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#1 Accelerating Secure Collaborative Machine Learning with Protocol-Aware RDMA [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi10] [REL]

Authors: Zhenghang Ren ; Mingxuan Fan ; Zilong Wang ; Junxue Zhang ; Chaoliang Zeng ; Zhicong Huang ; Cheng Hong ; Kai Chen

Secure Collaborative Machine Learning (SCML) suffers from high communication cost caused by secure computation protocols. While modern datacenters offer high-bandwidth and low-latency networks with Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) capability, existing SCML implementation remains to use TCP sockets, leading to inefficiency. We present CORA1 to implement SCML over RDMA. By using a protocol-aware design, CORA identifies the protocol used by the SCML program and sends messages directly to the remote party's protocol buffer, improving the efficiency of message exchange. CORA exploits the chance that the SCML task is determined before execution and the pattern is largely input-irrelevant, so that CORA can plan message destinations on remote hosts at compile time. CORA can be readily deployed with existing SCML frameworks such as Piranha with its socket-like interface. We evaluate CORA in SCML training tasks, and our results show that CORA can reduce communication cost by up to 11x and achieve 1.2x - 4.2x end-to-end speedup over TCP in SCML training.

#2 ABACuS: All-Bank Activation Counters for Scalable and Low Overhead RowHammer Mitigation [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi6] [REL]

Authors: Ataberk Olgun ; Yahya Can Tugrul ; Nisa Bostanci ; Ismail Emir Yuksel ; Haocong Luo ; Steve Rhyner ; Abdullah Giray Yaglikci ; Geraldo F. Oliveira ; Onur Mutlu

We introduce ABACuS, a new low-cost hardware-counterbased RowHammer mitigation technique that performance-, energy-, and area-efficiently scales with worsening RowHammer vulnerability. We observe that both benign workloads and RowHammer attacks tend to access DRAM rows with the same row address in multiple DRAM banks at around the same time. Based on this observation, ABACuS's key idea is to use a single shared row activation counter to track activations to the rows with the same row address in all DRAM banks. Unlike state-of-the-art RowHammer mitigation mechanisms that implement a separate row activation counter for each DRAM bank, ABACuS implements fewer counters (e.g., only one) to track an equal number of aggressor rows. Our comprehensive evaluations show that ABACuS securely prevents RowHammer bitflips at low performance/energy overhead and low area cost. We compare ABACuS to four state-of-the-art mitigation mechanisms. At a nearfuture RowHammer threshold of 1000, ABACuS incurs only 0.58% (0.77%) performance and 1.66% (2.12%) DRAM energy overheads, averaged across 62 single-core (8-core) workloads, requiring only 9.47 KiB of storage per DRAM rank. At the RowHammer threshold of 1000, the best prior lowarea-cost mitigation mechanism incurs 1.80% higher average performance overhead than ABACuS, while ABACuS requires 2.50× smaller chip area to implement. At a future RowHammer threshold of 125, ABACuS performs very similarly to (within 0.38% of the performance of) the best prior performance- and energy-efficient RowHammer mitigation mechanism while requiring 22.72× smaller chip area. We show that ABACuS's performance scales well with the number of DRAM banks. At the RowHammer threshold of 125, ABACuS incurs 1.58%, 1.50%, and 2.60% performance overheads for 16-, 32-, and 64-bank systems across all single-core workloads, respectively. ABACuS is freely and openly available at

#3 On Data Fabrication in Collaborative Vehicular Perception: Attacks and Countermeasures [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Qingzhao Zhang ; Shuowei Jin ; Ruiyang Zhu ; Jiachen Sun ; Xumiao Zhang ; Qi Alfred Chen ; Z. Morley Mao

Collaborative perception, which greatly enhances the sensing capability of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) by incorporating data from external resources, also brings forth potential security risks. CAVs' driving decisions rely on remote untrusted data, making them susceptible to attacks carried out by malicious participants in the collaborative perception system. However, security analysis and countermeasures for such threats are absent. To understand the impact of the vulnerability, we break the ground by proposing various real-time data fabrication attacks in which the attacker delivers crafted malicious data to victims in order to perturb their perception results, leading to hard brakes or increased collision risks. Our attacks demonstrate a high success rate of over 86% on high-fidelity simulated scenarios and are realizable in real-world experiments. To mitigate the vulnerability, we present a systematic anomaly detection approach that enables benign vehicles to jointly reveal malicious fabrication. It detects 91.5% of attacks with a false positive rate of 3% in simulated scenarios and significantly mitigates attack impacts in real-world scenarios.

#4 Understanding the Security and Privacy Implications of Online Toxic Content on Refugees [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Arjun Arunasalam ; Habiba Farrukh ; Eliz Tekcan ; Z. Berkay Celik

Deteriorating conditions in regions facing social and political turmoil have resulted in the displacement of huge populations known as refugees. Technologies such as social media have helped refugees adapt to challenges in their new homes. While prior works have investigated refugees' computer security and privacy (S&P) concerns, refugees' increasing exposure to toxic content and its implications have remained largely unexplored. In this paper, we answer how toxic content can influence refugees' S&P actions, goals, and barriers, and how their experiences shape these factors. Through semi-structured interviews with refugee liaisons (n=12), focus groups (n=9, 27 participants), and an online survey (n=29) with refugees, we discover unique attack contexts (e.g., participants are targeted after responding to posts directed against refugees) and how intersecting identities (e.g., LGBTQ+, women) exacerbate attacks. In response to attacks, refugees take immediate actions (e.g., selective blocking) or long-term behavioral shifts (e.g., ensuring uploaded photos are void of landmarks) These measures minimize vulnerability and discourage attacks, among other goals, while participants acknowledge barriers to measures (e.g., anonymity impedes family reunification). Our findings highlight lessons in better equipping refugees to manage toxic content attacks.

#5 Automated Large-Scale Analysis of Cookie Notice Compliance [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Ahmed Bouhoula ; Karel Kubicek ; Amit Zac ; Carlos Cotrini ; David Basin

Privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) require websites to inform EU-based users about non-essential data collection and to request their consent to this practice. Previous studies have documented widespread violations of these regulations. However, these studies provide a limited view of the general compliance picture: they are either restricted to a subset of notice types, detect only simple violations using prescribed patterns, or analyze notices manually. Thus, they are restricted both in their scope and in their ability to analyze violations at scale. We present the first general, automated, large-scale analysis of cookie notice compliance. Our method interacts with cookie notices, e.g., by navigating through their settings. It observes declared processing purposes and available consent options using Natural Language Processing and compares them to the actual use of cookies. By virtue of the generality and scale of our analysis, we correct for the selection bias present in previous studies focusing on specific Consent Management Platforms (CMP). We also provide a more general view of the overall compliance picture using a set of 97k websites popular in the EU. We report, in particular, that 65.4% of websites offering a cookie rejection option likely collect user data despite explicit negative consent.

#6 You Cannot Escape Me: Detecting Evasions of SIEM Rules in Enterprise Networks [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Rafael Uetz ; Marco Herzog ; Louis Hackländer ; Simon Schwarz ; Martin Henze

Cyberattacks have grown into a major risk for organizations, with common consequences being data theft, sabotage, and extortion. Since preventive measures do not suffice to repel attacks, timely detection of successful intruders is crucial to stop them from reaching their final goals. For this purpose, many organizations utilize Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems to centrally collect security-related events and scan them for attack indicators using expert-written detection rules. However, as we show by analyzing a set of widespread SIEM detection rules, adversaries can evade almost half of them easily, allowing them to perform common malicious actions within an enterprise network without being detected. To remedy these critical detection blind spots, we propose the idea of adaptive misuse detection, which utilizes machine learning to compare incoming events to SIEM rules on the one hand and known-benign events on the other hand to discover successful evasions. Based on this idea, we present AMIDES, an open-source proof-of-concept adaptive misuse detection system. Using four weeks of SIEM events from a large enterprise network and more than 500 hand-crafted evasions, we show that AMIDES successfully detects a majority of these evasions without any false alerts. In addition, AMIDES eases alert analysis by assessing which rules were evaded. Its computational efficiency qualifies AMIDES for real-world operation and hence enables organizations to significantly reduce detection blind spots with moderate effort.

#7 Can Virtual Reality Protect Users from Keystroke Inference Attacks? [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Zhuolin Yang ; Zain Sarwar ; Iris Hwang ; Ronik Bhaskar ; Ben Y. Zhao ; Haitao Zheng

Virtual Reality (VR) has gained popularity by providing immersive and interactive experiences without geographical limitations. It also provides a sense of personal privacy through physical separation. In this paper, we show that despite assumptions of enhanced privacy, VR is unable to shield its users from side-channel attacks that steal private information. Ironically, this vulnerability arises from VR's greatest strength, its immersive and interactive nature. We demonstrate this by designing and implementing a new set of keystroke inference attacks in shared virtual environments, where an attacker (VR user) can recover the content typed by another VR user by observing their avatar. While the avatar displays noisy telemetry of the user's hand motion, an intelligent attacker can use that data to recognize typed keys and reconstruct typed content, without knowing the keyboard layout or gathering labeled data. We evaluate the proposed attacks using IRB-approved user studies across multiple VR scenarios. For 13 out of 15 tested users, our attacks accurately recognize 86%-98% of typed keys, and the recovered content retains up to 98% of the meaning of the original typed content. We also discuss potential defenses.

#8 Neural Network Semantic Backdoor Detection and Mitigation: A Causality-Based Approach [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Bing Sun ; Jun Sun ; Wayne Koh ; Jie Shi

Different from ordinary backdoors in neural networks which are introduced with artificial triggers (e.g., certain specific patch) and/or by tampering the samples, semantic backdoors are introduced by simply manipulating the semantic, e.g., by labeling green cars as frogs in the training set. By focusing on samples with rare semantic features (such as green cars), the accuracy of the model is often minimally affected. Since the attacker is not required to modify the input sample during training nor inference time, semantic backdoors are challenging to detect and remove. Existing backdoor detection and mitigation techniques are shown to be ineffective with respect to semantic backdoors. In this work, we propose a method to systematically detect and remove semantic backdoors. Specifically we propose SODA (Semantic BackdOor Detection and MitigAtion) with the key idea of conducting lightweight causality analysis to identify potential semantic backdoor based on how hidden neurons contribute to the predictions and to remove the backdoor by adjusting the responsible neurons' contribution towards the correct predictions through optimization. SODA is evaluated with 21 neural networks trained on 6 benchmark datasets and 2 kinds of semantic backdoor attacks for each dataset. The results show that it effectively detects and removes semantic backdoors and preserves the accuracy of the neural networks.

#9 Finding Traceability Attacks in the Bluetooth Low Energy Specification and Its Implementations [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Jianliang Wu ; Patrick Traynor ; Dongyan Xu ; Dave (Jing) Tian ; Antonio Bianchi

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) provides an efficient and convenient means for connecting a wide range of devices and peripherals. While its designers attempted to make tracking devices difficult through the use of MAC address randomization, a comprehensive analysis of the untraceability for the entire BLE protocol has not previously been conducted. In this paper, we create a formal model for BLE untraceability to reason about additional ways in which the specification allows for user tracking. Our model, implemented using ProVerif, transforms the untraceability problem into a reachability problem, and uncovers four previously unknown issues, namely IRK (Identity Resolving Key) reuse, BD_ADDR (MAC Address of Bluetooth Classic) reuse, CSRK (Connection Signature Resolving Key) reuse, and ID_ADDR (Identity Address) reuse, enabling eight passive or active tracking attacks against BLE. We then build another formal model using Diff-Equivalence (DE) as a comparison to our reachability model. Our evaluation of the two models demonstrates the soundness of our reachability model, whereas the DE model is neither sound nor complete. We further confirm these vulnerabilities in 13 different devices, ranging from embedded systems to laptop computers, with each device having at least 2 of the 4 issues. We finally provide mitigations for both developers and end users. In so doing, we demonstrate that BLE systems remain trackable under several common scenarios.

#10 Devil in the Room: Triggering Audio Backdoors in the Physical World [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Meng Chen ; Xiangyu Xu ; Li Lu ; Zhongjie Ba ; Feng Lin ; Kui Ren

Recent years have witnessed deep learning techniques endowing modern audio systems with powerful capabilities. However, the latest studies have revealed its strong reliance on training data, raising serious threats from backdoor attacks. Different from most existing works that study audio backdoors in the digital world, we investigate the mismatch between the trigger and backdoor in the physical space by examining sound channel distortion. Inspired by this observation, this paper proposes TrojanRoom to bridge the gap between digital and physical audio backdoor attacks. TrojanRoom utilizes the room impulse response (RIR) as a physical trigger to enable injection-free backdoor activation. By synthesizing dynamic RIRs and poisoning a source class of samples during data augmentation, TrojanRoom enables any adversary to launch an effective and stealthy attack using the specific impulse response in a room. The evaluation shows over 92% and 97% attack success rates on both state-of-the-art speech command recognition and speaker recognition systems with negligible impact on benign accuracy below 3% at a distance of over 5m. The experiments also demonstrate that TrojanRoom could bypass human inspection and voice liveness detection, as well as resist trigger disruption and backdoor defense.

#11 Atropos: Effective Fuzzing of Web Applications for Server-Side Vulnerabilities [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Emre Güler ; Sergej Schumilo ; Moritz Schloegel ; Nils Bars ; Philipp Görz ; Xinyi Xu ; Cemal Kaygusuz ; Thorsten Holz

Server-side web applications are still predominantly implemented in the PHP programming language. Even nowadays, PHP-based web applications are plagued by many different types of security vulnerabilities, ranging from SQL injection to file inclusion and remote code execution. Automated security testing methods typically focus on static analysis and taint analysis. These methods are highly dependent on accurate modeling of the PHP language and often suffer from (potentially many) false positive alerts. Interestingly, dynamic testing techniques such as fuzzing have not gained acceptance in web applications testing, even though they avoid these common pitfalls and were rapidly adopted in other domains, e. g., for testing native applications written in C/C++. In this paper, we present ATROPOS, a snapshot-based, feedback-driven fuzzing method tailored for PHP-based web applications. Our approach considers the challenges associated with web applications, such as maintaining session state and generating highly structured inputs. Moreover, we propose a feedback mechanism to automatically infer the key-value structure used by web applications. Combined with eight new bug oracles, each covering a common class of vulnerabilities in server-side web applications, ATROPOS is the first approach to fuzz web applications effectively and efficiently. Our evaluation shows that ATROPOS significantly outperforms the current state of the art in web application testing. In particular, it finds, on average, at least 32% more bugs, while not reporting a single false positive on different test suites. When analyzing real-world web applications, we identify seven previously unknown vulnerabilities that can be exploited even by unauthenticated users.

#12 FraudWhistler: A Resilient, Robust and Plug-and-play Adversarial Example Detection Method for Speaker Recognition [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kun Wang ; Xiangyu Xu ; Li Lu ; Zhongjie Ba ; Feng Lin ; Kui Ren

With the in-depth integration of deep learning, state-of-the-art speaker recognition systems have achieved breakthrough progress. However, the intrinsic vulnerability of deep learning to Adversarial Example (AE) attacks has brought new severe threats to real-world speaker recognition systems. In this paper, we propose FraudWhistler, a practical AE detection system, which is resilient to various AE attacks, robust in complex physical environments, and plug-and-play for deployed systems. Its basic idea is to make use of an intrinsic characteristic of AE, i.e., the instability of model prediction for AE, which is totally different from benign samples. FraudWhistler generates several audio variants for the original audio sample with some distortion techniques, obtains multiple outputs of the speaker recognition system for these audio variants, and based on that FraudWhistler extracts some statistics representing the instability of the original audio sample and further trains a one-class SVM classifier to detect adversarial example. Extensive experimental results show that FraudWhistler achieves 98.7% accuracy on AE detection outperforming SOTA works by 13%, and 84% accuracy in the worst case against an adaptive adversary.

#13 Swipe Left for Identity Theft: An Analysis of User Data Privacy Risks on Location-based Dating Apps [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Karel Dhondt ; Victor Le Pochat ; Yana Dimova ; Wouter Joosen ; Stijn Volckaert

Location-based dating (LBD) apps enable users to meet new people nearby and online by browsing others' profiles, which often contain very personal and sensitive data. We systematically analyze 15 LBD apps on the prevalence of privacy risks that can result in abuse by adversarial users who want to stalk, harass, or harm others. Through a systematic manual analysis of these apps, we assess which personal and sensitive data is shared with other users, both as (intended) data exposure and as inadvertent yet powerful leaks in API traffic that is otherwise hidden from a user, violating their mental model of what they share on LBD apps. We also show that 6 apps allow for pinpointing a victim's exact location, enabling physical threats to users' personal safety. All these data exposures and leaks—supported by easy account creation—enable targeted or large-scale, long-term, and stealthy profiling and tracking of LBD app users. While privacy policies acknowledge personal data processing, and a tension exists between app functionality and user privacy, significant data privacy risks remain. We recommend user control, data minimization, and API hardening as countermeasures to protect users' privacy.

#14 Dancer in the Dark: Synthesizing and Evaluating Polyglots for Blind Cross-Site Scripting [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Robin Kirchner ; Jonas Möller ; Marius Musch ; David Klein ; Konrad Rieck ; Martin Johns

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a prevalent and well known security problem in web applications. Numerous methods to automatically analyze and detect these vulnerabilities exist. However, all of these methods require that either code or feedback from the application is available to guide the detection process. In larger web applications, inputs can propagate from a frontend to an internal backend that provides no feedback to the outside. None of the previous approaches are applicable in this scenario, known as blind XSS (BXSS). In this paper, we address this problem and present the first comprehensive study on BXSS. As no feedback channel exists, we verify the presence of vulnerabilities through blind code execution. For this purpose, we develop a method for synthesizing polyglots, small XSS payloads that execute in all common injection contexts. Seven of these polyglots are already sufficient to cover a state-of-the-art XSS testbed. In a validation on real-world client-side vulnerabilities, we show that their XSS detection rate is on par with existing taint tracking approaches. Based on these polyglots, we conduct a study of BXSS vulnerabilities on the Tranco Top 100,000 websites. We discover 20 vulnerabilities in 18 web-based backend systems. These findings demonstrate the efficacy of our detection approach and point at a largely unexplored attack surface in web security.

#15 ResolverFuzz: Automated Discovery of DNS Resolver Vulnerabilities with Query-Response Fuzzing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Qifan Zhang ; Xuesong Bai ; Xiang Li ; Haixin Duan ; Qi Li ; Zhou Li

Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of the Internet. DNS resolvers, which act as the cache between DNS clients and DNS nameservers, are the central piece of the DNS infrastructure, essential to the scalability of DNS. However, finding the resolver vulnerabilities is non-trivial, and this problem is not well addressed by the existing tools. To list a few reasons, first, most of the known resolver vulnerabilities are non-crash bugs that cannot be directly detected by the existing oracles (or sanitizers). Second, there lacks rigorous specifications to be used as references to classify a test case as a resolver bug. Third, DNS resolvers are stateful, and stateful fuzzing is still challenging due to the large input space. In this paper, we present a new fuzzing system termed ResolverFuzz to address the aforementioned challenges related to DNS resolvers, with a suite of new techniques being developed. First, ResolverFuzz performs constrained stateful fuzzing by focusing on the short query-response sequence, which has been demonstrated as the most effective way to find resolver bugs, based on our study of the published DNS CVEs. Second, to generate test cases that are more likely to trigger resolver bugs, we combine probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG) based input generation with byte-level mutation for both queries and responses. Third, we leverage differential testing and clustering to identify non-crash bugs like cache poisoning bugs. We evaluated ResolverFuzz against 6 mainstream DNS software under 4 resolver modes. Overall, we identify 23 vulnerabilities that can result in cache poisoning, resource consumption, and crash attacks. After responsible disclosure, 19 of them have been confirmed or fixed, and 15 CVE numbers have been assigned.

#16 Ahoy SAILR! There is No Need to DREAM of C: A Compiler-Aware Structuring Algorithm for Binary Decompilation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Zion Leonahenahe Basque ; Ati Priya Bajaj ; Wil Gibbs ; Jude O'Kain ; Derron Miao ; Tiffany Bao ; Adam Doupé ; Yan Shoshitaishvili ; Ruoyu Wang

Contrary to prevailing wisdom, we argue that the measure of binary decompiler success is not to eliminate all gotos or reduce the complexity of the decompiled code but to get as close as possible to the original source code. Many gotos exist in the original source code (the Linux kernel version 6.1 contains 3,754) and, therefore, should be preserved during decompilation, and only spurious gotos should be removed. Fundamentally, decompilers insert spurious gotos in decompilation because structuring algorithms fail to recover C-style structures from binary code. Through a quantitative study, we find that the root cause of spurious gotos is compiler-induced optimizations that occur at all optimization levels (17% in non-optimized compilation). Therefore, we believe that to achieve high-quality decompilation, decompilers must be compiler-aware to mirror (and remove) the goto-inducing optimizations. In this paper, we present a novel structuring algorithm called SAILR that mirrors the compilation pipeline of GCC and precisely inverts goto-inducing transformations. We build an open-source decompiler on angr (the angr decompiler) and implement SAILR as well as otherwise-unavailable prior work (Phoenix, DREAM, and's Combing) and evaluate them, using a new metric of how close the decompiled code structure is to the original source code, showing that SAILR markedly improves on prior work. In addition, we find that SAILR performs well on binaries compiled with non-GCC compilers, which suggests that compilers similarly implement goto-inducing transformations.

#17 Racing on the Negative Force: Efficient Vulnerability Root-Cause Analysis through Reinforcement Learning on Counterexamples [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Dandan Xu ; Di Tang ; Yi Chen ; XiaoFeng Wang ; Kai Chen ; Haixu Tang ; Longxing Li

Root-Cause Analysis (RCA) is crucial for discovering security vulnerabilities from fuzzing outcomes. Automating this process through triaging the crashes observed during the fuzzing process, however, is considered to be challenging. Particularly, today's statistical RCA approaches are known to be exceedingly slow, often taking tens of hours or even a week to analyze a crash. This problem comes from the biased sampling such approaches perform. More specifically, given an input inducing a crash in a program, these approaches sample around the input by mutating it to generate new test cases; these cases are used to fuzz the program, in a hope that a set of program elements (blocks, instructions or predicates) on the execution path of the original input can be adequately sampled so their correlations with the crash can be determined. This process, however, tends to generate the input samples more likely causing the crash, with their execution paths involving a similar set of elements, which become less distinguishable until a large number of samples have been made. We found that this problem can be effectively addressed by sampling around "counterexamples'', the inputs causing a significant change to the current estimates of correlations. These inputs though still involving the elements often do not lead to the crash. They are found to be effective in differentiating program elements, thereby accelerating the RCA process. Based upon the understanding, we designed and implemented a reinforcement learning (RL) technique that rewards the operations involving counterexamples. By balancing random sampling with the exploitation on the counterexamples, our new approach, called RACING, is shown to substantially elevate the scalability and the accuracy of today's statistical RCA, outperforming the state-of-the-art by more than an order of magnitude.

#18 WEBRR: A Forensic System for Replaying and Investigating Web-Based Attacks in The Modern Web [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Joey Allen ; Zheng Yang ; Feng Xiao ; Matthew Landen ; Roberto Perdisci ; Wenke Lee

After a sophisticated attack or data breach occurs at an organization, a postmortem forensic analysis must be conducted to reconstruct and understand the root causes of the attack. Unfortunately, the majority of proposed forensic analysis systems rely on system-level auditing, making it difficult to reconstruct and investigate web-based attacks, due to the semantic-gap between system- and web-level semantics. This limited visibility into web-based attacks has recently become increasingly concerning because web-based attacks are commonly employed by nation-state adversaries to penetrate and achieve the initial compromise of an enterprise network. To enable forensic analysts to replay and investigate web-based attacks, we propose WebRR, a novel OS- and device- independent record and replay (RR) forensic auditing system for Chromium-based web browsers. While there exist prior works that focus on web-based auditing, current systems are either record-only or suffer from critical limitations that prevent them from deterministically replaying attacks. WebRR addresses these limitation by introducing a novel design that allows it to record and deterministically replay modern web applications by leveraging JavaScript Execution Unit Partitioning. Our evaluation demonstrates that WebRR is capable of replaying web-based attacks that fail to replay on prior state-of-the-art systems. Furthermore, we demonstrate that WebRR can replay highly-dynamic modern websites in a deterministic fashion with an average runtime overhead of only 3.44%

#19 Unleashing the Power of Type-Based Call Graph Construction by Using Regional Pointer Information [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuandao Cai ; Yibo Jin ; Charles Zhang

When dealing with millions of lines of C code, we still cannot have the cake and eat it: type analysis for call graph construction is scalable yet highly imprecise. We address this precision issue through a practical observation: many function pointers are simple; they are not referenced by other pointers, nor do they derive their values by dereferencing other pointers. As a result, simple function pointers can be resolved with precise and affordable pointer aliasing information. In this work, we advocate Kelp with two concerted stages. First, instead of directly using type analysis, Kelp performs regional pointer analysis along def-use chains to early and precisely resolve the indirect calls through simple function pointers. Second, Kelp then leverages type analysis to handle the remaining indirect calls. The first stage is efficient as Kelp selectively reasons about simple function pointers, thereby avoiding prohibitive performance penalties. The second stage is precise as the candidate address-taken functions for checking type compatibility are largely reduced thanks to the first stage. Our experiments on twenty large-scale and popular software programs show that, on average, Kelp can reduce spurious callees by 54.2% with only a negligible additional time cost of 8.5% (equivalent to 6.3 seconds) compared to the previous approach. More excitingly, when evaluating the call graphs through the lens of three various downstream clients (i.e., thread-sharing analysis, value-flow bug detection, and directed grey-box fuzzing), Kelp can significantly enhance their effectiveness for better vulnerability understanding, hunting, and reproduction.

#20 The Effect of Design Patterns on (Present and Future) Cookie Consent Decisions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Nataliia Bielova ; Laura Litvine ; Anysia Nguyen ; Mariam Chammat ; Vincent Toubiana ; Estelle Hary

Today most websites in the EU present users with a consent banner asking about the use of cookies or other tracking technologies. Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) need to ensure that users can express their true preferences when faced with these banners, while simultaneously satisfying the EU GDPR requirements. To address the needs of the French DPA, we conducted an online experiment among 3,947 participants in France exploring the impact of six different consent banner designs on the outcome of users' consent decision. We also assessed participants' knowledge and privacy preferences, as well as satisfaction with the banners. In contrast with previous results, we found that a "bright pattern" that highlights the decline option has a substantial effect on users' decisions. We also find that two new designs based on behavioral levers have the strongest effect on the outcome of the consent decision, and participants' satisfaction with the banners. Finally, our study provides novel evidence that the effect of design persists in a short time frame: designs can significantly affect users' future choices, even when faced with neutral banners.

#21 RECORD: A RECeption-Only Region Determination Attack on LEO Satellite Users [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Eric Jedermann ; Martin Strohmeier ; Vincent Lenders ; Jens Schmitt

Low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite communication has recently experienced a dramatic increase of usage in diverse application sectors. Naturally, the aspect of location privacy is becoming crucial, most notably in security or military applications. In this paper, we present a novel passive attack called RECORD, which is solely based on the reception of messages to LEO satellite users on the ground, threatening their location privacy. In particular, we show that by observing only the downlink of "wandering" communication satellites over wide beams can be exploited at scale from passive attackers situated on Earth to estimate the region in which users are located. We build our own distributed satellite reception platform to implement the RECORD attack. We analyze the accuracy and limiting factors of this new attack using real-world measurements from our own Iridium satellite communication. Our experimental results reveal that by observing only 2.3 hours of traffic, it is possible to narrow down the position of an Iridium user to an area below 11 km of radius (compared to the satellite beam size of 4700 km diameter). We conduct additional extensive simulative evaluations, which suggest that it is feasible to narrow down the unknown location of a user even further, for instance, to below 5 km radius when the observation period is increased to more than 16 hours. We finally discuss the transferability of RECORD to different LEO constellations and highlight possible countermeasures.

#22 A Taxonomy of C Decompiler Fidelity Issues [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Luke Dramko ; Jeremy Lacomis ; Edward J. Schwartz ; Bogdan Vasilescu ; Claire Le Goues

Decompilation is an important part of analyzing threats in computer security. Unfortunately, decompiled code contains less information than the corresponding original source code, which makes understanding it more difficult for the reverse engineers who manually perform threat analysis. Thus, the fidelity of decompiled code to the original source code matters, as it can influence reverse engineers' productivity. There is some existing work in predicting some of the missing information using statistical methods, but these focus largely on variable names and variable types. In this work, we more holistically evaluate decompiler output from C-language executables and use our findings to inform directions for future decompiler development. More specifically, we use open-coding techniques to identify defects in decompiled code beyond missing names and types. To ensure that our study is robust, we compare and evaluate four different decompilers. Using thematic analysis, we build a taxonomy of decompiler defects. Using this taxonomy to reason about classes of issues, we suggest specific approaches that can be used to mitigate fidelity issues in decompiled code.

#23 CAMP: Compiler and Allocator-based Heap Memory Protection [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhenpeng Lin ; Zheng Yu ; Ziyi Guo ; Simone Campanoni ; Peter Dinda ; Xinyu Xing

The heap is a critical and widely used component of many applications. Due to its dynamic nature, combined with the complexity of heap management algorithms, it is also a frequent target for security exploits. To enhance the heap's security, various heap protection techniques have been introduced, but they either introduce significant runtime overhead or have limited protection. We present CAMP, a new sanitizer for detecting and capturing heap memory corruption. CAMP leverages a compiler and a customized memory allocator. The compiler adds boundary-checking and escape-tracking instructions to the target program, while the memory allocator tracks memory ranges, coordinates with the instrumentation, and neutralizes dangling pointers. With the novel error detection scheme, CAMP enables various compiler optimization strategies and thus eliminates redundant and unnecessary check instrumentation. This design minimizes runtime overhead without sacrificing security guarantees. Our evaluation and comparison of CAMP with existing tools, using both real-world applications and SPEC CPU benchmarks, show that it provides even better heap corruption detection capability with lower runtime overhead.

#24 "Belt and suspenders" or "just red tape"?: Investigating Early Artifacts and User Perceptions of IoT App Security Certification [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Prianka Mandal ; Amit Seal Ami ; Victor Olaiya ; Sayyed Hadi Razmjo ; Adwait Nadkarni

As IoT security regulations and standards emerge, the industry has begun adopting the traditional enforcement model for software compliance to the IoT domain, wherein Commercially Licensed Evaluation Facilities (CLEFs) certify vendor products on behalf of regulators (and in turn consumers). Since IoT standards are in their formative stages, we investigate a simple but timely question: does the traditional model work for IoT security, and more importantly, does it work as well as consumers expect it to? This paper investigates the initial artifacts resultant from IoT compliance certification, and user perceptions of compliance, in the context of certified mobile-IoT apps, i.e., critical companion and automation apps that expose an important IoT attack surface, with a focus on three key questions: (1) are certified IoT products vulnerable?, (2) are vulnerable-but-certified products non-compliant?, and finally, (3) how do consumers perceive compliance enforcement? Our systematic analysis of 11 mobile-IoT apps certified by IOXT, along with an analysis of 5 popular compliance standards, and a user study with 173 users, together yield 17 key findings. We find significant vulnerabilities that indicate gaps in certification, but which do not violate the standards due to ambiguity and discretionary language. Further, these vulnerabilities contrast with the overwhelming trust that users place in compliance certification and certified apps. We conclude with a discussion on future directions towards a "belt and suspenders" scenario of effective assurance that most users desire, from the status quo of "just red tape", through objective checks and balances that empower the regulators and consumers to reform compliance enforcement for IoT.

#25 Go Go Gadget Hammer: Flipping Nested Pointers for Arbitrary Data Leakage [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Youssef Tobah ; Andrew Kwong ; Ingab Kang ; Daniel Genkin ; Kang G. Shin

Rowhammer is an increasingly threatening vulnerability that grants an attacker the ability to flip bits in memory without directly accessing them. Despite efforts to mitigate Rowhammer via software and defenses built directly into DRAM modules, more recent generations of DRAM are actually more susceptible to malicious bit-flips than their predecessors. This phenomenon has spawned numerous exploits, showing how Rowhammer acts as the basis for various vulnerabilities that target sensitive structures, such as Page Table Entries (PTEs) or opcodes, to grant control over a victim machine. However, in this paper, we consider Rowhammer as a more general vulnerability, presenting a novel exploit vector for Rowhammer that targets particular code patterns. We show that if victim code is designed to return benign data to an unprivileged user, and uses nested pointer dereferences, Rowhammer can flip these pointers to gain arbitrary read access in the victim's address space. Furthermore, we identify gadgets present in the Linux kernel, and demonstrate an end-to-end attack that precisely flips a targeted pointer. To do so we developed a number of improved Rowhammer primitives, including kernel memory massaging, Rowhammer synchronization, and testing for kernel flips, which may be of broader interest to the Rowhammer community. Compared to prior works' leakage rate of .3 bits/s, we show that such gadgets can be used to read out kernel data at a rate of 82.6 bits/s. By targeting code gadgets, this work expands the scope and attack surface exposed by Rowhammer. It is no longer sufficient for software defenses to selectively pad previously exploited memory structures in flip-safe memory, as any victim code that follows the pattern in question must be protected.