
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 | Total: 29

#1 Multi-Modal Data-Efficient 3D Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving [PDF8] [Copy] [Kimi8]

Authors: Lingdong Kong ; Xiang Xu ; Jiawei Ren ; Wenwei Zhang ; Liang Pan ; Kai Chen ; Wei Tsang Ooi ; Ziwei Liu

Efficient data utilization is crucial for advancing 3D scene understanding in autonomous driving, where reliance on heavily human-annotated LiDAR point clouds challenges fully supervised methods. Addressing this, our study extends into semi-supervised learning for LiDAR semantic segmentation, leveraging the intrinsic spatial priors of driving scenes and multi-sensor complements to augment the efficacy of unlabeled datasets. We introduce LaserMix++, an evolved framework that integrates laser beam manipulations from disparate LiDAR scans and incorporates LiDAR-camera correspondences to further assist data-efficient learning. Our framework is tailored to enhance 3D scene consistency regularization by incorporating multi-modality, including 1) multi-modal LaserMix operation for fine-grained cross-sensor interactions; 2) camera-to-LiDAR feature distillation that enhances LiDAR feature learning; and 3) language-driven knowledge guidance generating auxiliary supervisions using open-vocabulary models. The versatility of LaserMix++ enables applications across LiDAR representations, establishing it as a universally applicable solution. Our framework is rigorously validated through theoretical analysis and extensive experiments on popular driving perception datasets. Results demonstrate that LaserMix++ markedly outperforms fully supervised alternatives, achieving comparable accuracy with five times fewer annotations and significantly improving the supervised-only baselines. This substantial advancement underscores the potential of semi-supervised approaches in reducing the reliance on extensive labeled data in LiDAR-based 3D scene understanding systems.

#2 OpenESS: Event-based Semantic Scene Understanding with Open Vocabularies [PDF6] [Copy] [Kimi5]

Authors: Lingdong Kong ; Youquan Liu ; Lai Xing Ng ; Benoit R. Cottereau ; Wei Tsang Ooi

Event-based semantic segmentation (ESS) is a fundamental yet challenging task for event camera sensing. The difficulties in interpreting and annotating event data limit its scalability. While domain adaptation from images to event data can help to mitigate this issue, there exist data representational differences that require additional effort to resolve. In this work, for the first time, we synergize information from image, text, and event-data domains and introduce OpenESS to enable scalable ESS in an open-world, annotation-efficient manner. We achieve this goal by transferring the semantically rich CLIP knowledge from image-text pairs to event streams. To pursue better cross-modality adaptation, we propose a frame-to-event contrastive distillation and a text-to-event semantic consistency regularization. Experimental results on popular ESS benchmarks showed our approach outperforms existing methods. Notably, we achieve 53.93% and 43.31% mIoU on DDD17 and DSEC-Semantic without using either event or frame labels.

#3 A Survey on Occupancy Perception for Autonomous Driving: The Information Fusion Perspective [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Huaiyuan Xu ; Junliang Chen ; Shiyu Meng ; Yi Wang ; Lap-Pui Chau

3D occupancy perception technology aims to observe and understand dense 3D environments for autonomous vehicles. Owing to its comprehensive perception capability, this technology is emerging as a trend in autonomous driving perception systems, and is attracting significant attention from both industry and academia. Similar to traditional bird's-eye view (BEV) perception, 3D occupancy perception has the nature of multi-source input and the necessity for information fusion. However, the difference is that it captures vertical structures that are ignored by 2D BEV. In this survey, we review the most recent works on 3D occupancy perception, and provide in-depth analyses of methodologies with various input modalities. Specifically, we summarize general network pipelines, highlight information fusion techniques, and discuss effective network training. We evaluate and analyze the occupancy perception performance of the state-of-the-art on the most popular datasets. Furthermore, challenges and future research directions are discussed. We hope this report will inspire the community and encourage more research work on 3D occupancy perception. A comprehensive list of studies in this survey is available in an active repository that continuously collects the latest work:

#4 ClothPPO: A Proximal Policy Optimization Enhancing Framework for Robotic Cloth Manipulation with Observation-Aligned Action Spaces [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Libing Yang ; Yang Li ; Long Chen

Vision-based robotic cloth unfolding has made great progress recently. However, prior works predominantly rely on value learning and have not fully explored policy-based techniques. Recently, the success of reinforcement learning on the large language model has shown that the policy gradient algorithm can enhance policy with huge action space. In this paper, we introduce ClothPPO, a framework that employs a policy gradient algorithm based on actor-critic architecture to enhance a pre-trained model with huge 10^6 action spaces aligned with observation in the task of unfolding clothes. To this end, we redefine the cloth manipulation problem as a partially observable Markov decision process. A supervised pre-training stage is employed to train a baseline model of our policy. In the second stage, the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is utilized to guide the supervised model within the observation-aligned action space. By optimizing and updating the strategy, our proposed method increases the garment's surface area for cloth unfolding under the soft-body manipulation task. Experimental results show that our proposed framework can further improve the unfolding performance of other state-of-the-art methods.

#5 Fast LiDAR Upsampling using Conditional Diffusion Models [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Sander Elias Magnussen Helgesen ; Kazuto Nakashima ; Jim Tørresen ; Ryo Kurazume

The search for refining 3D LiDAR data has attracted growing interest motivated by recent techniques such as supervised learning or generative model-based methods. Existing approaches have shown the possibilities for using diffusion models to generate refined LiDAR data with high fidelity, although the performance and speed of such methods have been limited. These limitations make it difficult to execute in real-time, causing the approaches to struggle in real-world tasks such as autonomous navigation and human-robot interaction. In this work, we introduce a novel approach based on conditional diffusion models for fast and high-quality sparse-to-dense upsampling of 3D scene point clouds through an image representation. Our method employs denoising diffusion probabilistic models trained with conditional inpainting masks, which have been shown to give high performance on image completion tasks. We introduce a series of experiments, including multiple datasets, sampling steps, and conditional masks, to determine the ideal configuration, striking a balance between performance and inference speed. This paper illustrates that our method outperforms the baselines in sampling speed and quality on upsampling tasks using the KITTI-360 dataset. Furthermore, we illustrate the generalization ability of our approach by simultaneously training on real-world and synthetic datasets, introducing variance in quality and environments.

#6 RACER: Epistemic Risk-Sensitive RL Enables Fast Driving with Fewer Crashes [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Kyle Stachowicz ; Sergey Levine

Reinforcement learning provides an appealing framework for robotic control due to its ability to learn expressive policies purely through real-world interaction. However, this requires addressing real-world constraints and avoiding catastrophic failures during training, which might severely impede both learning progress and the performance of the final policy. In many robotics settings, this amounts to avoiding certain "unsafe" states. The high-speed off-road driving task represents a particularly challenging instantiation of this problem: a high-return policy should drive as aggressively and as quickly as possible, which often requires getting close to the edge of the set of "safe" states, and therefore places a particular burden on the method to avoid frequent failures. To both learn highly performant policies and avoid excessive failures, we propose a reinforcement learning framework that combines risk-sensitive control with an adaptive action space curriculum. Furthermore, we show that our risk-sensitive objective automatically avoids out-of-distribution states when equipped with an estimator for epistemic uncertainty. We implement our algorithm on a small-scale rally car and show that it is capable of learning high-speed policies for a real-world off-road driving task. We show that our method greatly reduces the number of safety violations during the training process, and actually leads to higher-performance policies in both driving and non-driving simulation environments with similar challenges.

#7 A Novel Wide-Area Multiobject Detection System with High-Probability Region Searching [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Xianlei Long ; Hui Zhao ; Chao Chen ; Fuqiang Gu ; Qingyi Gu

In recent years, wide-area visual surveillance systems have been widely applied in various industrial and transportation scenarios. These systems, however, face significant challenges when implementing multi-object detection due to conflicts arising from the need for high-resolution imaging, efficient object searching, and accurate localization. To address these challenges, this paper presents a hybrid system that incorporates a wide-angle camera, a high-speed search camera, and a galvano-mirror. In this system, the wide-angle camera offers panoramic images as prior information, which helps the search camera capture detailed images of the targeted objects. This integrated approach enhances the overall efficiency and effectiveness of wide-area visual detection systems. Specifically, in this study, we introduce a wide-angle camera-based method to generate a panoramic probability map (PPM) for estimating high-probability regions of target object presence. Then, we propose a probability searching module that uses the PPM-generated prior information to dynamically adjust the sampling range and refine target coordinates based on uncertainty variance computed by the object detector. Finally, the integration of PPM and the probability searching module yields an efficient hybrid vision system capable of achieving 120 fps multi-object search and detection. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the system's effectiveness and robustness.

#8 Pipe Routing with Topology Control for UAV Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Shreyas Devaraju ; Shivam Garg ; Alexander Ihler ; Sunil Kumar

Routing protocols help in transmitting the sensed data from UAVs monitoring the targets (called target UAVs) to the BS. However, the highly dynamic nature of an autonomous, decentralized UAV network leads to frequent route breaks or traffic disruptions. Traditional routing schemes cannot quickly adapt to dynamic UAV networks and/or incur large control overhead and delays. To establish stable, high-quality routes from target UAVs to the BS, we design a hybrid reactive routing scheme called pipe routing that is mobility, congestion, and energy-aware. The pipe routing scheme discovers routes on-demand and proactively switches to alternate high-quality routes within a limited region around the active routes (called the pipe) when needed, reducing the number of route breaks and increasing data throughput. We then design a novel topology control-based pipe routing scheme to maintain robust connectivity in the pipe region around the active routes, leading to improved route stability and increased throughput with minimal impact on the coverage performance of the UAV network.

#9 Mitigating Negative Side Effects in Multi-Agent Systems Using Blame Assignment [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Pulkit Rustagi ; Sandhya Saisubramanian

When agents that are independently trained (or designed) to complete their individual tasks are deployed in a shared environment, their joint actions may produce negative side effects (NSEs). As their training does not account for the behavior of other agents or their joint action effects on the environment, the agents have no prior knowledge of the NSEs of their actions. We model the problem of mitigating NSEs in a cooperative multi-agent system as a Lexicographic Decentralized Markov Decision Process with two objectives. The agents must optimize the completion of their assigned tasks while mitigating NSEs. We assume independence of transitions and rewards with respect to the agents' tasks but the joint NSE penalty creates a form of dependence in this setting. To improve scalability, the joint NSE penalty is decomposed into individual penalties for each agent using credit assignment, which facilitates decentralized policy computation. Our results in simulation on three domains demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our approach in mitigating NSEs by updating the policies of a subset of agents in the system.

#10 Learning Distributional Demonstration Spaces for Task-Specific Cross-Pose Estimation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Jenny Wang ; Octavian Donca ; David Held

Relative placement tasks are an important category of tasks in which one object needs to be placed in a desired pose relative to another object. Previous work has shown success in learning relative placement tasks from just a small number of demonstrations when using relational reasoning networks with geometric inductive biases. However, such methods cannot flexibly represent multimodal tasks, like a mug hanging on any of n racks. We propose a method that incorporates additional properties that enable learning multimodal relative placement solutions, while retaining the provably translation-invariant and relational properties of prior work. We show that our method is able to learn precise relative placement tasks with only 10-20 multimodal demonstrations with no human annotations across a diverse set of objects within a category.

#11 A wearable anti-gravity supplement to therapy does not improve arm function in chronic stroke: a randomized trial [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Courtney Celian ; Partha Ryali ; Valentino Wilson ; Adith Srivatsaa ; James L. Patton

Background: Gravity confounds arm movement ability in post-stroke hemiparesis. Reducing its influence allows effective practice leading to recovery. Yet, there is a scarcity of wearable devices suitable for personalized use across diverse therapeutic activities in the clinic. Objective: In this study, we investigated the safety, feasibility, and efficacy of anti-gravity therapy using the ExoNET device in post-stroke participants. Methods: Twenty chronic stroke survivors underwent six, 45-minute occupational therapy sessions while wearing the ExoNET, randomized into either the treatment (ExoNET tuned to gravity-support) or control group (ExoNET tuned to slack condition). Clinical outcomes were evaluated by a blinded-rater at baseline, post, and six-week follow-up sessions. Kinetic, kinematic, and patient experience outcomes were also assessed. Results: Mixed-effect models showed a significant improvement in Box and Blocks scores in the post-intervention session for the treatment group (effect size: 2.1, p = .04). No significant effects were found between the treatment and control groups for ARAT scores and other clinical metrics. Direct kinetic effects revealed a significant reduction in muscle activity during free exploration with an effect size of (-7.12%, p< 005). There were no significant longitudinal kinetic or kinematic trends. Subject feedback suggested a generally positive perception of the anti-gravity therapy. Conclusions: Anti-gravity therapy with the ExoNET is a safe and feasible treatment for post-stroke rehabilitation. The device provided anti-gravity forces, did not encumber range of motion, and clinical metrics of anti-gravity therapy demonstrated improvements in gross manual dexterity. Further research is required to explore potential benefits in broader clinical metrics.

#12 S-EQA: Tackling Situational Queries in Embodied Question Answering [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Vishnu Sashank Dorbala ; Prasoon Goyal ; Robinson Piramuthu ; Michael Johnston ; Dinesh Manocha ; Reza Ghanadhan

We present and tackle the problem of Embodied Question Answering (EQA) with Situational Queries (S-EQA) in a household environment. Unlike prior EQA work tackling simple queries that directly reference target objects and quantifiable properties pertaining them, EQA with situational queries (such as "Is the bathroom clean and dry?") is more challenging, as the agent needs to figure out not just what the target objects pertaining to the query are, but also requires a consensus on their states to be answerable. Towards this objective, we first introduce a novel Prompt-Generate-Evaluate (PGE) scheme that wraps around an LLM's output to create a dataset of unique situational queries, corresponding consensus object information, and predicted answers. PGE maintains uniqueness among the generated queries, using multiple forms of semantic similarity. We validate the generated dataset via a large scale user-study conducted on M-Turk, and introduce it as S-EQA, the first dataset tackling EQA with situational queries. Our user study establishes the authenticity of S-EQA with a high 97.26% of the generated queries being deemed answerable, given the consensus object data. Conversely, we observe a low correlation of 46.2% on the LLM-predicted answers to human-evaluated ones; indicating the LLM's poor capability in directly answering situational queries, while establishing S-EQA's usability in providing a human-validated consensus for an indirect solution. We evaluate S-EQA via Visual Question Answering (VQA) on VirtualHome, which unlike other simulators, contains several objects with modifiable states that also visually appear different upon modification -- enabling us to set a quantitative benchmark for S-EQA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to introduce EQA with situational queries, and also the first to use a generative approach for query creation.

#13 Off-Road Autonomy Validation Using Scalable Digital Twin Simulations Within High-Performance Computing Clusters [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Tanmay Vilas Samak ; Chinmay Vilas Samak ; Joey Binz ; Jonathon Smereka ; Mark Brudnak ; David Gorsich ; Feng Luo ; Venkat Krovi

Off-road autonomy validation presents unique challenges due to the unpredictable and dynamic nature of off-road environments. Traditional methods focusing on sequentially sweeping across the parameter space for variability analysis struggle to comprehensively assess the performance and safety of off-road autonomous systems within the imposed time constraints. This paper proposes leveraging scalable digital twin simulations within high-performance computing (HPC) clusters to address this challenge. By harnessing the computational power of HPC clusters, our approach aims to provide a scalable and efficient means to validate off-road autonomy algorithms, enabling rapid iteration and testing of autonomy algorithms under various conditions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework through performance evaluations of the HPC cluster in terms of simulation parallelization and present the systematic variability analysis of a candidate off-road autonomy algorithm to identify potential vulnerabilities in the autonomy stack's perception, planning and control modules.

#14 GoalGrasp: Grasping Goals in Partially Occluded Scenarios without Grasp Training [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Shun Gui ; Yan Luximon

We present GoalGrasp, a simple yet effective 6-DOF robot grasp pose detection method that does not rely on grasp pose annotations and grasp training. Our approach enables user-specified object grasping in partially occluded scenes. By combining 3D bounding boxes and simple human grasp priors, our method introduces a novel paradigm for robot grasp pose detection. First, we employ a 3D object detector named RCV, which requires no 3D annotations, to achieve rapid 3D detection in new scenes. Leveraging the 3D bounding box and human grasp priors, our method achieves dense grasp pose detection. The experimental evaluation involves 18 common objects categorized into 7 classes based on shape. Without grasp training, our method generates dense grasp poses for 1000 scenes. We compare our method's grasp poses to existing approaches using a novel stability metric, demonstrating significantly higher grasp pose stability. In user-specified robot grasping experiments, our approach achieves a 94% grasp success rate. Moreover, in user-specified grasping experiments under partial occlusion, the success rate reaches 92%.

#15 From LLMs to Actions: Latent Codes as Bridges in Hierarchical Robot Control [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Yide Shentu ; Philipp Wu ; Aravind Rajeswaran ; Pieter Abbeel

Hierarchical control for robotics has long been plagued by the need to have a well defined interface layer to communicate between high-level task planners and low-level policies. With the advent of LLMs, language has been emerging as a prospective interface layer. However, this has several limitations. Not all tasks can be decomposed into steps that are easily expressible in natural language (e.g. performing a dance routine). Further, it makes end-to-end finetuning on embodied data challenging due to domain shift and catastrophic forgetting. We introduce our method -- Learnable Latent Codes as Bridges (LCB) -- as an alternate architecture to overcome these limitations. \method~uses a learnable latent code to act as a bridge between LLMs and low-level policies. This enables LLMs to flexibly communicate goals in the task plan without being entirely constrained by language limitations. Additionally, it enables end-to-end finetuning without destroying the embedding space of word tokens learned during pre-training. Through experiments on Language Table and Calvin, two common language based benchmarks for embodied agents, we find that \method~outperforms baselines (including those w/ GPT-4V) that leverage pure language as the interface layer on tasks that require reasoning and multi-step behaviors.

#16 General Place Recognition Survey: Towards Real-World Autonomy [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Peng Yin ; Jianhao Jiao ; Shiqi Zhao ; Lingyun Xu ; Guoquan Huang ; Howie Choset ; Sebastian Scherer ; Jianda Han

In the realm of robotics, the quest for achieving real-world autonomy, capable of executing large-scale and long-term operations, has positioned place recognition (PR) as a cornerstone technology. Despite the PR community's remarkable strides over the past two decades, garnering attention from fields like computer vision and robotics, the development of PR methods that sufficiently support real-world robotic systems remains a challenge. This paper aims to bridge this gap by highlighting the crucial role of PR within the framework of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) 2.0. This new phase in robotic navigation calls for scalable, adaptable, and efficient PR solutions by integrating advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. For this goal, we provide a comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) advancements in PR, alongside the remaining challenges, and underscore its broad applications in robotics. This paper begins with an exploration of PR's formulation and key research challenges. We extensively review literature, focusing on related methods on place representation and solutions to various PR challenges. Applications showcasing PR's potential in robotics, key PR datasets, and open-source libraries are discussed. We also emphasizes our open-source package, aimed at new development and benchmark for general PR. We conclude with a discussion on PR's future directions, accompanied by a summary of the literature covered and access to our open-source library, available to the robotics community at:

#17 ATDM:An Anthropomorphic Aerial Tendon-driven Manipulator with Low-Inertia and High-Stiffness [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Quman Xu ; Zhan Li ; Hai Li ; Xinghu Yu ; Yipeng Yang

Aerial Manipulator Systems (AMS) have garnered significant interest for their utility in aerial operations. Nonetheless, challenges related to the manipulator's limited stiffness and the coupling disturbance with manipulator movement persist. This paper introduces the Aerial Tendon-Driven Manipulator (ATDM), an innovative AMS that integrates a hexrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with a 4-degree-of-freedom (4-DOF) anthropomorphic tendon-driven manipulator. The design of the manipulator is anatomically inspired, emulating the human arm anatomy from the shoulder joint downward. To enhance the structural integrity and performance, finite element topology optimization and lattice optimization are employed on the links to replicate the radially graded structure characteristic of bone, this approach effectively reduces weight and inertia while simultaneously maximizing stiffness. A novel tensioning mechanism with adjustable tension is introduced to address cable relaxation, and a Tension-amplification tendon mechanism is implemented to increase the manipulator's overall stiffness and output. The paper presents a kinematic model based on virtual coupled joints, a comprehensive workspace analysis, and detailed calculations of output torques and stiffness for individual arm joints. The prototype arm has a total weight of 2.7 kg, with the end effector contributing only 0.818 kg. By positioning all actuators at the base, coupling disturbance are minimized. The paper includes a detailed mechanical design and validates the system's performance through semi-physical multi-body dynamics simulations, confirming the efficacy of the proposed design.

#18 Adaptive Whole-body Robotic Tool-use Learning on Low-rigidity Plastic-made Humanoids Using Vision and Tactile Sensors [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Kento Kawaharazuka ; Kei Okada ; Masayuki Inaba

Various robots have been developed so far; however, we face challenges in modeling the low-rigidity bodies of some robots. In particular, the deflection of the body changes during tool-use due to object grasping, resulting in significant shifts in the tool-tip position and the body's center of gravity. Moreover, this deflection varies depending on the weight and length of the tool, making these models exceptionally complex. However, there is currently no control or learning method that takes all of these effects into account. In this study, we propose a method for constructing a neural network that describes the mutual relationship among joint angle, visual information, and tactile information from the feet. We aim to train this network using the actual robot data and utilize it for tool-tip control. Additionally, we employ Parametric Bias to capture changes in this mutual relationship caused by variations in the weight and length of tools, enabling us to understand the characteristics of the grasped tool from the current sensor information. We apply this approach to the whole-body tool-use on KXR, a low-rigidity plastic-made humanoid robot, to validate its effectiveness.

#19 Guarding Force: Safety-Critical Compliant Control for Robot-Environment Interaction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Xinming Wang ; Jun Yang ; Jianliang Mao ; Jinzhuo Liang ; Shihua Li ; Yunda Yan

In this study, we propose a safety-critical compliant control strategy designed to strictly enforce interaction force constraints during the physical interaction of robots with unknown environments. The interaction force constraint is interpreted as a new force-constrained control barrier function (FC-CBF) by exploiting the generalized contact model and the prior information of the environment, i.e., the prior stiffness and rest position, for robot kinematics. The difference between the real environment and the generalized contact model is approximated by constructing a tracking differentiator, and its estimation error is quantified based on Lyapunov theory. By interpreting strict interaction safety specification as a dynamic constraint, restricting the desired joint angular rates in kinematics, the proposed approach modifies nominal compliant controllers using quadratic programming, ensuring adherence to interaction force constraints in unknown environments. The strict force constraint and the stability of the closed-loop system are rigorously analyzed. Experimental tests using a UR3e industrial robot with different environments verify the effectiveness of the proposed method in achieving the force constraints in unknown environments.

#20 GISR: Geometric Initialization and Silhouette-based Refinement for Single-View Robot Pose and Configuration Estimation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Ivan Bilić ; Filip Marić ; Fabio Bonsignorio ; Ivan Petrović

For autonomous robotics applications, it is crucial that robots are able to accurately measure their potential state and perceive their environment, including other agents within it (e.g., cobots interacting with humans). The redundancy of these measurements is important, as it allows for planning and execution of recovery protocols in the event of sensor failure or external disturbances. Visual estimation can provide this redundancy through the use of low-cost sensors and server as a standalone source of proprioception when no encoder-based sensing is available. Therefore, we estimate the configuration of the robot jointly with its pose, which provides a complete spatial understanding of the observed robot. We present GISR - a method for deep configuration and robot-to-camera pose estimation that prioritizes real-time execution. GISR is comprised of two modules: (i) a geometric initialization module, efficiently computing an approximate robot pose and configuration, and (ii) an iterative silhouette-based refinement module that refines the initial solution in only a few iterations. We evaluate our method on a publicly available dataset and show that GISR performs competitively with existing state-of-the-art approaches, while being significantly faster compared to existing methods of the same class. Our code is available at

#21 MoveTouch: Robotic Motion Capturing System with Wearable Tactile Display to Achieve Safe HRI [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Ali Alabbas ; Miguel Altamirano Cabrera ; Mohamed Sayed ; Oussama Alyounes ; Qian Liu ; Dzmitry Tsetserukou

The collaborative robot market is flourishing as there is a trend towards simplification, modularity, and increased flexibility on the production line. But when humans and robots are collaborating in a shared environment, the safety of humans should be a priority. We introduce a novel wearable robotic system to enhance safety during Human Robot Interaction (HRI). The proposed wearable robot is designed to hold a fiducial marker and maintain its visibility to the tracking system, which, in turn, localizes the user's hand with good accuracy and low latency and provides haptic feedback on the user's wrist. The haptic feedback guides the user's hand movement during collaborative tasks in order to increase safety and enhance collaboration efficiency. A user study was conducted to assess the recognition and discriminability of ten designed haptic patterns applied to the volar and dorsal parts of the user's wrist. As a result, four patterns with a high recognition rate were chosen to be incorporated into our system. A second experiment was carried out to evaluate the system integration into real-world collaborative tasks.

#22 Evolving R2 to R2+: Optimal, Delayed Line-of-sight Vector-based Path Planning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Yan Kai Lai ; Prahlad Vadakkepat ; Cheng Xiang

A vector-based any-angle path planner, R2, is evolved in to R2+ in this paper. By delaying line-of-sight, R2 and R2+ search times are largely unaffected by the distance between the start and goal points, but are exponential in the worst case with respect to the number of collisions during searches. To improve search times, additional discarding conditions in the overlap rule are introduced in R2+. In addition, R2+ resolves interminable chases in R2 by replacing ad hoc points with limited occupied-sector traces from target nodes, and simplifies R2 by employing new abstract structures and ensuring target progression during a trace. R2+ preserves the speed of R2 when paths are expected to detour around few obstacles, and searches significantly faster than R2 in maps with many disjoint obstacles.

#23 Predictive Mapping of Spectral Signatures from RGB Imagery for Off-Road Terrain Analysis [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Sarvesh Prajapati ; Ananya Trivedi ; Bruce Maxwell ; Taskin Padir

Accurate identification of complex terrain characteristics, such as soil composition and coefficient of friction, is essential for model-based planning and control of mobile robots in off-road environments. Spectral signatures leverage distinct patterns of light absorption and reflection to identify various materials, enabling precise characterization of their inherent properties. Recent research in robotics has explored the adoption of spectroscopy to enhance perception and interaction with environments. However, the significant cost and elaborate setup required for mounting these sensors present formidable barriers to widespread adoption. In this study, we introduce RS-Net (RGB to Spectral Network), a deep neural network architecture designed to map RGB images to corresponding spectral signatures. We illustrate how RS-Net can be synergistically combined with Co-Learning techniques for terrain property estimation. Initial results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in characterizing spectral signatures across an extensive off-road real-world dataset. These findings highlight the feasibility of terrain property estimation using only RGB cameras.

#24 G-Loc: Tightly-coupled Graph Localization with Prior Topo-metric Information [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Lorenzo Montano-Oliván ; Julio A. Placed ; Luis Montano ; María T. Lázaro

Localization in already mapped environments is a critical component in many robotics and automotive applications, where previously acquired information can be exploited along with sensor fusion to provide robust and accurate localization estimates. In this work, we offer a new perspective on map-based localization by reusing prior topological and metric information. Thus, we reformulate this long-studied problem to go beyond the mere use of metric maps. Our framework seamlessly integrates LiDAR, iner\-tial and GNSS measurements, and scan-to-map registrations in a sliding window graph fashion, which allows to accommodate the uncertainty of each observation. The modularity of our framework allows it to work with different sensor configurations (\textit{e.g.,} LiDAR resolutions, GNSS denial) and environmental conditions (\textit{e.g.,} map-less regions, large environments). We have conducted different validation experiments, including deployment in a real-world automotive application, demonstrating the accuracy, efficiency, and versatility of our system in online localization.

#25 Rapid Co-design of Task-Specialized Whegged Robots for Ad-Hoc Needs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Varun Madabushi ; Katie M. Popek ; Craig Knuth ; Galen Mullins ; Brian A. Bittner

In this work, we investigate the use of co-design methods to iterate upon robot designs in the field, performing time sensitive, ad-hoc tasks. Our method optimizes the morphology and wheg trajectory for a MiniRHex robot, producing 3D printable structures and leg trajectory parameters. Tested in four terrains, we show that robots optimized in simulation exhibit strong sim-to-real transfer and are nearly twice as efficient as the nominal platform when tested in hardware.