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#1 Conformal quantum mechanics of causal diamonds: Time evolution and thermality via path integral functionals [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: H. E. Camblong ; A. Chakraborty ; P. Lopez-Duque ; C. Ordóñez

An observer with a finite lifetime $\mathcal{T}$ perceives the Minkowski vacuum as a thermal state at temperature $T_D = 2 \hbar/(\pi \mathcal{T})$, as a result of being constrained to a double-coned-shaped region known as a causal diamond. In this paper, we explore the emergence of thermality in causal diamonds due to the role played by the symmetries of conformal quantum mechanics (CQM) as a (0+1)-dimensional conformal field theory, within the de Alfaro-Fubini-Furlan model and generalizations. In this context, the hyperbolic operator $S$ of the SO(2,1) symmetry of CQM is the generator of the time evolution of a diamond observer, and its dynamical behavior leads to the predicted thermal nature. Our approach is based on a comprehensive framework of path-integral representations of the CQM generators in canonical and microcanonical forms, supplemented by semiclassical arguments. The properties of the operator $S$ are studied with emphasis on an operator duality with the corresponding elliptic operator $R$, using a representation in terms of an effective scale-invariant inverse square potential combined with inverted and ordinary harmonic oscillator potentials.

Subjects: Quantum Physics ; General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ; High Energy Physics - Theory ; Mathematical Physics ; Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2024-07-25 16:36:52 UTC