions of networks covering a wide range of model scales without any label, (ii) propose a flexible searching mechanism compatible with SSL that enables finding networks of different computation costs, for various downstream vision tasks and data domains without explicit metric provided. Instantiated With MoCov2, our method achieves promising results across a wide range of computation costs on downstream tasks, including image classification, object detection and semantic segmentation. DATA is orthogonal to most existing SSL methods and endows them the ability of customization on downstream needs. Extensive experiments on other SSL methods, including BYOL, ReSSL and DenseCL demonstrate the generalizability of the proposed method. Code would be made available soon.
We explore the way to alleviate the label-hungry problem in a semi-supervised setting for 3D instance segmentation. To leverage the unlabeled data to boost model performance, we present a novel Two-Way Inter-label Self-Training framework named TWIST. It exploits inherent correlations between semantic understanding and instance information of a scene. Specifically, we consider two kinds of pseudo labels for semantic- and instance-level supervision. Our key design is to provide object-level information for denoising pseudo labels and make use of their correlation for two-way mutual enhancement, thereby iteratively promoting the pseudo-label qualities. TWIST attains leading performance on both ScanNet and S3DIS, compared to recent 3D pre-training approaches, and can cooperate with them to further enhance performance, e.g., +4.4% AP50 on 1%-label ScanNet data-efficient benchmark. Code is available at https://github.com/dvlab-research/TWIST.
Transformer has demonstrated promising performance in many 2D vision tasks. However, it is cumbersome to apply the self-attention underlying transformer on large-scale point cloud data because point cloud is a long sequence and unevenly distributed in 3D space. To solve this issue, existing methods usually compute self-attention locally by grouping the points into clusters of the same size, or perform convolutional self-attention on a discretized representation. However, the former results in stochastic point dropout, while the latter typically has narrow attention field. In this paper, we propose a novel voxel-based architecture, namely Voxel Set Transformer (VoxSeT), to detect 3D objects from point clouds by means of set-to-set translation. VoxSeT is built upon a voxel-based set attention (VSA) module, which reduces the self-attention in each voxel by two cross-attentions and models features in a hidden space induced by a group of latent codes. With the VSA module, VoxSeT can manage voxelized point clusters with arbitrary size in a wide range, and process them in parallel with linear complexity. The proposed VoxSeT integrates the high performance of transformer with the efficiency of voxel-based model, which can be used as a good alternative to the convolutional and point-based backbones. VoxSeT reports competitive results on the KITTI and Waymo detection benchmarks. The source code of VoxSeT will be released.
This paper proposes a real-world rolling shutter (RS) correction dataset, BS-RSC, and a corresponding model to correct the RS frames in a distorted video. Mobile devices in the consumer market with CMOS-based sensors for video capture often result in rolling shutter effects when relative movements occur during the video acquisition process, calling for RS effect removal techniques. However, current state-of-the-art RS correction methods often fail to remove RS effects in real scenarios since the motions are various and hard to model. To address this issue, we propose a real-world RS correction dataset BS-RSC. Real distorted videos with corresponding ground truth are recorded simultaneously via a well-designed beam-splitter-based acquisition system. BS-RSC contains various motions of both camera and objects in dynamic scenes. Further, an RS correction model with adaptive warping is proposed. Our model can warp the learned RS features into global shutter counterparts adaptively with predicted multiple displacement fields. These warped features are aggregated and then reconstructed into high-quality global shutter frames in a coarse-to-fine strategy. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, and our dataset can improve the model's ability to remove the RS effects in the real world.
Compositional Zero-Shot Learning (CZSL) aims to recognize unseen compositions formed from seen state and object during training. Since the same state may be various in the visual appearance while entangled with different objects, CZSL is still a challenging task. Some methods recognize state and object with two trained classifiers, ignoring the impact of the interaction between object and state; the other methods try to learn the joint representation of the state-object compositions, leading to the domain gap between seen and unseen composition sets. In this paper, we propose a novel Siamese Contrastive Embedding Network (SCEN) for unseen composition recognition. Considering the entanglement between state and object, we embed the visual feature into a Siamese Contrastive Space to capture prototypes of them separately, alleviating the interaction between state and object. In addition, we design a State Transition Module (STM) to increase the diversity of training compositions, improving the robustness of the recognition model. Extensive experiments indicate that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches on three challenging benchmark datasets, including the recent proposed C-QGA dataset.
A significant gap remains between today's visual pattern recognition models and human-level visual cognition especially when it comes to few-shot learning and compositional reasoning of novel concepts. We introduce Bongard-HOI, a new visual reasoning benchmark that focuses on compositional learning of human-object interactions (HOIs) from natural images. It is inspired by two desirable characteristics from the classical Bongard problems (BPs): 1) few-shot concept learning, and 2) context-dependent reasoning. We carefully curate the few-shot instances with hard negatives, where positive and negative images only disagree on action labels, making mere recognition of object categories insufficient to complete our benchmarks. We also design multiple test sets to systematically study the generalization of visual learning models, where we vary the overlap of the HOI concepts between the training and test sets of few- shot instances, from partial to no overlaps. Bongard-HOI presents a substantial challenge to today's visual recognition models. The state-of-the-art HOI detection model achieves only 62% accuracy on few-shot binary prediction while even amateur human testers on MTurk have 91% accuracy. With the Bongard-HOI benchmark, we hope to further advance research efforts in visual reasoning, especially in holistic perception-reasoning systems and better representation learning.
We introduce RIM-Net, a neural network which learns recursive implicit fields for unsupervised inference of hierarchical shape structures. Our network recursively decomposes an input 3D shape into two parts, resulting in a binary tree hierarchy. Each level of the tree corresponds to an assembly of shape parts, represented as implicit functions, to reconstruct the input shape. At each node of the tree, simultaneous feature decoding and shape decomposition are carried out by their respective feature and part decoders, with weight sharing across the same hierarchy level. As an implicit field decoder, the part decoder is designed to decompose a sub-shape, via a two-way branched reconstruction, where each branch predicts a set of parameters defining a Gaussian to serve as a local point distribution for shape reconstruction. With reconstruction losses accounted for at each hierarchy level and a decomposition loss at each node, our network training does not require any ground-truth segmentations, let alone hierarchies. Through extensive experiments and comparisons to state-of-the-art alternatives, we demonstrate the quality, consistency, and interpretability of hierarchical structural inference by RIM-Net.
Data often has many semantic attributes that are causally associated with each other. But do attribute-specific learned representations of data also respect the same causal relations? We answer this question in three steps. First, we introduce NCINet, an approach for observational causal discovery from high-dimensional data. It is trained purely on synthetically generated representations and can be applied to real representations, and is specifically designed to mitigate the domain gap between the two. Second, we apply NCINet to identify the causal relations between image representations of different pairs of attributes with known and unknown causal relations between the labels. For this purpose, we consider image representations learned for predicting attributes on the 3D Shapes, CelebA, and the CASIA-WebFace datasets, which we annotate with multiple multi-class attributes. Third, we analyze the effect on the underlying causal relation between learned representations induced by various design choices in representation learning. Our experiments indicate that (1) NCINet significantly outperforms existing observational causal discovery approaches for estimating the causal relation between pairs of random samples, both in the presence and absence of an unobserved confounder, (2) under controlled scenarios, learned representations can indeed satisfy the underlying causal relations between their respective labels, and (3) the causal relations are positively correlated with the predictive capability of the representations. Code and annotations are available at: https://github.com/human-analysis/causal-relations-between-representations.