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#1 On the Hausdorff dimension and attracting laminations for fully irreducible automorphisms of free groups [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Ilya Kapovich

Motivated by a classic theorem of Birman and Series about the set of complete simple geodesics on a hyperbolic surface, we study the Hausdorff dimension of the set of endpoints in Fr of some abstract algebraic laminations associated with free group automorphisms. For a fully irreducible ϕ\Out(Fr) we show that the set of endpoints ELϕFr of the attracting lamination Lϕ of ϕ has Hausdorff dimension 0 for any tree T\cvr and any visual metric on the boundary T=Fr. If ϕ is both atoroidal and fully irreducible, we deduce the same conclusion for the set of endpoints of the ending lamination Λϕ of ϕ that gets collapsed by the Cannon-Thurston map FrGϕ for the associated free-by-cyclic group Gϕ=FrϕZ.

Subjects: Group Theory , Dynamical Systems , Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-02 22:07:14 UTC