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For tabletop object manipulation tasks, learning an accurate pushing dynamics model, which predicts the objects' motions when a robot pushes an object, is very important. In this work, we claim that an ideal pushing dynamics model should have the SE(2)-equivariance property, i.e., if tabletop objects' poses and pushing action are transformed by some same planar rigid-body transformation, then the resulting motion should also be the result of the same transformation. Existing state-of-the-art data-driven approaches do not have this equivariance property, resulting in less-than-desirable learning performances. In this paper, we propose a new neural network architecture that by construction has the above equivariance property. Through extensive empirical validations, we show that the proposed model shows significantly improved learning performances over the existing methods. Also, we verify that our pushing dynamics model can be used for various downstream pushing manipulation tasks such as the object moving, singulation, and grasping in both simulation and real robot experiments. Code is available at https://github.com/seungyeon-k/SQPDNet-public.
In this work, we explore self-supervised visual pre-training on images from diverse, in-the-wild videos for real-world robotic tasks. Like prior work, our visual representations are pre-trained via a masked autoencoder (MAE), frozen, and then passed into a learnable control module. Unlike prior work, we show that the pre-trained representations are effective across a range of real-world robotic tasks and embodiments. We find that our encoder consistently outperforms CLIP (up to 75\%), supervised ImageNet pre-training (up to 81\%), and training from scratch (up to 81\%). Finally, we train a 307M parameter vision transformer on a massive collection of 4.5M images from the Internet and egocentric videos, and demonstrate clearly the benefits of scaling visual pre-training for robot learning.
Animals are capable of precise and agile locomotion using vision. Replicating this ability has been a long-standing goal in robotics. The traditional approach has been to decompose this problem into elevation mapping and foothold planning phases. The elevation mapping, however, is susceptible to failure and large noise artifacts, requires specialized hardware, and is biologically implausible. In this paper, we present the first end-to-end locomotion system capable of traversing stairs, curbs, stepping stones, and gaps. We show this result on a medium-sized quadruped robot using a single front-facing depth camera. The small size of the robot necessitates discovering specialized gait patterns not seen elsewhere. The egocentric camera requires the policy to remember past information to estimate the terrain under its hind feet. We train our policy in simulation. Training has two phases - first, we train a policy using reinforcement learning with a cheap-to-compute variant of depth image and then in phase 2 distill it into the final policy that uses depth using supervised learning. The resulting policy transfers to the real world and is able to run in real-time on the limited compute of the robot. It can traverse a large variety of terrain while being robust to perturbations like pushes, slippery surfaces, and rocky terrain. Videos are at https://vision-locomotion.github.io
A novel framework is proposed to incrementally collect landmark-based graph memory and use the collected memory for image goal navigation. Given a target image to search, an embodied robot utilizes semantic memory to find the target in an unknown environment. In this paper, we present a topological semantic graph memory (TSGM), which consists of (1) a graph builder that takes the observed RGB-D image to construct a topological semantic graph, (2) a cross graph mixer module that takes the collected nodes to get contextual information, and (3) a memory decoder that takes the contextual memory as an input to find an action to the target. On the task of an image goal navigation, TSGM significantly outperforms competitive baselines by +5.0-9.0% on the success rate and +7.0-23.5% on SPL, which means that the TSGM finds efficient paths. Additionally, we demonstrate our method on a mobile robot in real-world image goal scenarios.
Robust planning in interactive scenarios requires predicting the uncertain future to make risk-aware decisions. Unfortunately, due to long-tail safety-critical events, the risk is often under-estimated by finite-sampling approximations of probabilistic motion forecasts. This can lead to overconfident and unsafe robot behavior, even with robust planners. Instead of assuming full prediction coverage that robust planners require, we propose to make prediction itself risk-aware. We introduce a new prediction objective to learn a risk-biased distribution over trajectories, so that risk evaluation simplifies to an expected cost estimation under this biased distribution. This reduces sample complexity of the risk estimation during online planning, which is needed for safe real-time performance. Evaluation results in a didactic simulation environment and on a real-world dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. The code and a demo are available.
Commercial and industrial deployments of robot fleets at Amazon, Nimble, Plus One, Waymo, and Zoox query remote human teleoperators when robots are at risk or unable to make task progress. With continual learning, interventions from the remote pool of humans can also be used to improve the robot fleet control policy over time. A central question is how to effectively allocate limited human attention. Prior work addresses this in the single-robot, single-human setting; we formalize the Interactive Fleet Learning (IFL) setting, in which multiple robots interactively query and learn from multiple human supervisors. We propose Return on Human Effort (ROHE) as a new metric and Fleet-DAgger, a family of IFL algorithms. We present an open-source IFL benchmark suite of GPU-accelerated Isaac Gym environments for standardized evaluation and development of IFL algorithms. We compare a novel Fleet-DAgger algorithm to 4 baselines with 100 robots in simulation. We also perform a physical block-pushing experiment with 4 ABB YuMi robot arms and 2 remote humans. Experiments suggest that the allocation of humans to robots significantly affects the performance of the fleet, and that the novel Fleet-DAgger algorithm can achieve up to 8.8x higher ROHE than baselines. See https://tinyurl.com/fleet-dagger for supplemental material.
Sequential robot grasping of transparent objects, where a robot removes objects one by one from a workspace, is important in many industrial and household scenarios. We propose Evolving NeRF (Evo-NeRF), leveraging recent speedups in NeRF training and further extending it to rapidly train the NeRF representation concurrently to image capturing. Evo-NeRF terminates training early when a sufficient task confidence is achieved, evolves the NeRF weights from grasp to grasp to rapidly adapt to object removal, and applies additional geometry regularizations to make the reconstruction smoother and faster. General purpose grasp planners such as Dex-Net may underperform with NeRF outputs because there can be unreliable geometry from rapidly trained NeRFs. To mitigate this distribution shift, we propose a Radiance-Adjusted Grasp Network (RAG-Net), a grasping network adapted to NeRF's characteristics through training on depth rendered from NeRFs of synthetic scenes. In experiments, a physical YuMi robot using Evo-NeRF and RAG-Net achieves an 89% grasp success rate over 27 trials on single objects, with early capture termination providing a 41% speed improvement with no loss in reliability. In a sequential grasping task on 6 scenes, Evo-NeRF reusing network weights clears 72% of the objects, retaining similar performance as reconstructing the NeRF from scratch (76%) but using 61% less sensing time. See https://sites.google.com/view/evo-nerf for more materials.
Learning agile skills is one of the main challenges in robotics. To this end, reinforcement learning approaches have achieved impressive results. These methods require explicit task information in terms of a reward function or an expert that can be queried in simulation to provide a target control output, which limits their applicability. In this work, we propose a generative adversarial method for inferring reward functions from partial and potentially physically incompatible demonstrations for successful skill acquirement where reference or expert demonstrations are not easily accessible. Moreover, we show that by using a Wasserstein GAN formulation and transitions from demonstrations with rough and partial information as input, we are able to extract policies that are robust and capable of imitating demonstrated behaviors. Finally, the obtained skills such as a backflip are tested on an agile quadruped robot called Solo 8 and present faithful replication of hand-held human demonstrations.
Acquiring food items with a fork poses an immense challenge to a robot-assisted feeding system, due to the wide range of material properties and visual appearances present across food groups. Deformable foods necessitate different skewering strategies than firm ones, but inferring such characteristics for several previously unseen items on a plate remains nontrivial. Our key insight is to leverage visual and haptic observations during interaction with an item to rapidly and reactively plan skewering motions. We learn a generalizable, multimodal representation for a food item from raw sensory inputs which informs the optimal skewering strategy. Given this representation, we propose a zero-shot framework to sense visuo-haptic properties of a previously unseen item and reactively skewer it, all within a single interaction. Real-robot experiments with foods of varying levels of visual and textural diversity demonstrate that our multimodal policy outperforms baselines which do not exploit both visual and haptic cues or do not reactively plan. Across 6 plates of different food items, our proposed framework achieves 71% success over 69 skewering attempts total. Supplementary material, code, and videos can be found on our website: https://sites.google.com/view/hapticvisualnet-corl22/home.
We present MidasTouch, a tactile perception system for online global localization of a vision-based touch sensor sliding on an object surface. This framework takes in posed tactile images over time, and outputs an evolving distribution of sensor pose on the object's surface, without the need for visual priors. Our key insight is to estimate local surface geometry with tactile sensing, learn a compact representation for it, and disambiguate these signals over a long time horizon. The backbone of MidasTouch is a Monte-Carlo particle filter, with a measurement model based on a tactile code network learned from tactile simulation. This network, inspired by LIDAR place recognition, compactly summarizes local surface geometries. These generated codes are efficiently compared against a precomputed tactile codebook per-object, to update the pose distribution. We further release the YCB-Slide dataset of real-world and simulated forceful sliding interactions between a vision-based tactile sensor and standard YCB objects. While single-touch localization can be inherently ambiguous, we can quickly localize our sensor by traversing salient surface geometries. Project page: https://suddhu.github.io/midastouch-tactile/
Large language models can encode a wealth of semantic knowledge about the world. Such knowledge could be extremely useful to robots aiming to act upon high-level, temporally extended instructions expressed in natural language. However, a significant weakness of language models is that they lack real-world experience, which makes it difficult to leverage them for decision making within a given embodiment. For example, asking a language model to describe how to clean a spill might result in a reasonable narrative, but it may not be applicable to a particular agent, such as a robot, that needs to perform this task in a particular environment. We propose to provide real-world grounding by means of pretrained skills, which are used to constrain the model to propose natural language actions that are both feasible and contextually appropriate. The robot can act as the language model’s “hands and eyes,” while the language model supplies high-level semantic knowledge about the task. We show how low-level skills can be combined with large language models so that the language model provides high-level knowledge about the procedures for performing complex and temporally extended instructions, while value functions associated with these skills provide the grounding necessary to connect this knowledge to a particular physical environment. We evaluate our method on a number of real-world robotic tasks, where we show the need for real-world grounding and that this approach is capable of completing long-horizon, abstract, natural language instructions on a mobile manipulator. The project’s website, video, and open source can be found at say-can.github.io.
Differentiable simulation is a promising toolkit for fast gradient-based policy optimization and system identification. However, existing approaches to differentiable simulation have largely tackled scenarios where obtaining smooth gradients has been relatively easy, such as systems with mostly smooth dynamics. In this work, we study the challenges that differentiable simulation presents when it is not feasible to expect that a single descent reaches a global optimum, which is often a problem in contact-rich scenarios. We analyze the optimization landscapes of diverse scenarios that contain both rigid bodies and deformable objects. In dynamic environments with highly deformable objects and fluids, differentiable simulators produce rugged landscapes with nonetheless useful gradients in some parts of the space. We propose a method that combines Bayesian optimization with semi-local 'leaps' to obtain a global search method that can use gradients effectively, while also maintaining robust performance in regions with noisy gradients. We show that our approach outperforms several gradient-based and gradient-free baselines on an extensive set of experiments in simulation, and also validate the method using experiments with a real robot and deformables.
This paper presents a novel framework for planning in unknown and occluded urban spaces. We specifically focus on turns and intersections where occlusions significantly impact navigability. Our approach uses an inpainting model to fill in a sparse, occluded, semantic lidar point cloud and plans dynamically feasible paths for a vehicle to traverse through the open and inpainted spaces. We demonstrate our approach using a car’s lidar data with real-time occlusions, and show that by inpainting occluded areas, we can plan longer paths, with more turn options compared to without inpainting; in addition, our approach more closely follows paths derived from a planner with no occlusions (called the ground truth) compared to other state of the art approaches.
In robotics, optimizing controller parameters under safety constraints is an important challenge. Safe Bayesian optimization (BO) quantifies uncertainty in the objective and constraints to safely guide exploration in such settings. Hand-designing a suitable probabilistic model can be challenging however. In the presence of unknown safety constraints, it is crucial to choose reliable model hyper-parameters to avoid safety violations. Here, we propose a data-driven approach to this problem by em meta-learning priors for safe BO from offline data. We build on a meta-learning algorithm, F-PACOH, capable of providing reliable uncertainty quantification in settings of data scarcity. As core contribution, we develop a novel framework for choosing safety-compliant priors in a data-riven manner via empirical uncertainty metrics and a frontier search algorithm. On benchmark functions and a high-precision motion system, we demonstrate that our meta-learnt priors accelerate convergence of safe BO approaches while maintaining safety.
Problems which require both long-horizon planning and continuous control capabilities pose significant challenges to existing reinforcement learning agents. In this paper we introduce a novel hierarchical reinforcement learning agent which links temporally extended skills for continuous control with a forward model in a symbolic discrete abstraction of the environment's state for planning. We term our agent SEADS for Symbolic Effect-Aware Diverse Skills. We formulate an objective and corresponding algorithm which leads to unsupervised learning of a diverse set of skills through intrinsic motivation given a known state abstraction. The skills are jointly learned with the symbolic forward model which captures the effect of skill execution in the state abstraction. After training, we can leverage the skills as symbolic actions using the forward model for long-horizon planning and subsequently execute the plan using the learned continuous-action control skills. The proposed algorithm learns skills and forward models that can be used to solve complex tasks which require both continuous control and long-horizon planning capabilities with high success rate. It compares favorably with other flat and hierarchical reinforcement learning baseline agents and is successfully demonstrated with a real robot.
Sim-to-real transfer is a powerful paradigm for robotic reinforcement learning. The ability to train policies in simulation enables safe exploration and large-scale data collection quickly at low cost. However, prior works in sim-to-real transfer of robotic policies typically do not involve any human-robot interaction because accurately simulating human behavior is an open problem. In this work, our goal is to leverage the power of simulation to train robotic policies that are proficient at interacting with humans upon deployment. But there is a chicken and egg problem --- how to gather examples of a human interacting with a physical robot so as to model human behavior in simulation without already having a robot that is able to interact with a human? Our proposed method, Iterative-Sim-to-Real (i-S2R), attempts to address this. i-S2R bootstraps from a simple model of human behavior and alternates between training in simulation and deploying in the real world. In each iteration, both the human behavior model and the policy are refined. For all training we apply a new evolutionary search algorithm called Blackbox Gradient Sensing (BGS). We evaluate our method on a real world robotic table tennis setting, where the objective for the robot is to play cooperatively with a human player for as long as possible. Table tennis is a high-speed, dynamic task that requires the two players to react quickly to each other’s moves, making for a challenging test bed for research on human-robot interaction. We present results on an industrial robotic arm that is able to cooperatively play table tennis with human players, achieving rallies of 22 successive hits on average and 150 at best. Further, for 80% of players, rally lengths are 70% to 175% longer compared to the sim-to-real plus fine-tuning (S2R+FT) baseline. For videos of our system in action please see https://sites.google.com/view/is2r.
Uncertainty in human behaviors poses a significant challenge to autonomous driving in crowded urban environments. The partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) offers a principled general framework for decision making under uncertainty and achieves real-time performance for complex tasks by leveraging Monte Carlo sampling. However, sampling may miss rare, but critical events, leading to potential safety concerns. To tackle this challenge, we propose a new algorithm, LEarning Attention over Driving bEhavioRs (LEADER), which learns to attend to critical human behaviors during planning. LEADER learns a neural network generator to provide attention over human behaviors; it integrates the attention into a belief-space planner through importance sampling, which biases planning towards critical events. To train the attention generator, we form a minimax game between the generator and the planner. By solving this minimax game, LEADER learns to perform risk-aware planning without explicit human effort on data labeling.
ML-based motion planning is a promising approach to produce agents that exhibit complex behaviors, and automatically adapt to novel environments. In the context of autonomous driving, it is common to treat all available training data equally. However, this approach produces agents that do not perform robustly in safety-critical settings, an issue that cannot be addressed by simply adding more data to the training set -- we show that an agent trained using only a 10% subset of the data performs just as well as an agent trained on the entire dataset. We present a method to predict the inherent difficulty of a driving situation given data collected from a fleet of autonomous vehicles deployed on public roads. We then demonstrate that this difficulty score can be used in a zero-shot transfer to generate curricula for an imitation-learning based planning agent. Compared to training on the entire unbiased training dataset, we show that prioritizing difficult driving scenarios both reduces collisions by 15% and increases route adherence by 14% in closed-loop evaluation, all while using only 10% of the training data.
In human environments, robots are expected to accomplish a variety of manipulation tasks given simple natural language instructions. Yet, robotic manipulation is extremely challenging as it requires fine-grained motor control, long-term memory as well as generalization to previously unseen tasks and environments. To address these challenges, we propose a unified transformer-based approach that takes into account multiple inputs. In particular, our transformer architecture integrates (i) natural language instructions and (ii) multi-view scene observations while (iii) keeping track of the full history of observations and actions. Such an approach enables learning dependencies between history and instructions and improves manipulation precision using multiple views. We evaluate our method on the challenging RLBench benchmark and on a real-world robot. Notably, our approach scales to 74 diverse RLBench tasks and outperforms the state of the art. We also address instruction-conditioned tasks and demonstrate excellent generalization to previously unseen variations.
We introduce PRISM, a method for real-time filtering in a probabilistic generative model of agent motion and visual perception. Previous approaches either lack uncertainty estimates for the map and agent state, do not run in real-time, do not have a dense scene representation or do not model agent dynamics. Our solution reconciles all of these aspects. We start from a predefined state-space model which combines differentiable rendering and 6-DoF dynamics. Probabilistic inference in this model amounts to simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) and is intractable. We use a series of approximations to Bayesian inference to arrive at probabilistic map and state estimates. We take advantage of well-established methods and closed-form updates, preserving accuracy and enabling real-time capability. The proposed solution runs at 10Hz real-time and is similarly accurate to state-of-the-art SLAM in small to medium-sized indoor environments, with high-speed UAV and handheld camera agents (Blackbird, EuRoC and TUM-RGBD).
A simple gripper can solve more complex manipulation tasks if it can utilize the external environment such as pushing the object against the table or a vertical wall, known as "Extrinsic Dexterity." Previous work in extrinsic dexterity usually has careful assumptions about contacts which impose restrictions on robot design, robot motions, and the variations of the physical parameters. In this work, we develop a system based on reinforcement learning (RL) to address these limitations. We study the task of "Occluded Grasping" which aims to grasp the object in configurations that are initially occluded; the robot needs to move the object into a configuration from which these grasps can be achieved. We present a system with model-free RL that successfully achieves this task using a simple gripper with extrinsic dexterity. The policy learns emergent behaviors of pushing the object against the wall to rotate and then grasp it without additional reward terms on extrinsic dexterity. We discuss important components of the system including the design of the RL problem, multi-grasp training and selection, and policy generalization with automatic curriculum. Most importantly, the policy trained in simulation is zero-shot transferred to a physical robot. It demonstrates dynamic and contact-rich motions with a simple gripper that generalizes across objects with various size, density, surface friction, and shape with a 78% success rate.
An attached arm can significantly increase the applicability of legged robots to several mobile manipulation tasks that are not possible for the wheeled or tracked counterparts. The standard modular control pipeline for such legged manipulators is to decouple the controller into that of manipulation and locomotion. However, this is ineffective. It requires immense engineering to support coordination between the arm and legs, and error can propagate across modules causing non-smooth unnatural motions. It is also biological implausible given evidence for strong motor synergies across limbs. In this work, we propose to learn a unified policy for whole-body control of a legged manipulator using reinforcement learning. We propose Regularized Online Adaptation to bridge the Sim2Real gap for high-DoF control, and Advantage Mixing exploiting the causal dependency in the action space to overcome local minima during training the whole-body system. We also present a simple design for a low-cost legged manipulator, and find that our unified policy can demonstrate dynamic and agile behaviors across several task setups. Videos are at https://maniploco.github.io
Trajectory prediction using deep neural networks (DNNs) is an essential component of autonomous driving (AD) systems. However, these methods are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, leading to serious consequences such as collisions. In this work, we identify two key ingredients to defend trajectory prediction models against adversarial attacks including (1) designing effective adversarial training methods and (2) adding domain-specific data augmentation to mitigate the performance degradation on clean data. We demonstrate that our method is able to improve the performance by 46\% on adversarial data and at the cost of only 3\% performance degradation on clean data, compared to the model trained with clean data. Additionally, compared to existing robust methods, our method can improve performance by 21\% on adversarial examples and 9\% on clean data. Our robust model is evaluated with a planner to study its downstream impacts. We demonstrate that our model can significantly reduce the severe accident rates (e.g., collisions and off-road driving).
Neural fields can be trained from scratch to represent the shape and appearance of 3D scenes efficiently. It has also been shown that they can densely map correlated properties such as semantics, via sparse interactions from a human labeller. In this work, we show that a robot can densely annotate a scene with arbitrary discrete or continuous physical properties via its own fully-autonomous experimental interactions, as it simultaneously scans and maps it with an RGB-D camera. A variety of scene interactions are possible, including poking with force sensing to determine rigidity, measuring local material type with single-pixel spectroscopy or predicting force distributions by pushing. Sparse experimental interactions are guided by entropy to enable high efficiency, with tabletop scene properties densely mapped from scratch in a few minutes from a few tens of interactions.
The use of broad datasets has proven to be crucial for generalization for a wide range of fields. However, how to effectively make use of diverse multi-task data for novel downstream tasks still remains a grand challenge in reinforcement learning and robotics. To tackle this challenge, we introduce a framework that acquires goal-conditioned policies for unseen temporally extended tasks via offline reinforcement learning on broad data, in combination with online fine-tuning guided by subgoals in a learned lossy representation space. When faced with a novel task goal, our framework uses an affordance model to plan a sequence of lossy representations as subgoals that decomposes the original task into easier problems. Learned from the broad prior data, the lossy representation emphasizes task-relevant information about states and goals while abstracting away redundant contexts that hinder generalization. It thus enables subgoal planning for unseen tasks, provides a compact input to the policy, and facilitates reward shaping during fine-tuning. We show that our framework can be pre-trained on large-scale datasets of robot experience from prior work and efficiently fine-tuned for novel tasks, entirely from visual inputs without any manual reward engineering.