2025-01-13 | | Total: 14
We present "Custodial Naturalness" as a new mechanism to explain the separation between the electroweak (EW) scale and the scale of potential ultraviolet completions of the Standard Model (SM). We assume classical scale invariance as well as an extension of the SM scalar sector custodial symmetry to $\mathrm{SO}(6)$. This requires a single new complex scalar field charged under a new $\mathrm{U}(1)_\mathrm{X}$ gauge symmetry which partially overlaps with $B-L$. Classical scale invariance and the high-scale scalar sector $\mathrm{SO}(6)$ custodial symmetry are radiatively broken by quantum effects that generate a new intermediate scale by dimensional transmutation. The little hierarchy problem is solved because the Higgs boson arises as an elementary (i.e. non-composite) pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson (pNGB) of the spontaneously broken $\mathrm{SO}(6)$ custodial symmetry. The minimal setting has the same number of parameters as the SM and predicts new physics in the form of a heavy $Z'$ with fixed couplings to the SM and a mass of $m_{Z'}\approx4-100\,\mathrm{TeV}$, as well as a light but close-to invisible dilaton with a mass $m_{h_\Phi}\approx75\,\mathrm{GeV}$.
The Mu2e experiment, under construction at Fermilab, will search for the neutrino-less coherent $\mu^-N\rightarrow e^-N$ conversion in the field of a $^{27}$Al nucleus. Such a process violates lepton flavor conservation. About $60\%$ of muons stopped by an $^{27}$Al nucleus will undergo nuclear capture, while about $40\%$ will decay in orbit. To quantify the conversion probability, we define $R_{\mu e}$, which is given by the ratio between the $\mu^-\rightarrow e^-$ conversion rate and the nuclear capture rate [1]: \begin{equation} R_{\mu e}= \frac{\Gamma\left(\mu^- + N\left(Z,A\right)\rightarrow e^- + N\left(Z,A\right)\right)}{\Gamma\left(\mu^- + N\left(Z,A\right)\rightarrow \nu^-_\mu + N\left(Z-1,A\right)\right)}\,. \end{equation} The upper limit on $R_{\mu e}$ is $7\cdot 10^{-13}$ at $90\%$ CL, set by the SINDRUM II experiment~\cite{SINDRUM II:limit}. The goal of the Mu2e experiment is to reach a sensitivity on $R_{\mu e}$ of $8\cdot 10^{-17}$ at $90\%$ CL. This represents a four-order of magnitude improvement over the current experimental limit. Mu2e will take its first data in 2027. The signature for the muon conversion is a monochromatic electron of $104.97$~\si{\mega\eV}/c, an energy slightly below the muon rest mass. While the main experiment goal is to reconstruct the conversion electron, i.e., an event with a single track, there are motivations to develop an efficient tracking algorithm for reconstructing more simultaneous tracks. This could better constrain the background generated by $p\bar{p}$-annihilation in the Al target and to search for other Beyond the Standard Model processes. In this paper, we present an algorithm designed to reconstruct multi-particle events.
The current projected sensitivity on the electromagnetic coupling $\alpha_\textit{em}(m_Z^2)$ represents a bottleneck for the precision electroweak program at FCC-ee. We propose a novel methodology to extract this coupling directly from $Z$-pole data. By comparing the differential distribution of electrons, muons and positrons in the forward region, the approach achieves a projected statistical sensitivity below the $10^{-5}$ level, representing a significant improvement over other methods. We assess the impact of leading parametric uncertainties including that of the top quark mass.
We develop a pipeline to streamline neural architecture codesign for physics applications to reduce the need for ML expertise when designing models for novel tasks. Our method employs neural architecture search and network compression in a two-stage approach to discover hardware efficient models. This approach consists of a global search stage that explores a wide range of architectures while considering hardware constraints, followed by a local search stage that fine-tunes and compresses the most promising candidates. We exceed performance on various tasks and show further speedup through model compression techniques such as quantization-aware-training and neural network pruning. We synthesize the optimal models to high level synthesis code for FPGA deployment with the hls4ml library. Additionally, our hierarchical search space provides greater flexibility in optimization, which can easily extend to other tasks and domains. We demonstrate this with two case studies: Bragg peak finding in materials science and jet classification in high energy physics, achieving models with improved accuracy, smaller latencies, or reduced resource utilization relative to the baseline models.
Optimizing charged-particle track reconstruction algorithms is crucial for efficient event reconstruction in Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments due to their significant computational demands. Existing track reconstruction algorithms have been adapted to run on massively parallel coprocessors, such as graphics processing units (GPUs), to reduce processing time. Nevertheless, challenges remain in fully harnessing the computational capacity of coprocessors in a scalable and non-disruptive manner. This paper proposes an inference-as-a-service approach for particle tracking in high energy physics experiments. To evaluate the efficacy of this approach, two distinct tracking algorithms are tested: Patatrack, a rule-based algorithm, and Exa.TrkX, a machine learning-based algorithm. The as-a-service implementations show enhanced GPU utilization and can process requests from multiple CPU cores concurrently without increasing per-request latency. The impact of data transfer is minimal and insignificant compared to running on local coprocessors. This approach greatly improves the computational efficiency of charged particle tracking, providing a solution to the computing challenges anticipated in the High-Luminosity LHC era.
We show the first use of generative transformers for generating calorimeter showers as point clouds in a high-granularity calorimeter. Using the tokenizer and generative part of the OmniJet-${\alpha}$ model, we represent the hits in the detector as sequences of integers. This model allows variable-length sequences, which means that it supports realistic shower development and does not need to be conditioned on the number of hits. Since the tokenization represents the showers as point clouds, the model learns the geometry of the showers without being restricted to any particular voxel grid.
Correlations between input parameters play a crucial role in many scientific classification tasks, since these are often related to fundamental laws of nature. For example, in high energy physics, one of the common deep learning use-cases is the classification of signal and background processes in particle collisions. In many such cases, the fundamental principles of the correlations between observables are often better understood than the actual distributions of the observables themselves. In this work, we present a new adversarial attack algorithm called Random Distribution Shuffle Attack (RDSA), emphasizing the correlations between observables in the network rather than individual feature characteristics. Correct application of the proposed novel attack can result in a significant improvement in classification performance - particularly in the context of data augmentation - when using the generated adversaries within adversarial training. Given that correlations between input features are also crucial in many other disciplines. We demonstrate the RDSA effectiveness on six classification tasks, including two particle collision challenges (using CERN Open Data), hand-written digit recognition (MNIST784), human activity recognition (HAR), weather forecasting (Rain in Australia), and ICU patient mortality (MIMIC-IV), demonstrating a general use case beyond fundamental physics for this new type of adversarial attack algorithms.
The search for resonant mass bumps in invariant-mass distributions remains a cornerstone strategy for uncovering Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Traditional methods often rely on predefined functional forms and exhaustive computational and human resources, limiting the scope of tested final states and selections. This work presents BumpNet, a machine learning-based approach leveraging advanced neural network architectures to generalize and enhance the Data-Directed Paradigm (DDP) for resonance searches. Trained on a diverse dataset of smoothly-falling analytical functions and realistic simulated data, BumpNet efficiently predicts statistical significance distributions across varying histogram configurations, including those derived from LHC-like conditions. The network's performance is validated against idealized likelihood ratio-based tests, showing minimal bias and strong sensitivity in detecting mass bumps across a range of scenarios. Additionally, BumpNet's application to realistic BSM scenarios highlights its capability to identify subtle signals while managing the look-elsewhere effect. These results underscore BumpNet's potential to expand the reach of resonance searches, paving the way for more comprehensive explorations of LHC data in future analyses.
The thesis describes the experimental setup designed to study the decay spectrum of 106Cd, a candidate for positive double-$\beta$ decay and the Monte Carlo simulation used to estimate the background expected in 1 year of measurements.
Current methods commonly used for uncertainty quantification (UQ) in deep learning (DL) models utilize Bayesian methods which are computationally expensive and time-consuming. In this paper, we provide a detailed study of UQ based on evidential deep learning (EDL) for deep neural network models designed to identify jets in high energy proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider and explore its utility in anomaly detection. EDL is a DL approach that treats learning as an evidence acquisition process designed to provide confidence (or epistemic uncertainty) about test data. Using publicly available datasets for jet classification benchmarking, we explore hyperparameter optimizations for EDL applied to the challenge of UQ for jet identification. We also investigate how the uncertainty is distributed for each jet class, how this method can be implemented for the detection of anomalies, how the uncertainty compares with Bayesian ensemble methods, and how the uncertainty maps onto latent spaces for the models. Our studies uncover some pitfalls of EDL applied to anomaly detection and a more effective way to quantify uncertainty from EDL as compared with the foundational EDL setup. These studies illustrate a methodological approach to interpreting EDL in jet classification models, providing new insights on how EDL quantifies uncertainty and detects out-of-distribution data which may lead to improved EDL methods for DL models applied to classification tasks.
Collective effects are reviewed for collisions of various systems - from proton-proton to heavy ion - in wide energy range. In proton-proton interactions studies of hadron jets devote to the better understanding of some basic features of strong interaction and search for the physics beyond of Standard Model. First results have been obtained for massive gauge bosons and antitop-top pair production in proton-nuclear and heavy ion collisions at multi-TeV energies. The collectivity has been observed for various particle and beam species, in particular, in collision of small systems. Experimental results obtained for discrete symmetries of strong interaction at finite temperature confirm indirectly the topologically non-trivial structure of the vacuum. The recent measurements of femtoscopic correlations provide, in particular, the indirect estimations for parameters of hyperon-nucleon potentials which are essential for study of inner structure of compact astrophysical objects. Novel mechanism for multiparticle production due to collectivity can be expected in very high energy nuclear collisions and it may be helpful for better understanding of the nature of the muon puzzle in ultra-high energy cosmic ray measurements. Thus studies of collective effects in strong interaction processes provide new important results for relativistic astrophysics, cosmology and cosmic ray physics, i.e. have interdisciplinary significance.
The first simultaneous measurement of single and pair production of top quarks in association with a Z boson ($t$Zq, $t$WZ and $t\bar{t}$Z) is presented, including both inclusive and differential cross sections. A multiclass neural network is used to separate the signal and the backgrounds. Compared to previous studies, the simultaneous measurement is less dependent on the signal modeling assumptions and improves the sensitivity to new physics scenarios, as it enables to constrain possible deviations from the standard model across different processes.
Recent searches for dark matter (DM) produced in association with top quarks from the ATLAS and CMS experiments using data collected between 2015 and 2018 are presented. These comprise searches from both experiments for DM in association with a single top quark; an improved ATLAS search for DM in single lepton $t\bar{t}$ final states; an ATLAS search stop squarks decaying to a top quark, a charm quark and neutralinos, and a CMS search for DM produced in association with a pair of top quarks or a single top. These analyses feature novel machine learning and advanced background estimation techniques. No statistically significant excess is observed in any of these searches.
The first direct detection of neutrinos at the LHC not only marks the beginning of a novel collider neutrino program at CERN but also motivates considering additional neutrino detectors to fully exploit the associated physics potential. We investigate the feasibility and physics potential of neutrino experiments located at the surface-level. A topographic desk study was performed to identify all points at which the LHC's neutrino beams exit the earth. The closest location lies about 9 km east of the CMS interaction point, at the bottom of Lake Geneva. Several detectors to be placed at this location are considered, including a water Cherenkov detector and an emulsion detector. The detector concepts are introduced, and projections for their contribution to the LHC forward neutrino program and searches for dark sector particles are presented. However, the dilution of the neutrino flux over distance reduces the neutrino yield significantly, limiting the physics potential of surface-level detectors compared to ones closer to the interaction point, including the proposed FPF.