Commutative Algebra

Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 | Total: 3

#1 A new version of P-flat modules and its applications [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Wei Qi ; Xiaolei Zhang

In this paper, we introduce and study the class of $\phi$-$w$-P-flat modules, which can be seen as generalizations of both $\phi$-P-flat modules and $w$-P-flat modules. In particular, we obtain that the class of $\phi$-$w$-P-flat modules is covering. We also utilize the class of $\phi$-$w$-P-flat modules to characterize $\phi$-von Neumann regular rings, strong $\phi$-rings and $\phi$-PvMRs.

Subject: Commutative Algebra

Publish: 2024-07-25 08:34:26 UTC

#2 Cox-Gorenstein algebras [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Ugo Bruzzo ; Rodrigo Gondim ; Rafael Holanda ; William D. Montoya

This paper is a first step in the study of nonstandard graded algebras having Poincar\'e duality and their Lefschetz properties. We prove the equivalence between the toric setup and the G-graded one, generalize Macaulay-Matlis duality, introduce Lefschetz properties and prove a Hessian criteria in the G-graded setup. We prove a special case of the Codimension One Conjecture of Cattani-Cox-Dickenstein.

Subjects: Commutative Algebra ; Algebraic Geometry

Publish: 2024-07-25 06:46:57 UTC

#3 Graded-Injective Modules and Bass Numbers of Veronese Submodules [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Author: Taylor Murray

Let $R$ be a standard graded, finitely generated algebra over a field, and let $M$ be a graded module over $R$ with all Bass numbers finite. Set $(-)^{(n)}$ to be the $n$-th Veronese functor. We compute the Bass numbers of $M^{(n)}$ over the ring $R^{(n)}$ for all prime ideals of $R^{(n)}$ that are not the homogeneous maximal ideal in terms of the Bass numbers of $M$ over $R$. As an application to local cohomology modules, we determine the Bass numbers of $H_{I\cap R^{(n)}}^i(R^{(n)})$ over the ring $R^{(n)}$ in the case where $H_I^i(R)$ has finite Bass numbers over $R$ and $I$ is a graded ideal.

Subject: Commutative Algebra

Publish: 2024-07-24 21:47:44 UTC