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#1 Effects of Final State Interactions on Landau Singularities [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ajay S. Sakthivasan ; Maxim Mai ; Akaki Rusetsky ; Michael Döring

In certain kinematic and particle mass configurations, triangle singularities may lead to line-shapes which mimic the effects of resonances. This well-known effect is scrutinized here in the presence of final-state rescattering. The goal is achieved first by utilizing general arguments provided by Landau equations, and second by applying a modern scattering formalism with explicit two- and three-body unitarity.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ; High Energy Physics - Experiment ; High Energy Physics - Lattice ; Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2024-07-25 11:57:26 UTC