Statistics Theory

Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 | Total: 7

#1 Fast convergence of the Expectation Maximization algorithm under a logarithmic Sobolev inequality [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Rocco Caprio ; Adam M Johansen

By utilizing recently developed tools for constructing gradient flows on Wasserstein spaces, we extend an analysis technique commonly employed to understand alternating minimization algorithms on Euclidean space to the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm via its representation as coordinate-wise minimization on the product of a Euclidean space and a space of probability distributions due to Neal and Hinton (1998). In so doing we obtain finite sample error bounds and exponential convergence of the EM algorithm under a natural generalisation of a log-Sobolev inequality. We further demonstrate that the analysis technique is sufficiently flexible to allow also the analysis of several variants of the EM algorithm.

Subjects: Machine Learning ; Machine Learning ; Optimization and Control ; Statistics Theory ; Computation ; Statistics Theory

Publish: 2024-07-25 11:08:53 UTC

#2 Enhanced power enhancements for testing many moment equalities: Beyond the $2$- and $\infty$-norm [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Anders Bredahl Kock ; David Preinerstorfer

Tests based on the $2$- and $\infty$-norm have received considerable attention in high-dimensional testing problems, as they are powerful against dense and sparse alternatives, respectively. The power enhancement principle of Fan et al. (2015) combines these two norms to construct tests that are powerful against both types of alternatives. Nevertheless, the $2$- and $\infty$-norm are just two out of the whole spectrum of $p$-norms that one can base a test on. In the context of testing whether a candidate parameter satisfies a large number of moment equalities, we construct a test that harnesses the strength of all $p$-norms with $p\in[2, \infty]$. As a result, this test consistent against strictly more alternatives than any test based on a single $p$-norm. In particular, our test is consistent against more alternatives than tests based on the $2$- and $\infty$-norm, which is what most implementations of the power enhancement principle target. We illustrate the scope of our general results by using them to construct a test that simultaneously dominates the Anderson-Rubin test (based on $p=2$) and tests based on the $\infty$-norm in terms of consistency in the linear instrumental variable model with many (weak) instruments.

Subjects: Econometrics ; Statistics Theory ; Statistics Theory

Publish: 2024-07-25 09:18:05 UTC

#3 Euler Stratifications of Hypersurface Families [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Simon Telen ; Maximilian Wiesmann

We stratify families of projective and very affine hypersurfaces according to their topological Euler characteristic. Our new algorithms compute all strata using algebro-geometric techniques. For very affine hypersurfaces, we investigate and exploit the relation to critical point computations. Euler stratifications are relevant in particle physics and algebraic statistics. They fully describe the dependence of the number of master integrals, respectively the maximum likelihood degree, on kinematic or model parameters.

Subjects: Algebraic Geometry ; High Energy Physics - Theory ; Statistics Theory ; Statistics Theory

Publish: 2024-07-25 16:36:47 UTC

#4 Constructing Markov chains with given dependence and marginal stationary distributions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Author: Tomonari Sei

A method of constructing Markov chains on finite state spaces is provided. The chain is specified by three constraints: stationarity, dependence and marginal distributions. The generalized Pythagorean theorem in information geometry plays a central role in the construction. An algorithm for obtaining the desired Markov chain is described. Integer-valued autoregressive processes are considered for illustration.

Subjects: Statistics Theory ; Statistics Theory

Publish: 2024-07-25 00:46:40 UTC

#5 Bad local minima exist in the stochastic block model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Amin Coja-Oghlan ; Lena Krieg ; Johannes Christian Lawnik ; Olga Scheftelowitsch

We study the disassortative stochastic block model with three communities, a well-studied model of graph partitioning and Bayesian inference for which detailed predictions based on the cavity method exist [Decelle et al. (2011)]. We provide strong evidence that for a part of the phase where efficient algorithms exist that approximately reconstruct the communities, inference based on maximum a posteriori (MAP) fails. In other words, we show that there exist modes of the posterior distribution that have a vanishing agreement with the ground truth. The proof is based on the analysis of a graph colouring algorithm from [Achlioptas and Moore (2003)].

Subjects: Statistics Theory ; Discrete Mathematics ; Information Theory ; Mathematical Physics ; Information Theory ; Mathematical Physics ; Probability ; Statistics Theory

Publish: 2024-07-25 08:08:49 UTC

#6 Preventive Replacement Policies of Parallel/Series Systems with Dependent Components under Deviation Costs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Jiale Niu ; Rongfang Yan

This manuscript studies the preventive replacement policy for a series or parallel system consisting of n independent or dependent heterogeneous components. Firstly, for the age replacement policy, Some sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the optimal replacement time for both the series and parallel systems are provided. By introducing deviation costs, the expected cost rate of the system is optimized, and the optimal replacement time of the system is extended. Secondly, the periodic replacement policy for series and parallel systems is considered in the dependent case, and a sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of the optimal number of periods is provided. Some numerical examples are given to illustrate and discuss the above preventive replacement policies.

Subjects: Statistics Theory ; Statistics Theory

Publish: 2024-07-25 12:22:32 UTC

#7 Statistical optimal transport [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Sinho Chewi ; Jonathan Niles-Weed ; Philippe Rigollet

We present an introduction to the field of statistical optimal transport, based on lectures given at \'Ecole d'\'Et\'e de Probabilit\'es de Saint-Flour XLIX.

Subjects: Statistics Theory ; Machine Learning ; Statistics Theory

Publish: 2024-07-25 16:25:10 UTC