Commutative Algebra

2025-03-06 | | Total: 7

#1 Variations on Hilbert--Burch matrices [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Dayane Lira, Geisa Oliveira, Zaqueu Ramos, Aron Simis

We consider classes of codimension two Cohen--Macaulay ideals over a standard graded polynomial ring over a field. The basic drive behind the present landscapes is a thorough analysis of the related Hilbert--Burch matrix, often without assuming equigeneration, linear presentation or even the popular $G_d$ condition of Artin--Nagata. Among some of the results is a proof of a conjecture on the Jacobian ideal of a hyperplane arrangement stated by Burity, Simis and Tohǎneanu.

Subjects: Commutative Algebra , Algebraic Geometry

Publish: 2025-03-05 18:34:53 UTC

#2 A note on algorithmic approach to inverting formal power series [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Elżbieta Adamus

In our previous paper an effective algorithm for inverting polynomial automorphisms was proposed. We extend its application to the case of formal power series over a field of arbitrary characteristic and illustrate the proposed approach with some examples.

Subject: Commutative Algebra

Publish: 2025-03-05 14:05:44 UTC

#3 Betti numbers of normal edge rings (II) [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zexin Wang, Dancheng Lu

We compute the Betti numbers of the edge rings of multi-path graphs using the induced-subgraph method introduced in \cite{WL1}. Here, a multi-path graph refers to a simple graph consisting of two vertices and multiple paths connecting them, which generalizes the complete bipartite graph $K_{2,d}$. Special cases include the graph $G_{r,d}$ introduced in \cite{GHK}, the graph $G_{r,s,d}$ introduced in \cite{NN}, and the graph $B_{\underline{\ell},h}$ introduced in \cite{LZ}.

Subject: Commutative Algebra

Publish: 2025-03-05 04:26:18 UTC

#4 A classification of van der Waerden complexes with linear resolution [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Takayuki Hibi, Adam Van Tuyl

In 2017, Ehrenborg, Govindaiah, Park, and Readdy defined the van der Waerden complex ${\tt vdW}(n,k)$ to be the simplicial complex whose facets correspond to all the arithmetic sequences on the set $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ of a fixed length $k$. To complement a classification of the Cohen--Macaulay van der Waerden complexes obtained by Hooper and Van Tuyl in 2019, a classification of van der Waerden complexes with linear resolution is presented. Furthermore, we show that the Stanley--Reisner ring of a Cohen--Macaulay van der Waerden complex is level.

Subjects: Commutative Algebra , Combinatorics

Publish: 2025-03-05 00:45:44 UTC

#5 Positivity of generalized cluster scattering diagrams [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Amanda Burcroff, Kyungyong Lee, Lang Mou

We introduce a new class of combinatorial objects, named tight gradings, which are certain nonnegative integer-valued functions on maximal Dyck paths. Using tight gradings, we derive a manifestly positive formula for any wall-function in a rank-2 generalized cluster scattering diagram. We further prove that any consistent rank-2 scattering diagram is positive with respect to the coefficients of initial wall-functions. Moreover, our formula yields explicit expressions for relative Gromov-Witten invariants on weighted projective planes and the Euler characteristics of moduli spaces of framed stable representations on complete bipartite quivers. Finally, by leveraging the rank-2 positivity, we show that any higher-rank generalized cluster scattering diagram has positive wall-functions, which leads to a proof of the positivity of the Laurent phenomenon and the strong positivity of Chekhov-Shapiro's generalized cluster algebras.

Subjects: Combinatorics , Commutative Algebra , Algebraic Geometry , Rings and Algebras , Representation Theory

Publish: 2025-03-05 18:17:03 UTC

#6 Rare Flat Bands for Periodic Graph Operators [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Matthew Faust, Wencai Liu

For an arbitrary connected $\mathbb{Z}^d$-periodic graph, we treat edge weights and potentials as variables and prove that, generically (meaning outside a proper algebraic subset of the variable space) the corresponding periodic graph operators do not have flat bands.

Subjects: Spectral Theory , Mathematical Physics , Commutative Algebra , Algebraic Geometry , Combinatorics

Publish: 2025-03-05 16:11:32 UTC

#7 Linear Codes Derived from the Structure of Unit Graphs Over $\mathbb{Z}_n$ [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Apurba Sarkar, Kalyan Hansda, Makhan Maji

In this paper, we study the unit graph $ G(\mathbb{Z}_n) $, where $ n $ is of the form $n = p_1^{n_1} p_2^{n_2} \dots p_r^{n_r}$, with $ p_1, p_2, \dots, p_r $ being distinct prime numbers and $ n_1, n_2, \dots, n_r $ being positive integers. We establish the connectivity of $ G(\mathbb{Z}_n) $, show that its diameter is at most three, and analyze its edge connectivity. Furthermore, we construct $ q $-ary linear codes from the incidence matrix of $ G(\mathbb{Z}_n) $, explicitly determining their parameters and duals. A primary contribution of this work is the resolution of two conjectures from \cite{Jain2023} concerning the structural and coding-theoretic properties of $ G(\mathbb{Z}_n) $. These results extend the study of algebraic graph structures and highlight the interplay between number theory, graph theory, and coding theory.

Subjects: Information Theory , Commutative Algebra

Publish: 2025-03-05 11:48:43 UTC