2025-03-06 | | Total: 7
We consider classes of codimension two Cohen--Macaulay ideals over a standard graded polynomial ring over a field. The basic drive behind the present landscapes is a thorough analysis of the related Hilbert--Burch matrix, often without assuming equigeneration, linear presentation or even the popular $G_d$ condition of Artin--Nagata. Among some of the results is a proof of a conjecture on the Jacobian ideal of a hyperplane arrangement stated by Burity, Simis and Tohǎneanu.
In our previous paper an effective algorithm for inverting polynomial automorphisms was proposed. We extend its application to the case of formal power series over a field of arbitrary characteristic and illustrate the proposed approach with some examples.
We compute the Betti numbers of the edge rings of multi-path graphs using the induced-subgraph method introduced in \cite{WL1}. Here, a multi-path graph refers to a simple graph consisting of two vertices and multiple paths connecting them, which generalizes the complete bipartite graph $K_{2,d}$. Special cases include the graph $G_{r,d}$ introduced in \cite{GHK}, the graph $G_{r,s,d}$ introduced in \cite{NN}, and the graph $B_{\underline{\ell},h}$ introduced in \cite{LZ}.
In 2017, Ehrenborg, Govindaiah, Park, and Readdy defined the van der Waerden complex ${\tt vdW}(n,k)$ to be the simplicial complex whose facets correspond to all the arithmetic sequences on the set $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ of a fixed length $k$. To complement a classification of the Cohen--Macaulay van der Waerden complexes obtained by Hooper and Van Tuyl in 2019, a classification of van der Waerden complexes with linear resolution is presented. Furthermore, we show that the Stanley--Reisner ring of a Cohen--Macaulay van der Waerden complex is level.
We introduce a new class of combinatorial objects, named tight gradings, which are certain nonnegative integer-valued functions on maximal Dyck paths. Using tight gradings, we derive a manifestly positive formula for any wall-function in a rank-2 generalized cluster scattering diagram. We further prove that any consistent rank-2 scattering diagram is positive with respect to the coefficients of initial wall-functions. Moreover, our formula yields explicit expressions for relative Gromov-Witten invariants on weighted projective planes and the Euler characteristics of moduli spaces of framed stable representations on complete bipartite quivers. Finally, by leveraging the rank-2 positivity, we show that any higher-rank generalized cluster scattering diagram has positive wall-functions, which leads to a proof of the positivity of the Laurent phenomenon and the strong positivity of Chekhov-Shapiro's generalized cluster algebras.
For an arbitrary connected $\mathbb{Z}^d$-periodic graph, we treat edge weights and potentials as variables and prove that, generically (meaning outside a proper algebraic subset of the variable space) the corresponding periodic graph operators do not have flat bands.
In this paper, we study the unit graph $ G(\mathbb{Z}_n) $, where $ n $ is of the form $n = p_1^{n_1} p_2^{n_2} \dots p_r^{n_r}$, with $ p_1, p_2, \dots, p_r $ being distinct prime numbers and $ n_1, n_2, \dots, n_r $ being positive integers. We establish the connectivity of $ G(\mathbb{Z}_n) $, show that its diameter is at most three, and analyze its edge connectivity. Furthermore, we construct $ q $-ary linear codes from the incidence matrix of $ G(\mathbb{Z}_n) $, explicitly determining their parameters and duals. A primary contribution of this work is the resolution of two conjectures from \cite{Jain2023} concerning the structural and coding-theoretic properties of $ G(\mathbb{Z}_n) $. These results extend the study of algebraic graph structures and highlight the interplay between number theory, graph theory, and coding theory.