Commutative Algebra

2024-12-02 | | Total: 3

#1 Indivisible Sequences and Descendability [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Ivan Zelich

We introduce the notion of indivisible sequences and show that to any indivisible sequence $\{S, \Psi: S \to R\}$ we can associate faithfully flat ring maps $R \to R'$ that are not descendable. As a corollary, we obtain the first example of a faithfully flat ring map between $\aleph_{n-1}$-countable rings that has descendability exponent $n$, and indeed a faithfully flat ring map between $\aleph_{\omega}$-countable rings that is not descendable.

Subject: Commutative Algebra

Publish: 2024-11-29 18:59:18 UTC

#2 On the Rich Landscape of Complete Intersection Monomial Curves [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Patricio Almirón

The aim of this survey is to explore complete intersection monomial curves from a contemporary perspective. The main goal is to help readers understand the intricate connections within the field and its potential applications. The properties of any monomial curve singularity will be first reviewed, highlighting the interaction between combinatorial and algebraic properties. Next, we will revisit the two main characterizations of complete intersection monomial curves. One is based on deep algebraic properties given by Herzog and Kunz in 1971, while the other is based on a combinatorial approach given by Delorme in 1976. Our aim is to bridge the gap between these perspectives present in the current literature. Then, we will focus on recent advances that show an intriguing connection between numerical semigroups and Alexander polynomials of knots. Finally, we will revisit the deformation theory of these curves and provide an answer to a question posed by Buchweitz and Greuel regarding curve deformations.

Subjects: Commutative Algebra , Algebraic Geometry

Publish: 2024-11-28 16:49:15 UTC

#3 On the perturbations of Noetherian local domains [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hong Duc Nguyen, Hop D. Nguyen, Pham Hung Quy

We study how the properties of being reduced, integral domain, and normal, behave under small perturbations of the defining equations of a noetherian local ring. It is not hard to show that the property of being a local integral domain (reduced, normal ring) is not stable under small perturbations in general. We prove that perturbation stability holds in the following situations: (1) perturbation of being an integral domain for factorial excellent Henselian local rings; (2) perturbation of normality for excellent local complete intersections containing a field of characteristic zero; and (3) perturbation of reducedness for excellent local complete intersections containing a field of characteristic zero, and for factorial Nagata local rings.

Subjects: Commutative Algebra , Algebraic Geometry

Publish: 2024-11-28 09:33:00 UTC