IJCAI.2021 - Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications

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#1 A Rule Mining-based Advanced Persistent Threats Detection System [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sidahmed Benabderrahmane ; Ghita Berrada ; James Cheney ; Petko Valtchev

Advanced persistent threats (APT) are stealthy cyber-attacks that are aimed at stealing valuable information from target organizations and tend to extend in time. Blocking all APTs is impossible, security experts caution, hence the importance of research on early detection and damage limitation. Whole-system provenance-tracking and provenance trace mining are considered promising as they can help find causal relationships between activities and flag suspicious event sequences as they occur. We introduce an unsupervised method that exploits OS-independent features reflecting process activity to detect realistic APT-like attacks from provenance traces. Anomalous processes are ranked using both frequent and rare event associations learned from traces. Results are then presented as implications which, since interpretable, help leverage causality in explaining the detected anomalies. When evaluated on Transparent Computing program datasets (DARPA), our method outperformed competing approaches.

#2 Electrocardio Panorama: Synthesizing New ECG views with Self-supervision [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jintai Chen ; Xiangshang Zheng ; Hongyun Yu ; Danny Z. Chen ; Jian Wu

Multi-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) provides clinical information of heartbeats from several fixed viewpoints determined by the lead positioning. However, it is often not satisfactory to visualize ECG signals in these fixed and limited views, as some clinically useful information is represented only from a few specific ECG viewpoints. For the first time, we propose a new concept, Electrocardio Panorama, which allows visualizing ECG signals from any queried viewpoints. To build Electrocardio Panorama, we assume that an underlying electrocardio field exists, representing locations, magnitudes, and directions of ECG signals. We present a Neural electrocardio field Network (Nef-Net), which first predicts the electrocardio field representation by using a sparse set of one or few input ECG views and then synthesizes Electrocardio Panorama based on the predicted representations. Specially, to better disentangle electrocardio field information from viewpoint biases, a new Angular Encoding is proposed to process viewpoint angles. Also, we propose a self-supervised learning approach called Standin Learning, which helps model the electrocardio field without direct supervision. Further, with very few modifications, Nef-Net can synthesize ECG signals from scratch. Experiments verify that our Nef-Net performs well on Electrocardio Panorama synthesis, and outperforms the previous work on the auxiliary tasks (ECG view transformation and ECG synthesis from scratch). The codes and the division labels of cardiac cycles and ECG deflections on Tianchi ECG and PTB datasets are available at https://github.com/WhatAShot/Electrocardio-Panorama.

#3 A Novel Sequence-to-Subgraph Framework for Diagnosis Classification [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jun Chen ; Quan Yuan ; Chao Lu ; Haifeng Huang

Text-based diagnosis classification is a critical problem in AI-enabled healthcare studies, which assists clinicians in making correct decision and lowering the rate of diagnostic errors. Previous studies follow the routine of sequence based deep learning models in NLP literature to deal with clinical notes. However, recent studies find that structural information is important in clinical contents that greatly impacts the predictions. In this paper, a novel sequence-to-subgraph framework is introduced to process clinical texts for classification, which changes the paradigm of managing texts. Moreover, a new classification model under the framework is proposed that incorporates subgraph convolutional network and hierarchical diagnostic attentive network to extract the layered structural features of clinical texts. The evaluation conducted on both the real-world English and Chinese datasets shows that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art deep learning based diagnosis classification models.

#4 Parallel Subtrajectory Alignment over Massive-Scale Trajectory Data [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lisi Chen ; Shuo Shang ; Shanshan Feng ; Panos Kalnis

We study the problem of subtrajectory alignment over massive-scale trajectory data. Given a collection of trajectories, a subtrajectory alignment query returns new targeted trajectories by splitting and aligning existing trajectories. The resulting functionality targets a range of applications, including trajectory data analysis, route planning and recommendation, ridesharing, and general location-based services. To enable efficient and effective subtrajectory alignment computation, we propose a novel search algorithm and filtering techniques that enable the use of the parallel processing capabilities of modern processors. Experiments with large trajectory datasets are conducted for evaluating the performance of our proposal. The results show that our solution to the subtrajectory alignment problem can generate high-quality results and are capable of achieving high efficiency and scalability.

#5 TrafficStream: A Streaming Traffic Flow Forecasting Framework Based on Graph Neural Networks and Continual Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xu Chen ; Junshan Wang ; Kunqing Xie

With the rapid growth of traffic sensors deployed, a massive amount of traffic flow data are collected, revealing the long-term evolution of traffic flows and the gradual expansion of traffic networks. How to accurately forecasting these traffic flow attracts the attention of researchers as it is of great significance for improving the efficiency of transportation systems. However, existing methods mainly focus on the spatial-temporal correlation of static networks, leaving the problem of efficiently learning models on networks with expansion and evolving patterns less studied. To tackle this problem, we propose a Streaming Traffic Flow Forecasting Framework, TrafficStream, based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Continual Learning (CL), achieving accurate predictions and high efficiency. Firstly, we design a traffic pattern fusion method, cleverly integrating the new patterns that emerged during the long-term period into the model. A JS-divergence-based algorithm is proposed to mine new traffic patterns. Secondly, we introduce CL to consolidate the knowledge learned previously and transfer them to the current model. Specifically, we adopt two strategies: historical data replay and parameter smoothing. We construct a streaming traffic data set to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of our model. Extensive experiments demonstrate its excellent potential to extract traffic patterns with high efficiency on long-term streaming network scene. The source code is available at https://github.com/AprLie/TrafficStream.

#6 Predictive Job Scheduling under Uncertain Constraints in Cloud Computing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hang Dong ; Boshi Wang ; Bo Qiao ; Wenqian Xing ; Chuan Luo ; Si Qin ; Qingwei Lin ; Dongmei Zhang ; Gurpreet Virdi ; Thomas Moscibroda

Capacity management has always been a great challenge for cloud platforms due to massive, heterogeneous on-demand instances running at different times. To better plan the capacity for the whole platform, a class of cloud computing instances have been released to collect computing demands beforehand. To use such instances, users are allowed to submit jobs to run for a pre-specified uninterrupted duration in a flexible range of time in the future with a discount compared to the normal on-demand instances. Proactively scheduling those pre-collected job requests considering the capacity status over the platform can greatly help balance the computing workloads along time. In this work, we formulate the scheduling problem for these pre-collected job requests under uncertain available capacity as a Prediction + Optimization problem with uncertainty in constraints, and propose an effective algorithm called Controlling under Uncertain Constraints (CUC), where the predicted capacity guides the optimization of job scheduling and job scheduling results are leveraged to improve the prediction of capacity through Bayesian optimization. The proposed formulation and solution are commonly applicable for proactively scheduling problems in cloud computing. Our extensive experiments on three public, industrial datasets shows that CUC has great potential for supporting high reliability in cloud platforms.

#7 Fine-tuning Is Not Enough: A Simple yet Effective Watermark Removal Attack for DNN Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shangwei Guo ; Tianwei Zhang ; Han Qiu ; Yi Zeng ; Tao Xiang ; Yang Liu

Watermarking has become the tendency in protecting the intellectual property of DNN models. Recent works, from the adversary's perspective, attempted to subvert watermarking mechanisms by designing watermark removal attacks. However, these attacks mainly adopted sophisticated fine-tuning techniques, which have certain fatal drawbacks or unrealistic assumptions. In this paper, we propose a novel watermark removal attack from a different perspective. Instead of just fine-tuning the watermarked models, we design a simple yet powerful transformation algorithm by combining imperceptible pattern embedding and spatial-level transformations, which can effectively and blindly destroy the memorization of watermarked models to the watermark samples. We also introduce a lightweight fine-tuning strategy to preserve the model performance. Our solution requires much less resource or knowledge about the watermarking scheme than prior works. Extensive experimental results indicate that our attack can bypass state-of-the-art watermarking solutions with very high success rates. Based on our attack, we propose watermark augmentation techniques to enhance the robustness of existing watermarks.

#8 Dynamic Lane Traffic Signal Control with Group Attention and Multi-Timescale Reinforcement Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Qize Jiang ; Jingze Li ; Weiwei Sun ; Baihua Zheng

Traffic signal control has achieved significant success with the development of reinforcement learning. However, existing works mainly focus on intersections with normal lanes with fixed outgoing directions. It is noticed that some intersections actually implement dynamic lanes, in addition to normal lanes, to adjust the outgoing directions dynamically. Existing methods fail to coordinate the control of traffic signal and that of dynamic lanes effectively. In addition, they lack proper structures and learning algorithms to make full use of traffic flow prediction, which is essential to set the proper directions for dynamic lanes. Motivated by the ineffectiveness of existing approaches when controlling the traffic signal and dynamic lanes simultaneously, we propose a new method, namely MT-GAD, in this paper. It uses a group attention structure to reduce the number of required parameters and to achieve a better generalizability, and uses multi-timescale model training to learn proper strategy that could best control both the traffic signal and the dynamic lanes. The experiments on real datasets demonstrate that MT-GAD outperforms existing approaches significantly.

#9 Differentially Private Correlation Alignment for Domain Adaptation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kaizhong Jin ; Xiang Cheng ; Jiaxi Yang ; Kaiyuan Shen

Domain adaptation solves a learning problem in a target domain by utilizing the training data in a different but related source domain. As a simple and efficient method for domain adaptation, correlation alignment transforms the distribution of the source domain by utilizing the covariance matrix of the target domain, such that a model trained on the transformed source data can be applied to the target data. However, when source and target domains come from different institutes, exchanging information between the two domains might pose a potential privacy risk. In this paper, for the first time, we propose a differentially private correlation alignment approach for domain adaptation called PRIMA, which can provide privacy guarantees for both the source and target data. In PRIMA, to relieve the performance degradation caused by perturbing the covariance matrix in high dimensional setting, we present a random subspace ensemble based covariance estimation method which splits the feature spaces of source and target data into several low dimensional subspaces. Moreover, since perturbing the covariance matrix may destroy its positive semi-definiteness, we develop a shrinking based method for the recovery of positive semi-definiteness of the covariance matrix. Experimental results on standard benchmark datasets confirm the effectiveness of our approach.

#10 Traffic Congestion Alleviation over Dynamic Road Networks: Continuous Optimal Route Combination for Trip Query Streams [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ke Li ; Lisi Chen ; Shuo Shang ; Panos Kalnis ; Bin Yao

Route planning and recommendation have attracted much attention for decades. In this paper, we study a continuous optimal route combination problem: Given a dynamic road network and a stream of trip queries, we continuously find an optimal route combination for each new query batch over the query stream such that the total travel time for all routes is minimized. Each route corresponds to a planning result for a particular trip query in the current query batch. Our problem targets a variety of applications, including traffic-flow management, real-time route planning and continuous congestion prevention. The exact algorithm bears exponential time complexity and is computationally prohibitive for application scenarios in dynamic traffic networks. To address this problem, a self-aware batch processing algorithm is developed in this paper. Extensive experiments offer insight into the accuracy and efficiency of our proposed algorithms.

#11 CFR-MIX: Solving Imperfect Information Extensive-Form Games with Combinatorial Action Space [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shuxin Li ; Youzhi Zhang ; Xinrun Wang ; Wanqi Xue ; Bo An

In many real-world scenarios, a team of agents must coordinate with each other to compete against an opponent. The challenge of solving this type of game is that the team's joint action space grows exponentially with the number of agents, which results in the inefficiency of the existing algorithms, e.g., Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR). To address this problem, we propose a new framework of CFR: CFR-MIX. Firstly, we propose a new strategy representation that represents a joint action strategy using individual strategies of all agents and a consistency relationship to maintain the cooperation between agents. To compute the equilibrium with individual strategies under the CFR framework, we transform the consistency relationship between strategies to the consistency relationship between the cumulative regret values. Furthermore, we propose a novel decomposition method over cumulative regret values to guarantee the consistency relationship between the cumulative regret values. Finally, we introduce our new algorithm CFR-MIX which employs a mixing layer to estimate cumulative regret values of joint actions as a non-linear combination of cumulative regret values of individual actions. Experimental results show that CFR-MIX outperforms existing algorithms on various games significantly.

#12 Online Credit Payment Fraud Detection via Structure-Aware Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wangli Lin ; Li Sun ; Qiwei Zhong ; Can Liu ; Jinghua Feng ; Xiang Ao ; Hao Yang

Online credit payment fraud detection plays a critical role in financial institutions due to the growing volume of fraudulent transactions. Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in capturing users’ dynamic and evolving fraudulent tendencies from their behavior sequences. However, most existing methodologies for sequential modeling overlook the intrinsic structure information of web pages. In this paper, we adopt multi-scale behavior sequence generated from different granularities of web page structures and propose a model named SAH-RNN to consume the multi-scale behavior sequence for online payment fraud detection. The SAH-RNN has stacked RNN layers in which upper layers modeling for compendious behaviors are updated less frequently and receive the summarized representations from lower layers. A dual attention is devised to capture the impacts on both sequential information within the same sequence and structural information among different granularity of web pages. Experimental results on a large-scale real-world transaction dataset from Alibaba show that our proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art models. The code is available at https://github.com/WangliLin/SAH-RNN.

#13 Learning Unknown from Correlations: Graph Neural Network for Inter-novel-protein Interaction Prediction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Guofeng Lv ; Zhiqiang Hu ; Yanguang Bi ; Shaoting Zhang

The study of multi-type Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) is fundamental for understanding biological processes from a systematic perspective and revealing disease mechanisms. Existing methods suffer from significant performance degradation when tested in unseen dataset. In this paper, we investigate the problem and find that it is mainly attributed to the poor performance for inter-novel-protein interaction prediction. However, current evaluations overlook the inter-novel-protein interactions, and thus fail to give an instructive assessment. As a result, we propose to address the problem from both the evaluation and the methodology. Firstly, we design a new evaluation framework that fully respects the inter-novel-protein interactions and gives consistent assessment across datasets. Secondly, we argue that correlations between proteins must provide useful information for analysis of novel proteins, and based on this, we propose a graph neural network based method (GNN-PPI) for better inter-novel-protein interaction prediction. Experimental results on real-world datasets of different scales demonstrate that GNN-PPI significantly outperforms state-of-the-art PPI prediction methods, especially for the inter-novel-protein interaction prediction.

#14 Adapting Meta Knowledge with Heterogeneous Information Network for COVID-19 Themed Malicious Repository Detection [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yiyue Qian ; Yiming Zhang ; Yanfang Ye ; Chuxu Zhang

As cyberattacks caused by malware have proliferated during the pandemic, building an automatic system to detect COVID-19 themed malware in social coding platforms is in urgent need. The existing methods mainly rely on file content analysis while ignoring structured information among entities in social coding platforms. Additionally, they usually require sufficient data for model training, impairing their performances over cases with limited data which is common in reality. To address these challenges, we develop Meta-AHIN, a novel model for COVID-19 themed malicious repository detection in GitHub. In Meta-AHIN, we first construct an attributed heterogeneous information network (AHIN) to model the code content and social coding properties in GitHub; and then we exploit attention-based graph convolutional neural network (AGCN) to learn repository embeddings and present a meta-learning framework for model optimization. To utilize unlabeled information in AHIN and to consider task influence of different types of repositories, we further incorporate node attribute-based self-supervised module and task-aware attention weight into AGCN and meta-learning respectively. Extensive experiments on the collected data from GitHub demonstrate that Meta-AHIN outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

#15 Hierarchical Adaptive Temporal-Relational Modeling for Stock Trend Prediction [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Heyuan Wang ; Shun Li ; Tengjiao Wang ; Jiayi Zheng

Stock trend prediction is a challenging task due to the non-stationary dynamics and complex market dependencies. Existing methods usually regard each stock as isolated for prediction, or simply detect their correlations based on a fixed predefined graph structure. Genuinely, stock associations stem from diverse aspects, the underlying relation signals should be implicit in comprehensive graphs. On the other hand, the RNN network is mainly used to model stock historical data, while is hard to capture fine-granular volatility patterns implied in different time spans. In this paper, we propose a novel Hierarchical Adaptive Temporal-Relational Network (HATR) to characterize and predict stock evolutions. By stacking dilated causal convolutions and gating paths, short- and long-term transition features are gradually grasped from multi-scale local compositions of stock trading sequences. Particularly, a dual attention mechanism with Hawkes process and target-specific query is proposed to detect significant temporal points and scales conditioned on individual stock traits. Furthermore, we develop a multi-graph interaction module which consolidates prior domain knowledge and data-driven adaptive learning to capture interdependencies among stocks. All components are integrated seamlessly in a unified end-to-end framework. Experiments on three real-world stock market datasets validate the effectiveness of our model.

#16 BACKDOORL: Backdoor Attack against Competitive Reinforcement Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lun Wang ; Zaynah Javed ; Xian Wu ; Wenbo Guo ; Xinyu Xing ; Dawn Song

Recent research has confirmed the feasibility of backdoor attacks in deep reinforcement learning (RL) systems. However, the existing attacks require the ability to arbitrarily modify an agent's observation, constraining the application scope to simple RL systems such as Atari games. In this paper, we migrate backdoor attacks to more complex RL systems involving multiple agents and explore the possibility of triggering the backdoor without directly manipulating the agent's observation. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate that an adversary agent can trigger the backdoor of the victim agent with its own action in two-player competitive RL systems. We prototype and evaluate BackdooRL in four competitive environments. The results show that when the backdoor is activated, the winning rate of the victim drops by 17% to 37% compared to when not activated. The videos are hosted at https://github.com/wanglun1996/multi_agent_rl_backdoor_videos.

#17 Hiding Numerical Vectors in Local Private and Shuffled Messages [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shaowei Wang ; Jin Li ; Yuqiu Qian ; Jiachun Du ; Wenqing Lin ; Wei Yang

Numerical vector aggregation has numerous applications in privacy-sensitive scenarios, such as distributed gradient estimation in federated learning, and statistical analysis on key-value data. Within the framework of local differential privacy, this work gives tight minimax error bounds of O(d s/(n epsilon^2)), where d is the dimension of the numerical vector and s is the number of non-zero entries. An attainable mechanism is then designed to improve from existing approaches suffering error rate of O(d^2/(n epsilon^2)) or O(d s^2/(n epsilon^2)). To break the error barrier in the local privacy, this work further consider privacy amplification in the shuffle model with anonymous channels, and shows the mechanism satisfies centralized (14 ln(2/delta) (s e^epsilon+2s-1)/(n-1))^0.5, delta)-differential privacy, which is domain independent and thus scales to federated learning of large models. We experimentally validate and compare it with existing approaches, and demonstrate its significant error reduction.

#18 Solving Large-Scale Extensive-Form Network Security Games via Neural Fictitious Self-Play [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wanqi Xue ; Youzhi Zhang ; Shuxin Li ; Xinrun Wang ; Bo An ; Chai Kiat Yeo

Securing networked infrastructures is important in the real world. The problem of deploying security resources to protect against an attacker in networked domains can be modeled as Network Security Games (NSGs). Unfortunately, existing approaches, including the deep learning-based approaches, are inefficient to solve large-scale extensive-form NSGs. In this paper, we propose a novel learning paradigm, NSG-NFSP, to solve large-scale extensive-form NSGs based on Neural Fictitious Self-Play (NFSP). Our main contributions include: i) reforming the best response (BR) policy network in NFSP to be a mapping from action-state pair to action-value, to make the calculation of BR possible in NSGs; ii) converting the average policy network of an NFSP agent into a metric-based classifier, helping the agent to assign distributions only on legal actions rather than all actions; iii) enabling NFSP with high-level actions, which can benefit training efficiency and stability in NSGs; and iv) leveraging information contained in graphs of NSGs by learning efficient graph node embeddings. Our algorithm significantly outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms in both scalability and solution quality.

#19 Towards Generating Summaries for Lexically Confusing Code through Code Erosion [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Fan Yan ; Ming Li

Code summarization aims to summarize code functionality as high-level nature language descriptions to assist in code comprehension. Recent approaches in this field mainly focus on generating summaries for code with precise identifier names, in which meaningful words can be found indicating code functionality. When faced with lexically confusing code, current approaches are likely to fail since the correlation between code lexical tokens and summaries is scarce. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel summarization framework named VECOS. VECOS introduces an erosion mechanism to conquer the model's reliance on precisely defined lexical information. To facilitate learning the eroded code's functionality, we force the representation of the eroded code to align with the representation of its original counterpart via variational inference. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches to generate coherent and reliable summaries for various lexically confusing code.

#20 Change Matters: Medication Change Prediction with Recurrent Residual Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Chaoqi Yang ; Cao Xiao ; Lucas Glass ; Jimeng Sun

Deep learning is revolutionizing predictive healthcare, including recommending medications to patients with complex health conditions. Existing approaches focus on predicting all medications for the current visit, which often overlaps with medications from previous visits. A more clinically relevant task is to identify medication changes. In this paper, we propose a new recurrent residual networks, named MICRON, for medication change prediction. MICRON takes the changes in patient health records as input and learns to update a hid- den medication vector and the medication set recurrently with a reconstruction design. The medication vector is like the memory cell that encodes longitudinal information of medications. Unlike traditional methods that require the entire patient history for prediction, MICRON has a residual-based inference that allows for sequential updating based only on new patient features (e.g., new diagnoses in the recent visit), which is efficient. We evaluated MICRON on real inpatient and outpatient datasets. MICRON achieves 3.5% and 7.8% relative improvements over the best baseline in F1 score, respectively. MICRON also requires fewer parameters, which significantly reduces the training time to 38.3s per epoch with 1.5× speed-up.

#21 SafeDrug: Dual Molecular Graph Encoders for Recommending Effective and Safe Drug Combinations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Chaoqi Yang ; Cao Xiao ; Fenglong Ma ; Lucas Glass ; Jimeng Sun

Medication recommendation is an essential task of AI for healthcare. Existing works focused on recommending drug combinations for patients with complex health conditions solely based on their electronic health records. Thus, they have the following limitations: (1) some important data such as drug molecule structures have not been utilized in the recommendation process. (2) drug-drug interactions (DDI) are modeled implicitly, which can lead to sub-optimal results. To address these limitations, we propose a DDI-controllable drug recommendation model named SafeDrug to leverage drugs’ molecule structures and model DDIs explicitly. SafeDrug is equipped with a global message passing neural network (MPNN) module and a local bipartite learning module to fully encode the connectivity and functionality of drug molecules. SafeDrug also has a controllable loss function to control DDI level in the recommended drug combinations effectively. On a benchmark dataset, our SafeDrug is relatively shown to reduce DDI by 19.43% and improves 2.88% on Jaccard similarity between recommended and actually prescribed drug combinations over previous approaches. Moreover, SafeDrug also requires much fewer parameters than previous deep learning based approaches, leading to faster training by about 14% and around 2× speed-up in inference.

#22 Real-Time Pricing Optimization for Ride-Hailing Quality of Service [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Enpeng Yuan ; Pascal Van Hentenryck

When demand increases beyond the system capacity, riders in ride-hailing/ride-sharing systems often experience long waiting time, resulting in poor customer satisfaction. This paper proposes a spatio-temporal pricing framework (AP-RTRS) to alleviate this challenge and shows how it naturally complements state-of-the-art dispatching and routing algorithms. Specifically, the pricing optimization model regulates demand to ensure that every rider opting to use the system is served within reason-able time: it does so either by reducing demand to meet the capacity constraints or by prompting potential riders to postpone service to a later time. The pricing model is a model-predictive control algorithm that works at a coarser temporal and spatial granularity compared to the real-time dispatching and routing, and naturally integrates vehicle relocations. Simulation experiments indicate that the pricing optimization model achieves short waiting times without sacrificing revenues and geographical fairness.

#23 GraphMI: Extracting Private Graph Data from Graph Neural Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zaixi Zhang ; Qi Liu ; Zhenya Huang ; Hao Wang ; Chengqiang Lu ; Chuanren Liu ; Enhong Chen

As machine learning becomes more widely used for critical applications, the need to study its implications in privacy becomes urgent. Given access to the target model and auxiliary information, model inversion attack aims to infer sensitive features of the training dataset, which leads to great privacy concerns. Despite its success in the grid domain, directly applying model inversion techniques on non grid domains such as graph achieves poor attack performance due to the difficulty to fully exploit the intrinsic properties of graphs and attributes of graph nodes used in GNN models. To bridge this gap, we present Graph Model Inversion attack, which aims to infer edges of the training graph by inverting Graph Neural Networks, one of the most popular graph analysis tools. Specifically, the projected gradient module in our method can tackle the discreteness of graph edges while preserving the sparsity and smoothness of graph features. Moreover, a well designed graph autoencoder module can efficiently exploit graph topology, node attributes, and target model parameters. With the proposed method, we study the connection between model inversion risk and edge influence and show that edges with greater influence are more likely to be recovered. Extensive experiments over several public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. We also show that differential privacy in its canonical form can hardly defend our attack while preserving decent utility.

#24 CSGNN: Contrastive Self-Supervised Graph Neural Network for Molecular Interaction Prediction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Chengshuai Zhao ; Shuai Liu ; Feng Huang ; Shichao Liu ; Wen Zhang

Molecular interactions are significant resources for analyzing sophisticated biological systems. Identification of multifarious molecular interactions attracts increasing attention in biomedicine, bioinformatics, and human healthcare communities. Recently, a plethora of methods have been proposed to reveal molecular interactions in one specific domain. However, existing methods heavily rely on features or structures involving molecules, which limits the capacity of transferring the models to other tasks. Therefore, generalized models for the multifarious molecular interaction prediction (MIP) are in demand. In this paper, we propose a contrastive self-supervised graph neural network (CSGNN) to predict molecular interactions. CSGNN injects a mix-hop neighborhood aggregator into a graph neural network (GNN) to capture high-order dependency in the molecular interaction networks and leverages a contrastive self-supervised learning task as a regularizer within a multi-task learning paradigm to enhance the generalization ability. Experiments on seven molecular interaction networks show that CSGNN outperforms classic and state-of-the-art models. Comprehensive experiments indicate that the mix-hop aggregator and the self-supervised regularizer can effectively facilitate the link inference in multifarious molecular networks.

#25 Long-term, Short-term and Sudden Event: Trading Volume Movement Prediction with Graph-based Multi-view Modeling [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Liang Zhao ; Wei Li ; Ruihan Bao ; Keiko Harimoto ; Yunfang Wu ; Xu Sun

Trading volume movement prediction is the key in a variety of financial applications. Despite its importance, there is few research on this topic because of its requirement for comprehensive understanding of information from different sources. For instance, the relation between multiple stocks, recent transaction data and suddenly released events are all essential for understanding trading market. However, most of the previous methods only take the fluctuation information of the past few weeks into consideration, thus yielding poor performance. To handle this issue, we propose a graph-based approach that can incorporate multi-view information, i.e., long-term stock trend, short-term fluctuation and sudden events information jointly into a temporal heterogeneous graph. Besides, our method is equipped with deep canonical analysis to highlight the correlations between different perspectives of fluctuation for better prediction. Experiment results show that our method outperforms strong baselines by a large margin.