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2025-03-28 | | Total: 96

#1 Emergent Non-Markovian Gain in Open Quantum Systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: H. Z. Shen, Cheng Shang, Yan-Hui Zhou, X. X. Yi

Non-Markovian dynamics go beyond the Markovian approximation by capturing memory effects and information backflow in open quantum systems, which are crucial for describing realistic physical processes. In this work, we study the exact non-Markovian dynamics of a driven cavity coupled to an anisotropic three-dimensional photonic-crystal environment via counterrotating-wave interactions. We derive an exact analytical expression for the cavity amplitude satisfying the integro-differential equation, which includes the contributions of the bound states outside the continuum and the dissipative parts with the continuum spectrum. Based on the characteristic function method, we derive the exact non-Markovian master equation for the cavity, which contributes to the gain of the cavity. We give the physical origin of non-Markovian gain in the presence of bound states in the system consisting of cavity and environment, which has no Markovian counterparts due to the nonexponential gain in the non-Markovian structured environment. We find that three different types of bound states can be formed in the system, containing one bound state with no inversion of photon number, two bound states with the periodic equal-amplitude oscillation, and the gain with two complex roots without the bound states formation. We derive a current equation including the source from the driving field, the transient current induced by the change in the number of photons, and the two-photon current caused by the counterrotating-wave term. The results are compared with those given by the rotating-wave interactions and extended to a more general quantum network involving an arbitrary number of coupled cavities. Our findings may pave the way for a deeper understanding of non-Markovian dynamics with gain in quantum networks involving counterrotating-wave effects.

Subject: Optics

Publish: 2025-03-27 17:50:46 UTC

#2 Towards Intelligent Control of MeV Energy Electrons and Protons from kHz Repetition Rate Ultra-Intense Laser Plasma Interactions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Nathaniel Tamminga, Scott Feister, Kyle D. Frische, Ronak Desai, Joseph Snyder, John J. Felice, Joseph R. Smith, Chris Orban, Enam A. Chowdhury, Michael L. Dexter, Anil K. Patnaik

Ultra-intense laser-matter interactions are often difficult to predict from first principles because of the complexity of plasma processes and the many degrees of freedom relating to the laser and target parameters. An important approach to controlling and optimizing ultra-intense laser interactions involves gathering large data sets and using this data to train statistical and machine learning models. In this paper we describe experimental efforts to accelerate electrons and protons to MeV energies with this goal in mind. These experiments involve a 1 kHz repetition rate ultra-intense laser system with 10mJ per shot, a peak intensity near 5×1018 W/cm2, and a "liquid leaf" target. Improvements to the data acquisition capabilities of this laser system greatly aided this investigation. Generally, we find that the trained models were very effective for controlling the numbers of MeV electrons ejected. The models were less successful at shifting the energy range of ejected electrons. Simultaneous control of the numbers of MeV electrons and the energy range will be the subject of future experimentation using this platform.

Subject: Plasma Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 17:37:23 UTC

#3 Low-noise environment for probing fundamental symmetries [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: F. J. Collings, N. J. Fitch, J. M. Dyne, R. A. Jenkins, E. Wursten, M. T. Ziemba, X. S. Zheng, F. Castellini, J. Lim, B. E. Sauer, M. R. Tarbutt

We present the design and characterization of a low-noise environment for measuring the electron's electric dipole moment (EDM) with a beam of molecules. To minimize magnetic Johnson noise from metals, the design features ceramic electric field plates housed in a glass vacuum chamber. To suppress external magnetic noise the apparatus is enclosed within a cylindrical four-layer mu-metal shield with a shielding factor exceeding 106 in one radial direction and 105 in the other. Finite element modelling shows that the difference between these shielding factors is due to imperfect joints between sections of mu-metal. Using atomic magnetometers to monitor the magnetic field inside the shield, we measure noise below 40 fT/Hz at 1 Hz and above, rising to 500 fT/Hz at 0.1 Hz. Analytical and numerical studies show that residual magnetic Johnson noise contributes approximately 13 fT/Hz. The background magnetic field averaged along the beamline is maintained below 3 pT, with typical gradients of a few nT/m. An electric field of 20 kV/cm is applied without discharges and with leakage currents below 1 nA. Each magnetometer measures the magnetic field correlated with the direction of the applied electric field with a precision of 0.11 fT in 104 hours of data. These results demonstrate that the apparatus is suitable for measuring the electron EDM with precision at the 1031 e cm level. The design principles and characterization techniques presented here are broadly applicable to precision measurements probing fundamental symmetries in molecules, atoms, and neutrons.

Subject: Atomic Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 17:37:12 UTC

#4 Complex Pressure Node Formation and Resonances Induced by Scatterers in a Standing-Wave Acoustic Cavity [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Rizwan Ullah, Andres Barrio-Zhang, Arezoo M. Ardekani

Acoustic pressure nodes in acoustophoretic devices are crucial for applications in tissue engineering, cell analysis, and particle trapping. Typically, a single primary node forms at the half-wavelength resonance condition, while its shape and position are constrained by the dimensions of the channel. The generation of additional nodes, along with control over their positions and shapes, is highly desirable in biomedical applications and could significantly enhance particle manipulation capabilities. To explore this potential, we numerically demonstrate the formation of additional, complex-shaped, nodes alongside the primary one, by a circular scatterer within a rectangular cavity. We identify three distinct types: ring, protuberant, and crescent nodes, whose formation depends on the size of the scatterer, its placement in the middle of the channel, and its corresponding resonant frequency. The key mechanism behind this formation is the enhancement of internal reflections, increasing destructive interference to promote node generation. To achieve this, we employ three key concepts: using a low-aspect ratio channel, positioning a rigid circular scatterer in the middle of the channel, and modeling all surfaces as perfect reflectors. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of the scatterer on acoustic pressure and quality factor, which is defined as the ratio of stored acoustic energy to damped acoustic energy per cycle. We show that additional nodes emerge in the presence of a scatterer, but they come at the cost of reduced acoustic pressure and energy in the channel. In summary, this study provides information on generating complex nodes in a standing wave acoustic cavity at the fundamental frequency, which has numerous applications for particle manipulation in acoustofluidic devices.

Subject: Fluid Dynamics

Publish: 2025-03-27 17:24:41 UTC

#5 Global isotopic analysis of rotational spectroscopic data for barium monofluoride, BaF [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Alex Preston, Graceson Aufderheide, Will Ballard, Richard Mawhorter, Jens-Uwe Grabow

New high-precision microwave spectroscopic measurements and analysis of rotational energy level transitions in the ground vibronic state of the open-shell BaF molecule are reported with the purpose of contributing to studies of physics beyond the Standard Model. BaF is currently among the key candidate molecules being examined in the searches for a measurable electron electric dipole moment, eEDM, as well as the nuclear anapole moment. Employing Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy, these new pure rotational transition frequencies for the 138Ba19F, 137Ba19F, 136Ba19F, 135Ba19F, and 134Ba19F isotopologues are analyzed here in a combined global fit with previous microwave data sets for 138Ba19F (v = 0 - 4), 137Ba19F, and 136Ba19F using the program SPFIT. As a result, hyperfine parameters are significantly improved, and we observe a distinctive structure in a Born-Oppenheimer breakdown (BOB) analysis of the primary rotational constant. This can be understood using the nuclear field shifts due to the known isotopic variation in the size of barium nuclei and in combination with the smaller linear mass-dependent BOB terms.

Subject: Atomic Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:54:53 UTC

#6 Extracting Coupling-Mode Spectral Densities with Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Roosmarijn de Wit, Jonathan Keeling, Brendon W. Lovett, Alex W. Chin

Methods for reconstructing the spectral density of a vibrational environment from experimental data can yield key insights into the impact of the environment on molecular function. Although such experimental methods exist, they generally only access vibrational modes that couple diagonally to the electron system. Here we present a method for extracting the spectral density of modes that couple to the transition between electronic states, using two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy. To demonstrate this, we use a process-tensor method that can simulate two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy measurements in a numerically exact way. To explain how the extraction works, we also derive an approximate analytical solution, which illustrates that the non-Markovianity of the environment plays an essential role in the existence of the simulated signal.

Subjects: Chemical Physics , Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics , Quantum Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:53:56 UTC

#7 Proton-Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration for Future HEP Colliders [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Allen Caldwell, John Farmer, Nelson Lopes, Alexander Pukhov, Ferdinand Willeke, Thomas Wilson

We discuss the main elements of a collider facility based on proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration. We show that very competitive luminosities could be reached for high energy e+e colliders. A first set of parameters was developed for a Higgs Factory indicating that such a scheme is indeed potentially feasible. There are clearly many challenges to the development of this scheme, including novel RF acceleration modules and high precision and strong magnets for the proton driver. Challenges in the plasma acceleration stage include the ability to accelerate positrons while maintaining necessary emittance and the energy transfer efficiency from the driver to the witness. Since many exciting applications would become available from our approach, its development should be pursued.

Subjects: Accelerator Physics , High Energy Physics - Experiment , Plasma Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:36:33 UTC

#8 DiPolMol-Py: A Python package for calculations for 2Σ ground-state molecules [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Bethan Humphreys, Alex J. Matthies, Hannah J. Williams

We present the python package DiPolMol-Py, which can be used to calculate the rotational and hyperfine structure of 2Σ molecules. The calculations can be performed in the presence of dc magnetic fields, dc electric fields and far off-resonant optical fields. We additionally include functions to calculate the polarisability of the molecule and the transition dipole moment between different energy eigenstates. The package is applicable to many of the molecules which can be laser cooled, specifically the alkaline earth fluorides. We provide a constants file which includes many of the required literature values for CaF, SrF and BaF. Additional species can easily be added by updating this file.

Subjects: Atomic Physics , Computational Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:31:06 UTC

#9 Numerical Analysis of the Stability of Iron Dust Bunsen Flames [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Thijs Hazenberg, Daniel Braig, Johannes Mich, Arne Scholtissek, Christian Hasse

This article presents numerical simulations of the response of an iron dust Bunsen flame to particle seeding changes. A validated numerical model is used to study the impact of particle seeding fluctuations on flame stability. Simulations are conducted for the Bunsen setup in the right-side up and up-side down configuration. No significant differences in flame response are identified in flame stability between the right-side up and up-side down configurations. We find that the Bunsen flame is surprisingly robust to abrupt changes in particle loading. The sudden change in particle loading does not excite any intrinsic instabilities in the flame. Based on our results, the iron dust flames are robust to imposed fluctuations. We hypothesize that this is due to the lack of a feedback mechanism between the burned temperature and the heat release rate. This mechanism is present in conventional, chemistry-driven, gaseous flames. However, such a mechanism is absent in iron dust flames because the combustion of individual iron particles is limited by oxygen diffusion, which is insensitive to temperature.

Subject: Fluid Dynamics

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:22:50 UTC

#10 Evaluation of Deployable Solar Panels on GRACE-like Satellites by Closed-Loop Simulations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Andreas Leipner, Alexey Kupriyanov, Arthur Reis, Annike Knabe, Manuel Schilling, Vitali Müller, Matthias Weigelt, Jürgen Müller, Meike List

Future satellite gravimetry missions seek to surpass the performance of CHAMP, GOCE, GRACE, and GRACE-FO to meet increasing scientific and operational demands. These missions will integrate advanced technologies, including optical and quantum accelerometers, high-precision inter-satellite laser ranging, and micro-Newton electric thrusters. However, increased power demands for sensors and propulsion systems require larger solar panels, constrained by payload mass and launcher limitations. This study assesses the impact of modified satellite shapes on gravity field recovery (GFR) using closed-loop simulation. Five satellite configurations were analyzed: a standard shape and variations with single and double solar panels mounted on the top and bottom of the satellite body, each modeled with distinct finite element models and moments of inertia. Orbit simulations accounted for non-spherical static gravity and time-variable non-gravitational forces. Performance of a simplified gravitational reference sensor (SGRS) with optical interferometer test mass displacement readout was evaluated. The air drag coefficient, a complex parameter influenced by multiple factors, was varied from 2.25 (standard) to 4.5 (double-panel). Time-variable gravity background models were excluded to isolate instrument performance effects. Gravity models were evaluated in the spectral domain using Degree RMS of spherical harmonic coefficient differences. Discrepancies between configurations stemmed primarily from variations in SGRS actuation noise due to satellite cross-sectional area. Convergence of residuals in the spectral domain for the double-panel configuration under different drag coefficients confirmed the dominant role of SGRS performance in GFR accuracy.

Subject: Geophysics

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:16:32 UTC

#11 Vortex-Free Intrinsic Orbital Angular Momentum [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wenxiang Yan, Zheng Yuan, Yuan Gao, Xian Long, Zhi-Cheng Ren, Xi-Lin Wang, Jianping Ding, Hui-Tian Wang

For three decades, optical orbital angular momentum (OAM) has been synonymous with phase vortices. Here, our research challenges this paradigm by demonstrating a vortex-free intrinsic OAM arising from three-dimensional caustic trajectories in structured light fields, distinct from traditional vortex-based mechanisms. Optical OAM was traditionally considered rare, predominantly manifesting during high-order atomic and molecular transitions. The conceptual shift initiated by Allen et al. in 1992, which showed that laser beams with optical vortex--characterized by their twisted wavefronts--naturally carry intrinsic OAM, laid the groundwork for subsequent studies. However, the exploration of intrinsic OAM in vortex-free laser modes remains a largely untapped area. Addressing this gap, our research proposes a third category of optical intrinsic angular momentum--termed "vortex-free OAM"--that complements spin angular momentum (SAM) in circularly polarized beams and OAM in vortex beams. This new form of OAM is governed by a hydrodynamic analogy between light propagation and fluid dynamics, linking the orbital motion of energy streamlines to quantifiable angular momentum. Through numerical simulations, experimental measurements, and investigations of the mechanical transfer of OAM to trapped particles using optical tweezers, we establish vortex-free OAM as a universal property of structured fields with three-dimensional caustic trajectories. Furthermore, we propose a unified hydrodynamic framework that transcends traditional wavefront-centric models, facilitating the generalization of OAM analysis to both vortex and vortex-free regimes. This framework not only enhances our understanding of the physical origin of optical angular momentum but also unlocks new opportunities in optical manipulation, classical and quantum communications, and light-matter interaction technologies.

Subject: Optics

Publish: 2025-03-27 15:54:58 UTC

#12 Numerical proof-of-concept of a photon, proton, and positron laser-driven source with nanostructured targets [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Marta Galbiati, Kevin Ambrogioni, Leonardo Francesco Claudio Monaco, Maria Sole Galli De Magistris, Davide Orecchia, Francesco Mirani, Alessandro Maffini, Matteo Passoni

A source of high-energy photons, ions, and positrons can be attained with the interaction of ultra-intense femtosecond laser pulses with advanced nanostructured targets. We present and characterise a numerical model that mimics the foam deposition process on solid substrates, as it occurs in Double-Layer Target (DLT) manufacturing. The model is integrated into Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulations in full 3D geometry to study electron acceleration, consequent high-energy photon emission, proton acceleration, and pair production with realistic target and laser parameters. We highlight the importance of realistic foam morphology modelling even at high-laser intensity and the need for specific optimisation of target parameters with realistic PIC simulations to improve radiation production efficiency. Our study shows that the DLT could be a compact multi-purpose scheme to achieve high-brightness photons and high-energy protons and to observe and optimise non-linear Breit-Wheeler pair production.

Subject: Plasma Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 15:53:08 UTC

#13 All-Optical High-speed Programmable Nonlinear Activation Functions using a Fabry-Perot Laser [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Mladen Banović, Petar Atanasijević, Antonios Prapas, Christos Pappas, Jasna Crnjanski, Apostolos Tsakyridis, Miltiadis Moralis-Pegios, Konstantinos Vyrsokinos, Milanka Lović, Nina Zdravković, Milena Mićić, Marko Krstić, Slobodan Petričević, Nikos Pleros, Dejan Gvozdić

The threads of photonics are eagerly awaited to redefine the future of neuromorphic data processing, especially as the computing-intensive artificial intelligence models become an unavoidable part of our everyday lives. Still, there is much to be improved within the domain of photonic nonlinear activation functions, as the programmable, all-optical, energy-efficient nonlinearities remain beyond the grasp of today's state of the art. In this paper, we address the issue at hand and propose a novel approach in the realization of high-performing all-optical photonic activations. Through simulations and experiments, we show that Fabry-Perot laser diodes (FP-LDs) exhibit richness and high programmability of their nonlinear response to input optical pulses with widths as low as 25 ps. We demonstrate a variety of sigmoid-like and inverted PReLU-like trends to be used as all-optical activation functions in photonic neural networks, testing their performance in stringent, real-life training scenarios with randomized data patterns at repetition rates up to 10 GHz. The programmability of activations is shown using a multitude of experimental operating parameters, among which we highlight the power variation of an additional continuous wave laser, injected into the FP-LD, enriching our approach with all-optical control of all-optical activations. With very low static power consumption of our active element, we achieve a record-breaking energy draw on the order of pJ to hundreds of fJ per nonlinear operation.

Subjects: Optics , Emerging Technologies

Publish: 2025-03-27 15:22:52 UTC

#14 Amplifying solid-state high harmonic generations with momentum k-gaps in band structure engineering [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yiming Pan, Danni Chen, Xiaoxi Xu, Zhaopin Chen, Huaiqiang Wang

We propose a novel amplification mechanism for high harmonic generation (HHG) in solids by leveraging bandgap engineering with momentum k-gaps. By constructing a simple diatomic lattice featuring balanced, alternating gain and loss profiles, facilitated by an array of four-level systems, we explore the physics of k-gap-amplified Bloch oscillations in the intraband channel of solid-state HHG. Through numerical simulations, we elucidate the coexistence of amplification and harmonic radiation processes in a solid. Our finding reveals that advanced bandgap engineering can define k-space optical devices - such as Brillouin cavity, Bloch-Zener oscillator and k-gap amplifier - thereby enabling the coherent manipulation of semiconductor radiation and high harmonic generation in both semiconductor superlattices and artificial materials. Furthermore, we analyze the spectrogram and material realizations required for amplifying solid-state HHG. These results underscore the potential of k-gap band structure engineering to advance coherent light sources at extremely short wavelengths.

Subjects: Optics , Materials Science , Applied Physics , Quantum Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 14:37:42 UTC

#15 Experimental and numerical investigation of wavelength and resolution dependency of dynamic optical coherence tomography signals [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shumpei Fujimura, Ibrahim Abd El-Sadek, Rion Morishita, Shuichi Makita, Atsuko Furukawa, Pradipta Mukherjee, Yiheng Lim, Lida Zhu, Yunake Feng, Thitiya Seesan, Satoshi Matsusaka, Yoshiaki Yasuno

The wavelength and system-resolution dependencies of dynamic optical coherence tomography (DOCT) are investigated experimentally and numerically. Experimental investigations demonstrate significant wavelength dependency for the DOCT values but no resolution dependency. Numerical simulations were performed using diffusion, random-ballistic motion, and mono-directional flow-based motion models. Diffusion and random-ballistic motion-based simulations show significant wavelength dependency. Additionally, small but certain resolution dependency was revealed by these simulations. Mono-directional flow simulations did not show wavelength dependency, but did demonstrate resolution dependency. The DOCT value is sensitive to both tissue dynamics and the OCT system specification. These effects should be considered when interpreting DOCT images.

Subject: Optics

Publish: 2025-03-27 14:31:07 UTC

#16 Multiscale geometrical Lagrangian statistics of heavy impurities in drift-wave turbulence [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zetao Lin, Benjamin Kadoch, Saddrudin Benkadda, Kai Schneider

We investigate the behavior of heavy impurities in edge plasma turbulence by analyzing their trajectories using the Hasegawa-Wakatani model. Through direct numerical simulations, we track ensembles of charged impurity particles over hundreds of eddy turnover times within statistically steady turbulent flows. Assuming that heavy impurities lag behind the flow, a novel derivation of relaxation time of heavy impurities is proposed. Our results reveal that heavy impurities can cluster within turbulence. We provide multiscale geometrical Lagrangian statistics of heavy impurities trajectories. To quantify directional changes, we analyze the scale-dependent curvature angle, along with the influence of the Stokes number on the mean curvature angles and the probability distribution function of curvature angles.

Subjects: Plasma Physics , Computational Physics , Fluid Dynamics

Publish: 2025-03-27 14:22:43 UTC

#17 Ultrafast Charge-Transfer and Auger Decay Processes in Aqueous CaCl2 Solution: Insights from Core-Level Spectroscopy [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Denis Céolin, Tsveta Miteva, Jean-Pascal Rueff, Rémi Dupuy, Thanit Saisopa, Yuttakarn Rattanachai, Gunnar Öhrwall, Stéphane Carniato, Ralph Püttner

Understanding the interaction between metal ions and their aqueous environment is fundamental in many areas of chemistry, biology, and environmental science. In this study, we investigate the electronic structure of hydrated calcium ions, focusing on how water molecules influence the behavior of the metal ion. We employed advanced X-ray techniques, including X-ray absorption, photoelectron, and Auger spectroscopies, combined with high-level quantum chemical calculations. Our analysis reveals that, alongside normal Auger decay, distinct ultrafast charge transfer processes occur between the calcium ion and surrounding water molecules, underscoring the complex nature of metal-solvent interactions. Two primary mechanisms were identified. The first one involves electron transfer from water to the calcium ion. The second mechanism depends on the photon energy and is tentatively attributed to the decay of photoelectron satellites, the capture of free solvated electrons or electrons from a Cl ion in the second solvation shell. Additionally, we observed significant shifts in electron energies due to post-collision interactions and interpreted the Ca 1s-1 photoelectron satellites mainly as originating from inelastic photoelectron scattering (IPES). These findings provide deeper insights into the electronic properties of hydrated metal ions, with potential implications for fields such as catalysis and biochemistry, where metal ions play a crucial role.

Subject: Chemical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 14:08:24 UTC

#18 The Fe-Ni phase diagram and the Earth's inner core structure [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Liangrui Wei, Kai-Ming Ho, Renata M. Wentzcovitch, Yang Sun

The Fe-Ni alloy is believed to be the main component of Earth's core. Yet, a comprehensive understanding of phase equilibria near the melting point of this alloy under core conditions is still lacking, leaving the effect of nickel inconclusive. Using ab initio simulations, we computed Gibbs free energy and phase diagram for liquid and solid solutions of the Fe-Ni alloy under conditions close to the inner core, considering inner-shell electron contributions and non-ideal mixing effects. The Fe-Ni phase diagram provides crucial insights for understanding previous experimental observations and crystallization simulations of the Fe-Ni alloy under core conditions. It also presents new scenarios for inner core structures, suggesting bcc-liquid coexistence at the inner core boundary and the possibility of multi-layer structures consisting of bcc-hcp composites within the inner core. Our work clarifies nickel's substantial impact on the inner core structure, providing new constraints for the study of core's composition and formation.

Subjects: Geophysics , Materials Science

Publish: 2025-03-27 13:30:39 UTC

#19 Stress-driven whisker formation in lithium metal batteries [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Martin Werres, Dariusz Niedziela, Arnulf Latz, Birger Horstmann

Lithium metal batteries are promising for next-generation high-energy-density batteries, especially when lithium is directly plated on a current collector. However, lithium whiskers can form in the early stages of electroplating. These whiskers lead to low Coulombic efficiency due to isolated lithium formation during stripping. The mechanism of whisker formation is not fully understood, and different mechanisms are proposed in the literature. Herein, we computationally explore a stress-driven extrusion mechanism through cracks in the solid-electrolyte-interphase (SEI), which explains the experimentally observed root growth of lithium whiskers. We model the extrusion as a flow of a power-law Herschel-Bulkley fluid parametrized by the experimental power-law creep behavior of lithium, which results in the typical one-dimensional whisker shape. Consequently, in competition with SEI self-healing, SEI cracking determines the emergence of whiskers, giving a simple rule of thumb to avoid whisker formation in liquid electrolytes.

Subject: Chemical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 13:13:19 UTC

#20 Penetration depth and effective sample size characterization of UV/Vis radiation into pharmaceutical tablets [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: R. Brands, L. Fuchs, J. M. Seyffer, N. Bajcinca, J. Bartsch, U. A. Peuker, V. Schmidt, M. Thommes

The pharmaceutical industry is moving from off-line quality testing to real-time release testing (RTRT) to improve drug quality while reducing costs. The implementation of RTRT requires advanced in-line process analytics, where UV/Vis spectroscopy has proven its suitability. However, quantification of the sample size requires detailed knowledge of the penetration depth. In this study, bilayer tablets were produced using a hydraulic tablet press. The lower layer contained titanium dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), while the upper layer consisted of MCC, lactose or a combination with theophylline. The thickness of the upper layer was stepwise increased. Spectra from 224 to 820 nm were recorded with an orthogonally aligned UV/Vis probe. Thereby, the experimental penetration depth reached up to 0.4 mm, while the Kubelka-Munk model yielded a theoretical maximum penetration depth of 1.38 mm. Based on these values, the effective sample sizes were determined. Considering a parabolic penetration profile, the maximum volume was 2.01 mm3. The results indicated a wavelength and particle size dependency. Micro-CT analysis confirmed the even distribution of the API in the tablets proving the sufficiency of the UV/Vis sample size. Consequently, UV/Vis spectroscopy is a reliable alternative for RTRT in tableting.

Subject: Applied Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 13:03:03 UTC

#21 First broadband optical fibre with an attenuation lower than 0.1 decibel per kilometre [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Marco Petrovich, Eric Numkam Fokoua, Yong Chen, Hesham Sakr, Abubakar Isa Adamu, Rosdi Hassan, Dong Wu, Ron Fatobene Ando, Athanasios Papadimopoulos, Seyed Reza Sandoghchi, Gregory Jasion, Francesco Poletti

Throughout history, the development of novel technologies for long-distance communications has had profound influences on societal progress. Landmark scientific discoveries have enabled the transition from short message transmissions via single-wire electrical telegraphs to voice communications through coaxial cables, and ultimately to the optical fibres that powered the internet revolution. Central to these advancements was the invention of novel waveguides to transport electromagnetic waves with lower attenuation over broader spectral ranges. In the past four decades, despite extensive research, the spectral bandwidth and attenuation of silica-based telecommunication fibres have remained relatively unchanged. In this work, we report an optical waveguide with an unprecedented bandwidth and attenuation. Its measured loss reaches 0.091 dB/km at 1550 nm and remains below 0.2 dB/km over 66 THz, substantially better than the 0.14 dB/km and 26 THz achievable with existing technology. Our innovative, microstructured optical fibre replaces the traditional glass core with air, employing a meticulously engineered tubular glass structure to guide light. This approach not only reduces attenuation and other signal degradation phenomena, but it also increases transmission speeds by 50%. Furthermore, it theoretically enables further loss reductions and operation at wavelengths where broader bandwidth amplifiers exist, potentially heralding a new era in long-distance communications.

Subject: Optics

Publish: 2025-03-27 12:56:31 UTC

#22 ParaFlow: fast calorimeter simulations parameterized in upstream material configurations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Johannes Erdmann, Jonas Kann, Florian Mausolf, Peter Wissmann

We study whether machine-learning models for fast calorimeter simulations can learn meaningful representations of calorimeter signatures that account for variations in the full particle detector's configuration. This may open new opportunities in high-energy physics measurements, for example in the assessment of systematic uncertainties that are related to the detector geometry, in the inference of properties of the detector configuration, or in the automated design of experiments. As a concrete example, we parameterize normalizing-flow-based simulations in configurations of the material upstream of a toy calorimeter. We call this model ParaFlow, which is trained to interpolate between different material budgets and positions, as simulated with Geant4. We study ParaFlow's performance in terms of photon shower shapes that are directly influenced by the properties of the upstream material, in which photons can convert to an electron-positron pair. In general, we find that ParaFlow is able to reproduce the dependence of the shower shapes on the material properties at the few-percent level with larger differences only in the tails of the distributions.

Subjects: Instrumentation and Detectors , High Energy Physics - Experiment

Publish: 2025-03-27 12:50:49 UTC

#23 A Contextual Approach to Technological Understanding and Its Assessment [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Eline de Jong, Sebastian De Haro

Technological understanding is not a singular concept but varies depending on the context. Building on De Jong and De Haro's (2025) notion of technological understanding as the ability to realise an aim by using a technological artefact, this paper further refines the concept as an ability that varies by context and degree. We extend its original specification for a design context by introducing two additional contexts: operation and innovation. Each context represents a distinct way of realising an aim through technology, resulting in three types (specifications) of technological understanding. To further clarify the nature of technological understanding, we propose an assessment framework based on counterfactual reasoning. Each type of understanding is associated with the ability to answer a specific set of what-if questions, addressing changes in an artefact's structure, performance, or appropriateness. Explicitly distinguishing these different types helps to focus efforts to improve technological understanding, clarifies the epistemic requirements for different forms of engagement with technology, and promotes a pluralistic perspective on expertise.

Subjects: History and Philosophy of Physics , Quantum Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 12:23:25 UTC

#24 New beyond-Voigt line-shape profile recommended for the HITRAN database [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: P. Wcisło, N. Stolarczyk, M. Słowiński, H. Jóźwiak, D. Lisak, R. Ciuryło, A. Cygan, F. Schreier, C. D. Boone, A. Castrillo, L. Gianfrani, Y. Tan, S-M. Hu, E. Adkins, J. T. Hodges, H. Tran, H. N. Ngo, J. -M. Hartmann, S. Beguier, A. Campargue, R. J. Hargreaves, L. S. Rothman, I. E. Gordon

Parameters associated with the collisional perturbation of spectral lines are essential for modeling the absorption of electromagnetic radiation in gas media. The HITRAN molecular spectroscopic database provides these parameters, although originally they were associated only with the Voigt profile parameterization. However, in the HITRAN2016 and HITRAN2020 editions, Voigt, speed-dependent Voigt and Hartmann-Tran (HT) profiles have been incorporated, thanks to the new relational structure of the database. The HT profile was introduced in HITRAN in 2016 as a recommended profile for the most accurate spectral interpretations and modeling. It was parameterized with a four-temperature-range temperature dependence. Since then, however, some features of the HT profile have been revealed that are problematic from a practical perspective. These are: the singular behavior of the temperature dependencies of the velocity-changing parameters when the shift parameter crosses zero and the difficulty in evaluating the former for mixtures. In this article, we summarize efforts to eliminate the above-mentioned problems that led us to recommend using the quadratic speed-dependent hard-collision (qSDHC) profile with double-power-law (DPL) temperature dependencies. We refer to this profile as a modified Hartmann-Tran (mHT) profile. The computational cost of evaluating it is the same as for the HT profile. We give a detailed description of the mHT profile (also including line mixing) and discuss the representation of its parameters, together with their DPL temperature parametrization adopted in the HITRAN database. We discuss an efficient algorithm for evaluating this profile and provide corresponding computer codes in several programming languages: Fortran, Python, MATLAB, Wolfram Mathematica, and LabVIEW. We also discuss the associated update of the HITRAN Application Programming Interface (HAPI).

Subjects: Atomic Physics , Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics , Chemical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 12:14:47 UTC

#25 Illuminating Protein Dynamics: A Review of Computational Methods for Studying Photoactive Proteins [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sylwia Czach, Jakub Rydzewski, Wiesław Nowak

Photoactive proteins absorb light and undergo structural changes that enable them to perform essential biological functions. These proteins are critical for understanding light-induced biological processes, making them important in biophysics, biotechnology, and medicine. One effective approach to uncovering photoactive processes is through computational methods. These techniques provide atomic-level insights into the structural, electronic, and dynamic changes that occur upon light absorption. By employing these methods, we can gain a better understanding of processes that are challenging to capture experimentally, such as chromophore isomerization and protein conformational changes. Here, we provide a brief overview of the different families of photoactive proteins and the computational methods used to study them, including bioinformatics, molecular dynamics, and enhanced sampling. Our review can serve as an introduction to computational methods for studying light-activated molecular processes, specifically targeting researchers beginning their journey in this field.

Subjects: Chemical Physics , Biological Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 12:08:22 UTC